Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 548: America's richest man!

Zheng Shan basically didn\'t go out much this year, but only occasionally went to the United States to see the fifth and the others, and gave some guidance to the Xishui Group\'s business.

Now the Xishui Group has become more and more huge, and Forbes has already made a rich list. In the past few years, Zheng Shan was so high-profile, so naturally he was included in the list.

And because most of the shares of Xishui Group are concentrated in the hands of Zheng Shan alone, coupled with the rapid development of Xishui Group in the past two years, the business and industry have begun to expand in other directions.

It can be said that it is already a large multinational group, and it is also a multi-industry common development, with a relatively complete industrial chain.

Coupled with Xishui Bank, the industries that Xishui Investment has invested in, especially the industries that Xishui Investment has invested in these years, have begun to emerge.

For example, Microsoft began to grow rapidly with the release of Windows 1.0 last year.

In addition, Bob\'s side is not inferior at all, and he has already gained a lot of fame in the United States.

Because these people received the financial support of Xishui Investment, they also publicized this, so that they quickly became famous and attracted attention.

Therefore, although Zheng Shan has been very low-key and low-key in recent years, he is still ranked as the richest man in the United States by Forbes.

Although Zheng Shan is a Chinese national, because he grew up in the United States, and no one in the United States knows about it, or even if he does, he doesn\'t care. After all, the United States recognizes dual nationality.

Xishui Group also believes that it is an American company, so it is not surprising that Zheng Shan is listed as the richest man in the United States.

Xishui Supermarket is still a popular star stock in the capital market. It is supported by a huge physical industry, has thousands of stores around the world, has 100,000 employees around the world, and its profitability is second to none.

Who wouldn\'t like this stock?

And most of the shares of Xishui Supermarket are still in Zheng Shan\'s hands. As a result, Zheng Shan\'s worth is naturally rising.

Last year, for some unknown reason, Zheng Shan was not listed as the richest man in the United States, but ranked third.

But this year, Zheng Shan is the richest man in the United States. Although it is not long since the Forbes rich list came out, a lot of information is incomplete, and even Zheng Shan’s assets are not understood, it is just a rough idea.

But since the release of the Forbes Rich List, it has been instantly popular among Europeans and Americans.


This year\'s rich list may be due to the influence of Zheng Shan. If you want to calculate some of Zheng Shan\'s wealth, in addition to some obvious information, there is also a very important part that you need to ask individuals.

Some are asking some rich friends, and some need to ask Zheng Shan personally.

But Zheng Shan has always avoided this question. Forbes has given him many invitations, but every time Zheng Shan finds a reason to refuse.

So this time the rich list was released in November, and Zheng Shan still reached the top, which made Zheng Shan a little surprised.

During the time when the rich list was released, many people called to congratulate, some American friends of Zheng Shan, business partners, etc., and even Liu Yi came over.

"I always knew you were rich, but I didn\'t know you were so rich!" This was Liu Yi\'s sigh.

When Liu Yi heard the news, he was really stunned for a long time.

Of course he knows that Zheng Shan is rich, and he knows that he is very rich. The industry in the United States is also very large, and there are many in China now.

But Liu Yi really did not expect that Zheng Shan is already the richest man in the United States, in fact, he can be said to be the richest man in the world.

Looking at the man in front of him who was tugging at the hair by the child, but still had to greet him with a smile, and looking at his white clothes that were already washed, Liu Yi always felt a sense of disobedience.

Is this the richest man in the world?

Who is the richest man in the world?

Although the food he eats every day is also very good, it is similar to his Liu Yi.

Sometimes the clothes he wears are not as good as Liu Yi\'s.

But such a person is the richest man in the world! Truly the richest man in the world!

Looking at Liu Yi who was stunned, Zheng Shan first carefully took his son\'s little hand from his hair, then lightly slapped his little **** twice, and let him climb on the carpet.

The little guy has now started to learn to walk, but he still likes to crawl.

"It\'s all tricked by those people in the West, there\'s nothing to care about." Zheng Shan said with a smile.

It would be a lie to say that he was not excited. At the beginning, he was also a little excited. After all, he is the richest man in the world.

But maybe he was already mentally prepared, so Zheng Shan felt a little boring after only a day or two of excitement.

In addition, during this period of time, people have been calling, and he is embarrassed to not answer some calls.

This is still after the invitations of journalists who want to make trouble in the West have been screened out, otherwise Zheng Shan would not want to stop like this now.

Seeing Zheng Shan\'s calm appearance, Liu Yi was a little speechless. This is the gap. The richest man is still so calm, and he can\'t be excited just hearing it.

"By the way, in addition to congratulating you, I came here this time because someone asked me to interview you." Liu Yi said.

There are many people who know the news now, and it is also because of Zheng Shan\'s relationship that everyone cares so much. Otherwise, not many people would care about this. After all, they are too far away from everyone, and they are not familiar with it. Why care about this?

But some people know that Zheng Shan has always lived in the capital, which means that he is by his side, and there is the world\'s richest man next to him. Of course, he still needs to be concerned about it.

Of course, this news is mainly among some specific groups of people, that is, many business people do not know about it, let alone ordinary people.

Hearing this, Zheng Shan shook his head and said, "Forget it, I don\'t want to accept any interviews. I still want to live a good life. After this interview, how can I live my birthday?"

It is conceivable that ~www.novelhall.com~ once the news that Zheng Shan is the richest man in the world is leaked out, then he will never think about life in peace in the future.

This is not what Zheng Shan wants to see, and it is now. Although everyone is concerned about current affairs, it is more about the country\'s news, and there are not many channels to obtain information from the outside world. As long as there is no intentional publicity, it is basically Few people will know the news.

Liu Yi said: "Don\'t be in a hurry to refuse. This is also a request above. Of course, everything depends on your own wishes, and it may not be released. It should also be a documentary."

When someone asked him for help, Liu Yi knew that Zheng Shan would not agree to be interviewed, but the requirements over there were also very loose. It\'s not too late to send out.

When Zheng Shan heard Liu Yi say this, he can think about it, as long as he doesn\'t disturb his life now, and when the Internet era comes, he will not be able to hide it even if he wants to.

At that time, it doesn\'t matter. Now it\'s really okay to do an interview or a documentary.