Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 537: Crazy fade

Peng Bing looked similar to Hao Wu. He was full of tendons, and he was extremely sturdy just by looking at him.

As for Zhou Lin, he looks more like a scholar, with weak writing, wearing glasses, and a temperament more like a scholar.

When the two saw Zheng Shan looking at them, they all kept silent. Although this was Hao Wu\'s eldest brother, they were following Hao Wu. Hao Wu didn\'t speak, and they didn\'t dare to say anything more.

Seeing this, Zheng Shan didn\'t feel embarrassed for the two of them. He turned to look at Hao Wu again, but he didn\'t ask any more questions, but sighed: "It\'s really the environment that changes people, how long does it take? You seem to have changed. Like a person."

Yes, Hao Wu has changed a lot. Even when he left, Hao Wu was no longer like a country bumpkin like when he first came to the capital. He didn\'t even dare to say much. Except for the Zheng family, other people When he spoke, he dared not speak up.

But it got a lot better after that, especially when it comes to collecting waste, it has changed a lot.

But at that time, Hao Wu also looked simple and honest. Although he wanted to make money, most of the time, he was thinking of earning some hard money with his own strength.

Even if Zheng Shan wanted to give him money to do business, he refused.

Hao Wu lowered his head and didn\'t speak. He also knew that he had changed a lot, but when he got to Lao Maozi\'s side, Hao Wu understood the truth, how difficult it is to be in another place.

I also understand how lucky it is to have relatives to take care of.

When he was in the capital, he took the initiative to not want the benefits given by Zheng Shan, but even so, Zheng Shan helped to resolve the cost of food and clothing, doing business, and even when something went wrong.

Even if Zheng Shan didn\'t come forward, there were a few of Zheng Shan\'s friends, such as Wei Chengjun, who came forward to help solve the problem.

But when it came to Lao Maozi, it was not so good.

Although Zheng Shan asked him to find Liao Hai, Hao Wu knew that this was also taking advantage of Zheng Shan\'s favor. After learning about what Liao Hai was doing, he was even more reluctant to ask Liao Hai for help. The reason why several northeastern friends parted ways.

It is undeniable that Liao Hai is still the same Liao Hai, and he is very loyal, but because of his loyalty, because of his high status, many people are holding him, and some of the things he does now are not so disciplined. Saying it is bullying the market may be complimenting Liao Hai.

Hao Wu didn\'t want to cause trouble for Zheng Shan. If he found Liao Hai and followed Liao Hai, he would probably drag Zheng Shan into the water in the end, which was not what he hoped to see.

So he went out to do business alone, which also made him suffer a lot. Of course, the final result was good. Now Hao Wu also has some fame and made some achievements.

Zheng Shan saw that Hao Wu didn\'t want to speak, his face sank, "Do you still recognize my brother? If you don\'t recognize me, then forget it, just treat it as if I didn\'t ask."

Zheng Shan said that, Hao Wu couldn\'t help but smile and said with a wry smile: "Brother, it\'s really not as serious as you think, it\'s a little messy over there, but it\'s not as messy as you think. ."

"What do you say, I\'m all for self-protection. At first, I wanted to do business well and honestly, but some people didn\'t want to, either you came to bully me, or he came to bully me. , there is no way to do business at all.”

"I finally made some money, but it wasn\'t enough for them to grab it, so I resisted. It\'s better now, at least no one dares to bully me."

Hao Wu just said it briefly, and finally said with a smile: "Brother, I\'m doing a good job now, at least no one dares to mess around with my business, and I can make a lot of money now."

"Why don\'t you come back, how much can you earn there? If you don\'t like the capital, go to Pengcheng, and now Pengcheng also earns a lot.

You also know that your brother Viamin and cousin Via are both there, and there is someone to take care of them. "Zheng Shan advised.

Hao Wu shook his head and said, "Brother, I know you are doing it for my own good, but I have finally opened up the situation over there now, and I really can\'t bear to give up.

And there are really many good things over there, just a few things can be slowed down, brother, do you have anything you want? I\'ll get it for you. "

Zheng Shan said angrily: "I want a lot of things, experimental equipment for nuclear fusion, superconductors, aerodynamic materials, can you get these?"

Zheng Shan said so casually, these things are precious, and Hao Wu probably never even heard of them.

Not to mention knowing what these are all about.

But what Zheng Shan never expected was that Hao Wu actually said: "Brother, I really don\'t know what you said before, but I know what aerodynamics is. I have a friend who seems to be an expert in this field. I heard that it is quite powerful, but now he can\'t even eat, he should be able to have these things."

"I think of other ways, I should be able to find it."

Zheng Shan was really stunned, "What nonsense are you talking about, can you get these things now?"

Zheng Shan didn\'t quite know the situation on Lao Maozi\'s side. Although he knew from some people that Lao Maozi had started to be in chaos, he didn\'t expect it to be so chaotic.

What Zheng Shan was thinking about was that he was going to scavenge when Lao Maozi disintegrated, and also the basic industrial facilities of Lao Maozi. These are all good things for the current country.

Many military and civilian items can greatly fill the current domestic industrial vacancies.

Let\'s put it this way, what Zheng Shan did in China before was actually laying the foundation, or doing small things at will, and he didn\'t care more at all.

What he cares about is that after a few years, Lao Maozi disintegrates, and he wants to move a whole set of industrial base directly from there.

In this way, the first is to improve the domestic industrial system, which is very important, and the second is to further improve his business map.

At that time, his business map will really expand in the country, not as it is now, with a hammer in the east and a stick in the west.

Just like Phoenix Motor Company, Zheng Shan doesn\'t really care how much it sells, how much money it makes, and how much money it loses. It just needs to get the basic framework out.

Waiting for a few more years~www.novelhall.com~ Zheng Shan will complete these things from Lao Maozi. By the way, a group of experts will be brought in to study these things, which will allow the Phoenix Motor Company to develop rapidly. have certain competitiveness.

But Zheng Shan didn\'t expect that now Hao Wu can actually say that he can come up with these things?

Seeing that Hao Wu didn\'t seem to be talking big, Zheng Shan also became interested, "Tell me about it carefully."

Seeing this, Hao Wu quickly said everything he knew.

"Now Lao Maozi is short of everything, including cans, clothes, and even soap. Now the trains to Lao Maozi have basically been robbed, and the price of a ticket has risen dozens of times. earned."

"Many old Maozi have difficulty even living, and some people directly sell the things in the factory. As long as you want and pay the price, there is nothing you can\'t get out of it."

This is of course a big talk, but it also shows that the appearance of Lao Maozi\'s side is not what Zheng Shan imagined, and the madness is gradually revealed.