Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 539: businessman

After Zheng Shan got up in the morning, he went directly to the secretary department and instructed Brother Xia Lai to let Manager Lin of the Stream Bank come over.

Manager Lin came to the secretarial department with some trepidation. This was not the first time he had come here. In fact, he would come around here when he had something to do, just to get acquainted with the people like Brother Xia Lai.

Some materials that were originally only sent by the people below, as long as there is time, Manager Lin will come and deliver them in person.

Now I heard that the big boss was looking for him personally, which made Manager Lin feel a little uneasy for a while, not knowing whether it was a good thing or a bad thing.

He also inquired about it from the side, but Da Mi Xia didn\'t say anything at all, which made him very helpless.

"Boss, Manager Lin has arrived." Brother Xia Lai came over to report.

Zheng Shan didn\'t even lift his head, "Bring him in." After speaking, he continued to work.

When Manager Lin came in and saw that Zheng Shan didn\'t speak, he became more and more nervous, but he didn\'t dare to interrupt, so he could only stand like this.

By the time Zheng Shan raised his head, half an hour had passed.

"Sorry, I forgot the time." Zheng Shan was slightly apologetic.

"It\'s okay, it\'s all I should have waited for." Manager Lin didn\'t know how to answer, but he was relieved, and it didn\'t seem like a bad thing.

Zheng Shan didn\'t say much, and said directly: "Go on and take out $500,000 from my personal account, and send it over later."

Manager Lin nodded quickly, but he was also a little puzzled. For such a trivial matter, you only need to make a phone call and give an order. Is it necessary to call yourself over?

But soon he understood the main purpose of the big boss calling him over this time. He saw Zheng Shan pondering for a moment, and suddenly asked, "Do you know anything about Lao Maozi?"

Manager Lin was a little confused for a while, why did he ask about Lao Maozi? But he quickly realized, "I know a little bit about it, and I have also facilitated several cooperations with Lao Maozi, but it\'s just some small business."

Zheng Shan asked Manager Lin to come over after hearing this.

"If you were asked to open a stream bank at Lao Maozi\'s side, would you dare to go there?" Zheng Shan said suddenly.

This is Zheng Shan\'s idea. Let Xishui Bank settle in Lao Maozi now. There must be great risks, but at the same time, it also represents greater interests.

Zheng Shan really didn\'t think about it much before, most of the idea was to wait until the moment of disintegration and spend money to get what he needed.

It\'s just that the news that Hao Wu brought him this time shocked him too much. What kind of person is Hao Wu?

Anyway, in Zheng Shan\'s heart, he was just an ordinary person. Even during this period of time, Lao Maozi said that he was doing well, but he certainly didn\'t reach a great level.

But it is such a person, who casually says what and what can be obtained, which makes Zheng Shan really surprised.

In his last life, Zheng Shan had never personally experienced the disintegration of Lao Maozi, nor did he know what the situation was before, nor did he know much about it.

Just know that at the moment of disintegration, the whole Lao Maozi was in chaos for a long time.

So Zheng Shan always thought that the best time would be after the disintegration, but now that he thinks about it, he is wrong.

That time is indeed the best time, but before that, there is a lot to do, especially to get a lot of things hidden in advance, and the risk is much smaller.

The most important thing is that Zheng Shan can rely on this to make arrangements in advance. For example, if he is optimistic about certain things, such as materials, researchers, and even some large-scale machinery, he can establish a good relationship with these people in advance.

When the situation is so rotten that it can\'t be further added, at that time, Zheng Shan can rely on such a relationship to get it directly instead of starting action at that time.

Manager Lin stopped talking at this time. He was constantly thinking about the meaning of Zheng Shan\'s words in his mind, and at the same time thinking about the pros and cons of this matter.

Is this good or bad, the boss has called his name, will he offend the big boss if he refuses? Will it affect your future?

You must know that Manager Lin is now the general manager of Jingcheng Xishui Bank, and he has made a lot of achievements for so long.

Unexpectedly, in a few years, he can be promoted, or even directly promoted to the headquarters to hold an important position.

But now that Zheng Shan asked him to go to Lao Maozi, is it worth it for him?

Zheng Shan didn\'t urge it either. This is indeed a big event for individuals, so it\'s okay to be cautious.

Zheng Shan continued to lower his head to deal with his own affairs, and he did not ask Manager Lin to go back and think about it clearly, there was not enough time.

Now that it has been decided, Zheng Shan needs to deal with this as quickly as possible, and then send someone over.

Of course, Zheng Shan also took into account one point, that is, the person in charge in the past also needs a certain ability to make decisions, and he can\'t be indecisive about everything. That\'s not a good thing for the old Maozi at this time.

"Boss, can I ask what to do over there?" After a long time, Manager Lin suddenly asked in a deep voice.

Zheng Shan put down the document in his hand and said: "Of course, in the past, the first thing to do is to build a stream bank there. It shouldn\'t be difficult. It can be solved by sending money. After all, there is a shortage of money there."

"Of course, I\'m not very clear about the specifics, so you need to go there and explore for yourself, but I will give you the greatest help here."

"When the branch of Xishui Bank is established there, it is a normal business activity such as issuing some loans on the surface, but secretly, I need to make some relationships with me, especially those who hold real power.

Also, I will give you a list, these are the talents or technologies that the group urgently needs.

If possible, I can let them join the company now and come directly to Huaxia. It\'s really not possible~www.novelhall.com~ You can also go to Europe and the United States. If you want, you can send people or things. "

Zheng Shan didn\'t hide anything, he told him what he needed to do.

And Manager Lin\'s heart was beating wildly at this time. He had already made a big guess, but he didn\'t expect his big boss to actually have such an idea.

What\'s this?


If this is caught, it is estimated that the death will not be executed, right?

This kind of thinking is actually quite normal. After all, no one would have imagined that in just a few years, a behemoth like Lao Maozi would collapse suddenly.

Therefore, it is normal for Manager Lin to be nervous, worried, and afraid. Even if he knows, it is normal to be afraid.

Seeing his appearance, Zheng Shan smiled and said: "It\'s not as dangerous as you think. Many things only need to be prepared, and things can\'t be done. You have to remember that we are businessmen, and doing these things is It\'s just for business."