Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 540: Excited

Zheng Shan didn\'t think about doing things in it. Now he doesn\'t dare to get involved even if he has some money, it\'s just courting death.

So Manager Lin is completely worried, but his worry is completely understandable now.

Zheng Shan thought that he also needed Manager Lin to know the inside story, and he couldn\'t do things in a confused way. Even if Manager Lin agreed to go, he might be uneasy, but he might not be able to do things well.

Zheng Shan is very optimistic about this manager Lin, who has outstanding work ability and good relationship management.

Manager Lin not only manages the stream bank in Beijing, but also needs to maintain a certain relationship with the national team.

After all, on some matters, Xishui Bank also needs to be consistent with the national team. These are all things that need to be communicated by Manager Lin.

In Zheng Shan\'s view, such a person is the most suitable.

Zheng Shan walked out of the desk, made it to the sofa, and made a cup of tea for Manager Lin himself, which made Manager Lin feel a little panic. Is it because he can\'t do it if he doesn\'t agree?

Zheng Shan knew what he was thinking when he saw him like this, and said with a smile, "Don\'t think about those who have or not. We are a regular company, not those messy leather bag companies."

When Zheng Shan said this, Manager Lin smiled embarrassingly. He really thought too much.

Zheng Shan said, "I hope you can keep what I\'ve said to you now, and don\'t leak it out."

Manager Lin was excited, is this going to tell him a secret?

Although this may be a little dangerous, there is no doubt that if you know some secrets, you may also become the boss\' confidant.

"The Xishui Group will gradually focus on the domestic market in the future, such as manufacturing, which will be completely domestic-centric in the future."

"Although Xishui Group does not have many manufacturing companies now, and there are not many companies in this area, in the future, manufacturing within Xishui Group will become another pillar."

"Like Xishui Supermarket, we can produce many things ourselves and increase the self-operated rate. This is also the future development direction of Xishui Supermarket."

To increase the self-employment rate is to increase the profit of the product, which is also to enhance its own core competitiveness.

Like some daily necessities, Zheng Shan plans to achieve at least 30% self-employment rate in the future, which is already very high.

Some other products also have similar plans, but the time is not ripe and needs to be planned slowly.

"In addition, Xishui Group will also expand in other areas in the future, such as those companies invested by Xishui Bank, it is possible that Xishui Group will intervene in the future, and these all require technology, capital, scientific research talents, and we do not have funds. What is lacking is technology and talent, as well as some ready-made equipment."

"These are lacking in our country, and many of them cannot be shipped from abroad. Even if they are shipped in through some special channels, it is a drop in the bucket."

"But there is no shortage of these things, especially some industrial bases. There are many of them. Now that there is some chaos there, we need to bring these things over, which will save us most of our time."

Zheng Shan described some of his plans for the future in detail. These are not necessarily to be informed to Manager Lin, but after the notification, Manager Lin has a bottom line on what he needs to do and what he needs to do.

In this way, in the future, when he does things, he can also be aware of it.

It can be said that Zheng Shan described a magnificent business map to him. Manager Lin was in a surging mood, and he knew that he had completely gone wrong just now.

In fact, think about it, Xishui Group is a multinational group, there is no need to do those things, just make money with peace of mind.

And once he thought that he would become a part of the grand business map of the big boss, and be able to contribute to it, Manager Lin couldn\'t help being a little excited.

This is not only the excitement of being able to participate in such a thing, but more importantly, it is related to his personal future.

It is conceivable that once he can complete his task according to Zheng Shan\'s plan, his future will be bright!

It is even possible to surpass Fei Cha, the current general manager of the domestic stream bank!

"Boss, I agree." After listening to this, Manager Lin didn\'t think much about it, and responded directly.

At this time, Zheng Shan lost his smile, and asked with a serious face: "Have you really thought about it? I can tell you clearly that the current Lao Maozi is very chaotic, and in the next few years, the It will become more and more chaotic, even to the point of getting out of control, don\'t think that I am scaring you, I don\'t mean it, but such a thing has a high probability of happening."

"In that case, your life may be in danger at any time. This is not a simple sentence that can be all right."

Manager Lin said with the same seriousness: "Boss, I really thought about it. As the old saying goes, seek wealth and wealth at risk! I still understand this point. The more dangerous it is, the greater the gain!"

Zheng Shan laughed when he saw this, and he still had a certain amount of decisiveness.

"Okay, then prepare here and leave in a few days. The initial capital will give you 10 million U.S. dollars. You do not need any reports in the initial stage. You can use this 10 million U.S. dollars as you like, even on some special things. In the end, you only need to report it verbally." Zheng Shan also gave great rights.

Ten million dollars!

This is a huge number, and now it is completely handed over to Manager Lin, which makes Manager Lin so excited that he doesn\'t know what to say.

"Thank you boss, I promise to live up to your expectations, boss." Manager Lin stood up abruptly.

The rights given by Zheng Shan must not be too small~www.novelhall.com~ Even as long as he has the will, he can greedy several million casually. After all, there is no way to investigate what Zheng Shan asked him to do.

He said how much is how much. If the money is not enough, I believe that Zheng Shan will continue to give it.

Even if some of the money is lost, Zheng Shan will not check it carefully, and he will not be able to find it out. This can be said to be extremely trustworthy.

Of course, Manager Lin is not so short-sighted. He knows how important it is to Zheng Shan at this time. Once it is done, let alone millions, it is tens of millions, and it will not be a problem at that time.

Even if you can get the Xishui Bank, no, even the shares of some other group subsidiaries, it will be more than that much money.

"Well, you go down and prepare first. When you are about to leave, I will inform you. By the way, you can bring some more people and choose someone you trust to go there." Zheng Shandao.

Manager Lin nodded solemnly here, and then left, Zheng Shan continued to deal with things. He needed to make some initial plans in the past few days, so that Manager Lin could be there in a targeted manner.