Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 549: richest man

Liu Yi came here this time mainly because he had just received the news and was excited. He wanted to see how Zheng Shan, who had just become the richest man in the United States, behaved.

But from now on, Zheng Shan is still the same Zheng Shan, and there is no change from before, which makes Liu Yi not know what to say.

But deep down, there is still some joy, Zheng Shan has not changed, it is still the same Zheng Shan.

Liu Yi sat next to Zheng Shan, looked at Zheng Shan who was teasing his son, and sighed again, "You are really leisurely, do you know that the above has held several meetings because of your incident. "

Zheng Shan said casually, "Why are you having a meeting? Study me?"

"No, I don\'t know the specifics, but it\'s definitely not a bad thing for you. Now that you have such a name, at least you may be considered involved in many things." Liu Yi revealed some news. .

In fact, it is very simple to think about. After all, everything is still being explored. Now that the richest man in the United States suddenly appears in the family, there will definitely be many changes, and some people\'s thoughts will also change because of this.

For example, conservative people may really choose to let go a little because of Zheng Shan.

These are all possible. After 30 or 40 years, the influence of the richest man is not very big.

But now is the 1980s, a time when the country has just decided to reform and open up.

At this time, a richest man appeared in the family, and he was also the richest man in the United States. According to the understanding of most people, he was the richest man in the world.

With such a person around, he will definitely ask about some things. If possible, he will also invite Zheng Shan to join in, share risks, and learn a better management model. The impact is huge.

These are normal, and Zheng Shan can understand.

"Let\'s talk about it when the time comes. In fact, I\'m just an ordinary person. At most, I have more luck than others." Zheng Shan said.

As if Liu Yi didn\'t hear these words, this modesty already felt a bit harsh.

Just ordinary people?

What a joke, if the news of Zheng Shan is spread now, it will definitely cause a shock to the whole country.

Is this what an ordinary person can do?


Liu Yi didn\'t stay in Zheng Shan\'s house for too long, and left soon, and not long after he left, the fifth one called.

Zheng Shan answered the phone and said hello twice, but there was no movement on the phone. He thought it was because the signal was not good.

Just as he was about to hang up, the fifth son\'s voice came over, "Is it true?"

Zheng Shan raised his eyebrows, "What\'s real or fake? Are you in trouble?"

"Zheng Lao San, don\'t give me sloppy eyes, I\'ll just ask you if it\'s true or false?" The old fifth\'s tone was a little excited.

Zheng Shan actually guessed what was going on. There was already a lot of commotion in the United States. Even if the fifth child was in the school and didn\'t care about these things, he probably knew it for so long.

But Zheng Shan was still pretending to be deaf and dumb, "What\'s real or fake? What are you crazy about?"

"The story of the richest man, is it true or false!" The fifth child knew that Zheng Shan did it on purpose, so his voice was a little exasperated.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "What do you think?"

"Fake?" Fifth asked.

Zheng Shan pretended to be annoyed and said, "Zheng Laowu, am I so unbearable in your eyes?"

"Really? My brother is really the richest man in America? Ah!" As he spoke, the fifth child screamed.

When she first knew about it, the fifth one thought it was the same name and surname. Of course, she also knew that her elder brother was rich, but not ordinary.

But if you have money, you will have money, and she didn\'t expect her brother to be the richest man in the United States!

The fifth one knows even less than Liu Yi, and now suddenly heard that a man named Zheng Shan was called the richest man in America, how could she suddenly believe that it was her own brother?

But when Ginger said that this is your brother, the fifth one reacted a little, but he still couldn\'t believe it.

It took a few days to call Zheng Shan. The same goes for Yan Lele. They couldn\'t believe it. Zheng Shan, who is usually lazy, is really the richest man in America!

Now hearing Zheng Shan\'s personal confirmation, the four girls screamed like crazy.

At this time in the American villa, Song Bei and Song Bei listened to the screams in the house, looked at each other, smiled slightly, and felt a little excited in their hearts.

But they already knew more. After all, Zheng Shan had already ranked in the top five in the past two years, let alone now.

As for the fifth one, they are not sleeping yet, and the two of them don\'t care too much. They will rest tomorrow and don\'t need to get up early.

Coupled with such great good news, let the fifth and the others go crazy for a night, I believe the boss will not blame them.

The fifth is really excited and can\'t sleep. Her brother is the richest man in the United States. Many people say that he is also the richest man in the world. He is the richest person in the world.

At this time, the fifth is also proud of it, proud, all kinds of emotions are brewing in his heart, and he wants to express it.

Zheng Shan listened to the screams of the four girls, and waited for them to stop for a while before saying: "Okay, these are false names, no matter what, you have to study hard for me, if you get good grades, then you want to Bring up anything."

"That\'s what you said." The fifth man said immediately.

"Don\'t worry, your brother, when have I ever deceived you." Zheng Shan said.

After chatting with the fifth man for a long time, he hung up the phone, at this time the sky had begun to gradually darken.

Although this news made many people unable to sleep, the home is still the same as before, without any change.

Early the next morning, three people stood at the door of Zheng Shan\'s house. Looking at the door, the three looked at each other and took a deep breath to relieve the tension in their hearts.

They also learned that the richest man in the United States is actually a native of their country, and he lives in the capital!

This kind of news made them unable to recover for a long time, even if they had reached the door ~www.novelhall.com~ at this time, there was still no way to relieve them, and they all felt like they were dreaming.

And after waiting in, after seeing the host who was going to interview this time, he couldn\'t recover for a long time.

You tell me that the man in front of me drinking soy milk, eating fried dough sticks, and dressed casually is the richest man?

"Have you eaten? If not, together?" Zheng Shan said with a smile.

Hao Lei, as the director and the appointed person in charge of this interview, reluctantly recovered her spirits, "Thank you, Mr. Zheng, we have already eaten."

"You\'re welcome, there is a lot of food at home." Zheng Shan said.

Hao Lei thought for a while, and sat down without being polite. No matter what, this is the richest man, and having a meal with the richest man is an honor and a rare opportunity.

"It\'s the same as at home, you\'re welcome." Zheng Shan said.

That being said, Hao Lei and the others only ate a little bit, which seemed very restrained.