Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 541: backing

At three o\'clock in the afternoon, Zheng Shan went back with the $500,000 proposed. Zheng Shan also asked Hao Wu before whether he wanted cash or a check. Hao Wu said he wanted cash.

No matter what they do now, especially what Hao Wu and the others do, it is still convenient to use cash.

When he got home, he saw Hao Wu and the fourth child chatting hotly, and the elder brother Zheng Weijun also interrupted from time to time.

"What are you talking about, so happy?" Zheng Shan asked curiously.

Putting the box aside, Zheng Shan took a sip from the teacup. He hadn\'t drank much water all afternoon and had been dealing with things.

Zheng Kui was a little excited, "I didn\'t expect Lao Maozi\'s side to be so exciting, I thought about it after hearing it."

Zheng Weijun sighed a little, "I heard what Xiao Wu said, and then I realized that there is a wonderful place there. Everything can be sold for money, and many good things can be exchanged for a few tons of canned food, really... a loser. "

Zheng Weijun has been working in the factory for so many years. Hearing Hao Wu say a few things, especially when some machines related to his previous work are worth how much, he couldn\'t help but have this idea in his mind.


Really a loser!

Zheng Shan said angrily when he heard the words: "You guys calm down a little bit, you haven\'t got things done at home yet, so you want to go outside?"

"Especially you, the fourth child, now that the child is about to be born, don\'t think about all these things all day long."

Hao Wu also quickly persuaded: "Yeah, I just said the benefits, there are more dangers there."

He, Zheng Weijun, Zheng Kui and the others were all talking about some good things, and he didn\'t want to talk about those dangerous things. Instead, he would let the Zheng family worry about him at that time, which was totally unnecessary.

Zheng Kui touched his head, hehe smiled and said, "That\'s all I said."

Whether it is true or not, only he himself knows.

Zheng Shan didn\'t care about the fourth, and gestured to Hao Wu, "There\'s half a million dollars in it, you can keep it. I\'ll play in the capital recently, relax, and I\'ll introduce you to someone before I leave. I\'ll go there with you then."

Hao Wu nodded and asked curiously, "Brother, who are you? Do you need me to do anything?"

"Just do what I told you before. This time I\'m a subordinate who went with you this time. When you get there, if you have anything, just go to him directly." Zheng Shandao .

Before Hao Wu could speak, the fourth child hurriedly asked, "Brother, are you going to develop at Lao Maozi?"

"It\'s not me, it\'s a company below, the Xishui Bank. You all heard Xiao Wu say that there is a shortage of US dollars over there, but I don\'t lack this stuff. This is also a good opportunity." Zheng Shan Just said it briefly.

But Hao Wu was shocked again and again, he is no longer the **** who didn\'t know anything before.

What did Zheng Shan just say?


Or a subsidiary company?

At this moment, Hao Wu had a new concept of what Zheng Shan gave him. Although he didn\'t know the specifics, it should be very important, so he became more and more concerned.

In the evening, the four of them drank a lot together. At the wine table, perhaps because they drank too much, Hao Wu finally said some difficulties there.

The hardest thing there is not doing business, but the need to guard against being scammed, especially acquaintances.

The few people who went with Hao Wu were fine at first, but when Hao Wu was about to leave, he chose to separate. They also had their own ideas. With their acquaintances here, it was better than following Hao Wu without anyone. Second, people who have no money are better off.

In addition, although Hao Wu is related, he has a relative like Zheng Shan, but after all, he is too far away. In addition, he asked him to find Liao Hai, but Hao Wu did not.

Liao Hai took the initiative to come to the door, and Hao Wu just warmly greeted him, and the rest was not mentioned.

So just parted ways.

When Hao Wu went alone, he saw the Chinese people over there, and at first he felt very kind and willing to trust each other.

But after a few losses, he knew that most of the people who needed to be guarded were these fellow villagers.

In fact, it\'s easy to think about. No matter what, Hao Wu\'s first thought is always to be vigilant.

But for fellow villagers, especially when thinking of fellow villagers in such a foreign country, intimacy comes up naturally, and it is easy to be pitted.

Both Zhou Lin and Peng Bing were actually rescued by Hao Wu once, and Hao Wu\'s character was here, so they followed Hao Wu.

Otherwise, Zhou Lin, a college student, and a student of Good News Moscow University, would have followed Hao Wu.

Zheng Shan just patted Hao Wu on the shoulder and didn\'t say much, because he also knew that he couldn\'t persuade him at all, and he couldn\'t persuade him.

Hao Wu has now identified Lao Maozi\'s side and will not turn back easily.


When Hao Wu returned to his place with the big suitcase, neither Zhou Lin nor Peng Bing slept.

"You hide this money, this is the capital for us to make a fortune." Hao Wu said with a big tongue, he really drank too much today.

Peng Bing opened it casually, and immediately found the green dollar bills inside, and was dumbfounded for a while.

"Boss, just bring it here, you are not afraid of being robbed." Peng Bing said speechlessly.

Zhou Lin was also shocked at first, and then covered his forehead, very helpless.

"Haha, you think I\'m stupid, where is this, this is the capital, the emperor\'s feet, not to mention this is my brother\'s place, who would dare to rob me? Even if he robs, he can\'t take it away." Hao Wu proudly said.

"Brother Wu, what the **** is your relative doing? Half a million dollars, you just took it out and didn\'t say a word." Zhou Lin asked curiously.

When this sentence was asked, Hao Wu didn\'t know how to answer, and he was not very clear.

"Brother Shan is a very powerful person, and his business is doing a lot~www.novelhall.com~ After holding back for a long time, Hao Wu only said this sentence.

"Do you think you did those transactions?" Zhou Lin asked nervously.

Hao Wu glared at him suddenly, "What do you think? How could Brother Shan be such a person? Let me tell you, this time Brother Shan\'s people will follow us. Do you know what they do?"

"What are you doing?" Zhou Lin answered.

Hao Wu said proudly: "He opened a bank, you know? This is just a subsidiary company of Brother Shan."

"Really?" Zhou Lin was also shocked. Bank? It was something he couldn\'t even imagine.

"That\'s still fake. At that time, we will have a real backer there. Hehe, I\'m worried that others will cheat on me, but Brother Shan won\'t, but don\'t make trouble for me, can you not bother Shan Brother, let\'s not bother, understand?" At the end, Hao Wu urged.

"Don\'t worry, boss, we are not the ones to cause trouble." Peng Bing said excitedly, and his heart suddenly increased a lot of confidence at this time.