Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 542: convoy

For the next plan, Zheng Shan also needs to spend a lot of time to perfect it, but at the beginning, someone must be there to inspect and prepare for the preliminary work.

And there\'s no better option than Stream Bank.

The first is that money exchanges are more convenient, which is the most critical and the most direct method.

The second is to be able to quickly make friends with some senior figures of the old Maozi, which is convenient for the implementation of future plans.

As for whether the Xishui Bank can gain a firm foothold on Lao Maozi\'s side, Zheng Shan is not worried about this. If it\'s a big deal, he will first get an underground bank or something. Anyway, according to the current situation there, it is estimated that no one will care. .


Three days later, Zheng Shan had almost prepared everything, and Manager Lin was also almost ready.

This day, Manager Lin came to Zheng Shan\'s study for the first time. Looking at the simple furnishings in the study, Manager Lin was still a little excited.

Although his position is not high, he is only a manager of a region. If he is placed in other places, it is estimated that it will be difficult to even see Zheng Shan.

But he is working in the capital, and if he is not careful about many things, he may have some connections with Zheng Shan.

After all, the business circle is too small now, it\'s just that big, and Zheng Shan\'s involvement is relatively wide, which is also a normal thing.

So Manager Lin also knows some things that other people don\'t know, such as Zheng Shan\'s study, which is not accessible to everyone.

Zheng Shan looked at Manager Lin\'s expression and smiled bitterly in his heart.

He naturally knows about these rumors, but this is really not his intention. He just doesn\'t want people to disturb his work, especially since there are some secrets in his study. This is because Zheng Shan is afraid of forgetting some things. , I wrote it down myself.

Of course, these were all recorded in a speculative tone. Even if he was seen, he would at most be considered a real business genius, but Zheng Shan didn\'t want people to see him.

Didn\'t expect these things to happen like this.

"Let\'s do it, how are your preparations?" Zheng Shan asked.

Manager Lin took a deep breath and said, "Boss, I\'m ready and can leave at any time."

"Well, have you told everyone in the family?" Zheng Shan said.

Manager Lin is also from Xiangjiang. There is no way. There are too few talents in this field in the mainland.

"I have told them all, and they all support me." Manager Lin said.

"This time in the past, there are dangers. You need to be aware of this. If there is a last resort, it is completely acceptable to break the bank and avoid disaster." Zheng Shan warned.

After all, Zheng Shan doesn\'t know what\'s going on there, and he\'s only heard about it. Now that Manager Lin is going to play the front line, he naturally needs to give the greatest support from his side.

Manager Lin said seriously: "I will do my best to complete the task you gave me."

Zheng Shan waved his hand and said, "You still don\'t understand what I mean. What I mean is that life is the most important thing. Even if some things cannot be done now, there may not be opportunities in the next few years."

Zheng Shan was really afraid that Manager Lin would die if something happened to him. It was totally unnecessary.

Manager Lin didn\'t know what to say for a while. He should come down. Does this show that he is too selfish?

Shouldn\'t come down, I don\'t seem to want to lose my life for work.

Zheng Shan smiled and said: "Okay, you can write it down. You must be careful when you get there. If it really doesn\'t work, you can come back directly."

Zheng Shan gave him the last way to retreat, but Manager Lin also understood that if he really did nothing and retreated, it would probably be like this for the rest of his life.

It must be dangerous to go to Lao Maozi this time, but danger and opportunity coexist. As long as he does well, his future will be bright in the future!

Zheng Shan finally handed Manager Lin a piece of information, "These are the units that you need to pay attention to this time, as well as some related scientific researchers."

"It\'s the same sentence, if you can convince them to come to the country now, no matter what the price is, you can agree."

"If you don\'t want to come to China, you can also agree to go to Europe and the United States, but it\'s better to bring it directly back to China."

This time, Zheng Shan is a lot ahead of the others, and there are many top scientific research experts on Lao Maozi\'s side. Zheng Shan must seize the opportunity.

Manager Lin took the things seriously, and at the same time expressed his determination to complete the task.

After instructing him, Zheng Shan took him to the living room, and at this time Hao Wu and the other three also arrived.

For three days, it was enough for them to rest, and they didn\'t hang out much. They just slept in the rented house and rarely came out.

"This is Hao Wu, Zhou Lin, Peng Bing, and this is Lin Sheng. Let\'s get to know each other. When you arrive there in the future, take care of each other. You can ask each other for help with anything," Zheng Shan said.

Hao Wu quickly stretched out his hand and said, "Hello Manager Lin, you can just call me Xiao Wu."

"Mr. Hao is very polite, I still need you to take care of me this time." Lin Sheng was also very polite.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "It\'s enough to get acquainted now, and have a good drink at the wine table in the evening to deepen the relationship."

After speaking, he said to Hao Wu, "When you get there, help Manager Lin more in the early stage, especially with regard to some customs and customs, and let me help you collect some information, which can be directly handed over to Manager Lin at that time."

"Okay." Hao Wu responded directly.

The fourth brother next to him kept watching, as if he had something to say, but he was hesitant.

Seeing this, Zheng Shan said angrily: "Dakui, if you have anything to say, just say it directly. Who do you show this look to?"

"Hey, brother, I just wanted to ask Brother Wu to help me see if I can get some big trucks here." The fourth brother laughed.

Zheng Shandao: "What do you want those for? How much do you need~www.novelhall.com~ I\'ll find them for you."

"No, brother, I want more, preferably a few hundred." The fourth said.

Zheng Shan was curious, "Why do you want so much? Besides, do you have so much money?"

"Brother Wu didn\'t say that the things over there are very cheap. I just want to get more and form a transport team. Now I heard that the transport team can make money." The fourth said.

Zheng Shan was speechless, "Are you short of money?"

The business of the auto repair shop should be very good. Not much else to say, a few hundred thousand a year is no problem, let alone now, even in 40 years, a few hundred thousand a year is enough for the fourth family. Live well.

"Brother, I really want to do something this time, not just fooling around." Zheng Kui was a little anxious when he saw Zheng Shan like this.

Zheng Shandao: "When didn\'t you say that, okay, just do your auto repair shop honestly, and you can make a lot of money with this stuff."