Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 536: Hao Wu is back

Now Wei Chengjun\'s eyesight is extraordinary, not to mention that this thing itself has passed his hand, so he naturally knows the value.

"Thank you Brother Shan." Lin Xia took over and thanked.

Zheng Shan smiled and said, "When are you going to hold the wedding, have your parents met?"

"Not yet, I\'m going to let the parents of both sides meet in the next two days." Wei Chengjun said.

Zheng Shandao: "Uncle Wei can finally relax now. Every time he chatted with me before, he would ask me to urge you."

When Zheng Shan went to Li Yuan\'s house or Zheng Weijun\'s house, he often met Wei Chengjun\'s father. Every time he met, Wei Chengjun\'s father would ask Zheng Shan to help persuade Wei Chengjun.

Now Father Wei also understands that his son is more obedient to Zheng Shan than to his own father.

Wei Chengjun said with a smile, "What an old man knows, he knows how to remind him every day."

"Okay, Uncle Wei is also for your own good. Where is the wedding going to be held? Do you need my help?" Zheng Shan asked.

"I\'m going to hold it at Mingfeng Tower. I\'ve already agreed with Uncle Xiong that he will cook in person at that time." Wei Chengjun said.

After chatting with Wei Chengjun for a while, after Zhong Huixiu came back, Wei Chengjun talked to Zhong Huixiu.

Zhong Huixiu heard that Lin Xia was a nurse, and she was very handsome, so she was happy for Wei Chengjun.

"Xiaojun, although I have only just met this girl, but I know she is a good girl. You should treat her well in the future," Zhong Huixiu said.

Wei Chengjun said with a smile: "Auntie, you can rest assured, and how dare I bully her, it\'s good if she doesn\'t bully me."

Lin Xia glared at him subconsciously, then immediately thought that this was not home, and immediately lowered her head.

The two stayed at Zheng Shan\'s house until the evening before leaving, and within a few days Wei Chengjun came to inform them that their wedding date would be set in two months.

I wanted to invite Zheng Shan as a witness, but was rejected by Zheng Shan. There are so many elders in the family, and they are not outsiders. Zheng Shan does not have such a big face to be a witness.

Yan Qingqing is now more and more busy at work, especially when new scientific research projects are launched, recruiting personnel, determining research directions, collecting research materials, etc.

These all require Yan Qingqing to personally participate in it. After all, this is the first time to lead a project, and many things need to accumulate experience.

For this reason, Yan Qingqing also resigned from the position of the head teacher, and at the same time, the requirements for courses were reduced.

The school also measured her current job, so she happily agreed.

As for Zheng Shan\'s side, it can be regarded as a leisurely time. Anyway, he handles some company affairs every day, most of which are reports. Zheng Shan can just take a look. There are only a few things that he needs to make decisions or give opinions in person.

Time flashed to May, Wei Chengjun\'s wedding was about to start, and at this time, Zheng Shan saw Hao Wu again.

Since Hao Wu went to Lao Maozi\'s side, he has completely lost contact with Zheng Shan, and Zheng Shan is still thinking about when we can meet again.

But I didn\'t expect that Hao Wu\'s side came back this year, and at first glance, Zheng Shan was a little afraid to recognize each other, Hao Wu\'s changes were too great.

Although Hao Wu was originally tall and strong, but he used to look like a foolish person, and he didn\'t feel threatening.

But what about now?

Looking at the bearded face, rough skin, and a large plush coat in front of him, although the weather is not very hot now, is it really not hot for him to wear it like this?

This time, there were two other young people who came back with Hao Wu, but it was no longer the Northeast boys who got with him in the past.

"Brother Shan." Hao Wu\'s accent also changed completely at this time, and he smelled like a big ballast.

Zheng Shan looked at him like this and said with a smile: "Aren\'t you hot? Wear so much?"

"Hey, I didn\'t feel it before, but it was a little hot when I got to the capital." Hao Wu scratched his head and smiled.

The two young people behind him looked at Hao Wu with dumbfounded looks. Every time they saw the appearance of their own boss, why did they look like a fool?

You must know that Hao Wu has already made a name for himself on Lao Maozi\'s side, and now he is considered a relatively high-profile person.

This time I came back and said that I was looking for his eldest brother to borrow some US dollars to do business. At first, they thought it was crooked, thinking that Hao Wu was going to take a crooked way, but they didn\'t expect it to be the real eldest brother.

But when I saw that Zheng Shan\'s family lived there, and this was the capital, it seemed to be understandable for a while.

"Okay, go wash, I\'ll find some clothes for you, all of which smell good." Zheng Shan said.

Hao Wu hurriedly said, "Brother, let\'s go outside and wash up, no need to bother."

"Fuck off, don\'t talk nonsense, let you wash it, why? Dislike our family?" Zheng Shan stared.

Hao Wu smirked and scratched his head again, not daring to say anything, and went to the bathroom to wash up.

Zheng Shan brought some thin clothes over, and when they finished taking a shower, he threw them directly and said, "Try it first to see if it fits, and if it doesn\'t fit, I\'ll have someone send it over."

"Fit." Hao Wu was wearing Zheng Shan\'s clothes, as if he was wearing tights, and he said the fit, which made Zheng Shan a little funny.

"Okay, take it off, I\'ll have someone bring some clothes over." Zheng Shan said.

After the phone call, Zheng Shan saw that Hao Wu still didn\'t take off his shirt and was dressed awkwardly.

"With your current physique, do you still think the weather is cold?" Zheng Shan said with a smile.

Hao Wu said awkwardly: "No, it\'s not suitable."

"There\'s nothing inappropriate, I\'m the only one at home now, I feel a little awkward wearing it like this." Zheng Shandao.

But Hao Wu still doesn\'t take off, Zheng Shan feels a little strange, is he so shy? Should not be ah.

When Zheng Shan took a closer look~www.novelhall.com~, he found that Hao Wu\'s face seemed to have some scars, like knife scars, but now his face is too rough, and it seemed that he had come back before, and he didn\'t clean it up. , The beard on the other face, Zheng Shan really didn\'t see it.

"Take it off and let me see." Zheng Shan frowned.

Hao Wu looked at Zheng Shan like this, and took off his shirt awkwardly. Zheng Shan looked at it, and his pupils could not help shrinking.

Hao Wu has at least seven or eight scars on his body, and some of them look very scary. This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that Zheng Shan saw the gunshot wound!

"What the **** are you doing over there? Why is there still a gunshot wound?" Zheng Shan said solemnly.

Hao Wu scratched his head and said, "Brother, it\'s actually nothing, it\'s all over, and although it\'s a little dangerous over there, it\'s much better now."

"Where are you coaxing ghosts? Tell me the truth." Zheng Shan said angrily.

Hao Wu Nuo Nuo said nothing, Zheng Shan looked at the two people next to him. After Hao Wu\'s introduction, Zheng Shan also knew that the two were called Zhou Lin and Peng Bing.