Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 547: food delivery

There are a total of six people under Yan Qingqing\'s subordinates, all of whom are recruited from outside. Now Yan Qingqing has not brought his own graduate students, so Yan Qingqing can\'t arbitrarily assign people to go over as if he brought graduate students in some jobs.

If you wait for Yan Qingqing to bring her own graduate students, then a lot of things can be ordered.

However, it is estimated that the past two years have not been very good. Yan Qingqing\'s level still needs the test of time. In addition, there are also quotas on the school side.

People like Peng Chunxia also know that Yan Qingqing\'s husband is Zheng Shan, but they haven\'t seen it before. After all, if you only need to inquire a little, you can inquire about the same from the Peking University teacher.

When they came here, they also did some investigation, and they didn\'t come here just because they were smeared.

Zheng Shan is also a celebrity on the Peking University side. As Zheng Shan left Peking University, some things that Zheng Shan deliberately concealed in the past have gradually become known to everyone.

So just a little inquiries will be completely clear.

Seeing how they devoured it, Zheng Shan said with a smile, "Eat slowly, don\'t choke, I\'ll bring you some next time if you like it."

"Mr. Zheng, you are really kind to us. I like you so much." Peng Chunxia kept talking but didn\'t delay her in saying good things.

Zheng Shan joked: "Don\'t let your teacher Yan hear it, or you will be careful to wear small shoes for you."

"Hehe." Peng Chunxia smirked and said nothing.

Yan Qingqing was also busy at this time, and came over with a man and a woman, "What can\'t I hear, you have only been here for a while, why are you keeping a secret from me?"

The six people Yan Qingqing recruited happened to be three men and three women.

"It\'s nothing, everyone made a joke, you\'re done?" Zheng Shan said with a smile.

"It\'s almost there, I\'ll just clean up again." Yan Qingqing said.

Peng Chunxia didn\'t speak at this time, and buried her head in eating.

"Eat slowly and leave some for us." Later, a man and a woman couldn\'t hold back when they saw how many people were eating so happily. They didn\'t even wash their hands and came directly to eat.

Zheng Shan chatted with them every sentence, Yan Qingqing went to clean up first, and then got ready to get off work.

"Mr. Zheng, if you had come earlier, we won\'t have enough to eat every day." Peng Chunxia is obviously a talkative person.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "What? Can your teacher Yan give you a meal?"

"That\'s not true, it\'s just that there are too many things to do now, and many times there is no time to eat at all. Although chocolate is delicious, it\'s boring to eat too much, especially if you eat too much and want to sleep, you can\'t sleep, but you\'re too sleepy. ." Peng Chunxia complained.

In the beginning, Peng Chunxia and the others really liked to eat chocolate and other snacks, but if they ate too much, it was like that.

Maybe it was because Peng Chunxia opened up the conversation, and the other people also said a few words, just like I said before, they were just recruited.

One is for Yan Qingqing\'s research projects and funding, and the other is to come over to get some qualifications. Of course, their level is very good.

Yan Qingqing\'s research project has a lot of funding, and some people actually considered Zheng Shan\'s relationship, and the money given is definitely enough for this project research, and there is even a surplus.

That\'s why it attracted people like Peng Chunxia.

Because these people are not Yan Qingqing\'s graduate students, basically if there is something unhappy about, they will say it directly, and if it\'s a big deal, they will change to another laboratory.

Of course, they are not complaining when they say this. It is like this now. They also supply chocolates and other snacks here. They can eat whatever they want, which is already very good.

It\'s just that people like them who are devoted to research basically have something to say, plus they don\'t have too many scruples, so they say it naturally.

Zheng Shan also understood, so he didn\'t get angry. Instead, he said, "How about I have people bring you food every day? I\'m sure it\'s better than the cafeteria."

Zheng Shan said this, but it made Peng Chunxia and the others a little embarrassed. "Mr. Zheng, Peng Chunxia just said so, don\'t worry about it. In fact, our treatment is much better than others, and we are very satisfied."

Peng Chunxia also said quickly: "Yes, Mr. Zheng, it\'s really unnecessary. I\'m just a broken mouth, so don\'t take it to heart."

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "That\'s not good. You are helping my daughter-in-law. I also want you to help my daughter-in-law more and give her more time to rest, but I can\'t wait for you."

Just as he was talking, Yan Qingqing came over, "What are you talking about, so happy?"

"Let\'s chat casually, are you ready?" Zheng Shan got up and said.

Yan Qingqing said: "Well, let\'s go back first." After speaking, she said to Peng Chunxia and the others, "Chunxia, ​​you can watch some experiments later, record the results, and compare the data."

Peng Chunxia said quickly: "Okay, I know Teacher Yan."

"Then I\'ll trouble you, I\'ll go back first." Then he took Zheng Shan\'s arm and went home.

Seeing the two go back, Peng Chunxia said enviously, "Mr. Yan is so happy, she has a successful career, she has a husband who loves her so much, and a cute baby, ah, when will I be able to find someone. "

After speaking, he sighed, "I don\'t want to be as handsome and good as Teacher Zheng, as long as there is one object."

Wang Bo smiled and said: "You just need to say a few words less, but I have heard that someone pursued you, but was nagged away by you."

"Fuck, that guy doesn\'t understand anything. Talking about those **** poems with me is all about mutual criticism and nothing." Peng Chunxia said disdainfully.

Hearing her say this, several people laughed, and Peng Chunxia played an active role among them.


On the way back~www.novelhall.com~ Zheng Shan said: "I heard them say that you don\'t have time to eat a lot of the time, why don\'t I let Mingfeng Tower deliver it to you at a fixed time every day?"

Zheng Shan really doesn\'t know about these things, and Yan Qingqing doesn\'t say anything. Every time he says it\'s good, he eats, he\'s not hungry, and so on.

So Zheng Shan did this not entirely for Peng Chunxia\'s few people, but more for his own wife.

Yan Qingqing shook her head and said, "It\'s not necessary, everyone comes here like this, and it\'s only a few times, not often."

"That doesn\'t work either. You can\'t starve my daughter-in-law, and it\'s not like you don\'t know your husband\'s financial resources. It\'s a drizzle to spend a little bit." Zheng Shan said with a smile.

Yan Qingqing didn\'t refuse again after hearing the words, her husband\'s heart was full of love, and there was no need to refuse, "Then I will thank my dear husband!"

"Hey, just go back in the evening and thank me." Zheng Shan laughed.