Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 546: laboratory

Zheng Shan and Li Yuan found a table to sit down, but Father Wei asked him to sit at the main table, but Zheng Shan refused.

There are a lot of people here now, and there are 180 people in total, not only relatives and friends of the Wei family, but also some of Wei Chengjun\'s business partners and people in the circle.

This is because Wei Chengjun wants to keep a low profile so much, otherwise there will be more.

After Wei Chengjun finished respecting the tables of relatives and elders, he directly brought Lin Xia to Zheng Shan\'s table.

"Brother Shan, sister-in-law, brother Yuan, sister-in-law, Mr. Cheng..." Wei Chengjun and Lin Xia greeted each other one by one.

After saying hello, Wei Chengjun prepared to toast one by one, but was stopped by Zheng Shan, "Okay, there is no need to be so polite with us, just toast together, you still have so many people to toast today."

"That won\'t work, anyway, I want to finish your wine one by one." Wei Chengjun shook his head.

"Listen to me, if you want to drink, there is a chance."

At Zheng Shan\'s insistence, Wei Chengjun only offered a toast, "Let\'s have a good drink in the evening."

"You\'d better stay with your daughter-in-law at night, I\'ll talk about it next time." Li Yuan said with a smile.


Zheng Shan basically didn\'t delay after eating and drinking, and left immediately. Wei Chengjun was really too busy, and they couldn\'t help much here, and they had to trouble the people from the Wei family to come and take care of them, so they left first. , don\'t bother them anymore.

Zheng Shan sent Yan Qingqing to school, "I\'ll pick you up again at night."

"Aren\'t you busy?" Yan Qingqing asked.

Zheng Shandao: "I was busy for a while a few days ago, but now I am not busy, so don\'t be too tired."

During this period of time, Yan Qingqing has been busy with the project, and it seems that there is a little bit of achievement.

This made Yan Qingqing basically unable to spare time. Otherwise, thinking about the children at home, it is estimated that Yan Qingqing would be able to sleep in the laboratory.

"Well, I\'ve only been in the past few days. These students are not used to it yet. After I let them all get used to it slowly, I can relax." Yan Qingqing said.

"People are doing scientific research to keep their subordinates busy, and I only give some direction guidance. You are better. You have to do everything yourself." Zheng Shan said with some distress.

Yan Qingqing has lost a lot of weight recently.

Looking at her husband\'s distressed appearance, Yan Qingqing\'s heart was sweet, "I\'m not just starting, I\'ll be fine after a while, okay, I won\'t tell you, I\'m going to work."


Zheng Shan returned home, and before he had time to wash up, he heard Niu Niu crying, he walked in in a hurry, and found that the little guy was lying in the cradle and woke up, but he didn\'t see anyone, so he shouted, it was pure Howling dryly, not a single tear shed.

Seeing that his father was getting old, the little guy stopped howling and grinned.

Seeing his son like this, Zheng Shan was also overjoyed and picked up the little guy, but he quickly put it on the carpet.

Now the little guy can crawl by himself, not to mention, he crawls quite fast.

"When did you come back?" Fu Meiyi walked over quickly. She and Zhong Huixiu were picking up the vegetable garden in the back just now, and she hurried over when she heard the cry of the child.

Zheng Shan said: "Just came back."

"Your mother and I are cleaning the vegetable garden in the back." Fu Meiyi explained.

Zheng Shan smiled and said, "It\'s alright, it\'s alright for the child to cry more. Practice your voice. You see how loud the little voice is. Mom, do you think this kid has the talent to be a singer in the future?"

Zheng Shan was just joking casually, but Fu Meiyi seemed to take it seriously, and said quickly, "Just be a fun and play, don\'t cultivate in this area."

This is Zheng Shan\'s eldest son, and in the future, he is someone who will succeed Zheng Shan in such a big business, so he can\'t be a singer.

"I just asked, yes, Mom, make more delicious food at night, and I\'ll take it to Qingqing." Zheng Shandao.

"She\'s not coming back again? This girl, her work is not over yet, and she doesn\'t even care about her family. I\'ll talk about her next time." Fu Meiyi complained.

Zheng Shan also listened to this, but Fu Meiyi didn\'t dare to reprimand Yan Qingqing. Seeing that the relationship was almost repaired, if it annoyed Yan Qingqing, it would be worth the loss.

"No, the food I brought to her students is just to give them more nutrition, and then help Qingqing do more work." Zheng Shan said.

Fu Meiyi hurriedly said, "Okay, then I\'ll go out and buy some food, otherwise the food at home will not be enough."

Saying that, she crouched down, kissed the little guy who had already crawled to her feet, and then hurried out.

In the afternoon, Zheng Shan stayed at home to play with his son. The little guy was still very coaxing. Except for the lack of leisure time, the rest basically didn\'t cry much.

As long as Niu Niu wakes up, he must be restless, especially after learning to crawl, he can\'t stop for a moment.

That is, with the help of their parents, otherwise Zheng Shan and Yan Qingqing would suffer.

Looking at the little guy\'s babbling, Zheng Shan\'s heart is also full of relief. In fact, if it is true, Zheng Shan is really not a person who likes children.

In other words, he likes well-behaved children, and it feels very annoying to cry, but in the face of his son, Zheng Shan feels that his patience has become very sufficient.


After the meal was cooked here in the evening, Zheng Shan took the food box with him and went directly to Yan Qingqing\'s laboratory.

The place where Yan Qingqing conducts research is in the school. Zheng Shan is very familiar with the school, and occasionally encounters one or two familiar teachers.

"Who are you looking for?" After Zheng Shan walked in, he was stopped by a girl with thick glasses.

Zheng Shan said with a smile, "I\'m looking for Yan Qingqing."

"Looking for Teacher Yan, do you have anything to do with her?" The girl then asked ~www.novelhall.com~ Zheng Shan raised the food box in his hand and said, "I am Teacher Yan\'s lover, come here to give me something to eat."

"Aoao, please come in, please come in." The girl said hurriedly.

The girl\'s name is Zhou Ruolin, and her name is quite artistic, but she is indeed a complete nerd, or has the temperament of a real scientific researcher.

"You\'re here, I\'m about to be busy, wait for me for a while." Yan Qingqing said casually when she saw Zheng Shan coming over.

Zheng Shandao: "Don\'t worry, by the way, these foods are for you, let\'s see if you want to drink it or not. If you like it, I\'ll bring some over next time." He said to Zhou Ruolin and the others.

Zhou Ruolin and others were a little surprised when they heard it, but they were not too polite. When Zheng Shan opened the food box and took out the dishes inside, a few people started to drool.

Zhong Huixiu\'s craftsmanship is not very good, but Fu Meiyi\'s craftsmanship is really good. In addition, these people basically rarely eat home-made dishes, and they all work together in the cafeteria, so they all feel very suitable. .