Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 535: matchmaker

Zheng Shan only praised Xiong Youxi\'s credit before, but Xiong Youxi also made many mistakes and made many wrong decisions for so long in Mingfeng Tower.

It\'s just that Zheng Shan didn\'t say it in front of so many people, and the face that should be given still needs to be given.

Just like the two closed stores, this is not the first time. There have been a few times before, Xiong Youxi felt that the apprentice can be a teacher and can be the head chef of a store, but the effect is not satisfactory.

It\'s not that it can\'t go on, it\'s just that there aren\'t that many repeat customers.

However, Xiong Youxi has shown extraordinary courage in this regard. Every time he encounters such a situation, he will immediately shut down the store, even if it loses money.

This is also a point that Zheng Shan admires him very much.

In addition, the lack of chefs is not only lacking in the vicinity of the capital, such as Pengcheng, Magic Capital and other places also lacking chefs, and it is relatively difficult to find, Xiong Youxi can\'t cultivate it himself, and his taste does not match that there.

These are all things, Xiong Youxi also made a lot of mistakes in this, but he corrected it quickly, and Zheng Shan also needed to give Xiong Youxi face, so he didn\'t mention it.

The meeting lasted for an afternoon, and after that, Zheng Shan had another meal with Xiong Youxi alone.

At this meal, Zheng Shan summed up some of Xiong Youxi\'s mistakes and let him know that those places could not be repeated.

"It\'s the same sentence, food safety is too big. I can pretend that you didn\'t see the money you lost because of the mistakes you made in the past. It\'s just a tuition fee, but once there is a food safety problem, then you have to take responsibility. "Zheng Shan finally reminded.

Xiong Youxi nodded seriously, saying that he would definitely focus on this aspect of management.

He didn\'t just say it in front of Zheng Shan, he transferred Xiong Zhenhua to the purchasing department the next day.

Originally, Xiong Youxi specially let Xiong Zhenhua practice for two more years before entering the purchasing department. The water here is very deep, and it is difficult to manage well. There are too many people to take care of.

Now Zheng Shan keeps reminding him to let Xiong Youxi take this matter as the most important thing, and he also needs to let Xiong Zhenhua understand the importance of this matter.

This is definitely an important part of Xiong Zhenhua\'s succession to Zheng Shan in the future!


Zheng Shan was coaxing Niuniu and Xiao Jingyi at home that day, and now Lin Meihua is busy too. When she is free, she will put Xiao Jingyi in his house and let Zhong Huixiu watch it for help.

Zheng Shan had nothing to do for the past two days, so he helped to watch some, and finally realized that it is not easy to bring children.

Anyway, Zheng Shan is now one of the first two, the big and the small cry at every turn, one cry, and the other will never be idle.

"Jingyi, don\'t run around, okay? It\'s the third uncle begging you." Zheng Shan said with a sigh.

At this time, Xiao Jingyi was dirty all over her body, and she ran around chasing a small earth dog. This little earth dog was picked up by her father on the road. No one wanted it at the time, so she took it home directly.

Xiao Jingyi thought she didn\'t hear it, and continued to play with herself. Even though she fell down several times and cried several times, she was still in high spirits.

Zheng Shan was helpless, he couldn\'t get up and chase the girl while holding Niuniu, so he could only watch.

On the contrary, Niu Niu opened his eyes wide and put his little hands on the innermost side, watching with relish and babbling from time to time.

Just when Zheng Shan was having a headache, he saw Wei Chengjun walk in, but he was not alone, and he brought another.

Zheng Shan looked at the hands the two were holding, and immediately understood that he was looking for someone.

"Brother." Wei Chengjun walked over with a smile.

The girl seemed a little shy, so she just called out a little brother in a low voice, and then she stopped talking.

Zheng Shan nodded, and then stared at the girl, making the girl a little embarrassed.

"Have we met before?" Zheng Shan said.

The girl held Wei Chengjun\'s hand a little tighter, and her impression of Zheng Shan suddenly dropped to the bottom. What kind of big brother is this?

Before he came, Wei Chengjun told her about Zheng Shan\'s situation in detail, saying that he was able to have what he is today because of his elder brother\'s care.

If he wasn\'t in Zhengshan, he would be nothing now.

So at the beginning, the girl came with some respect, but when she came, she stared at herself and said something like a conversation, which made her impression of Zheng Shan suddenly deteriorated.

But the girl didn\'t expect her boyfriend to smile and say, "Brother, you have really seen it before."

The girl was stunned for a moment and looked up at Wei Chengjun and Zheng Shan. She also looked at Zheng Shan just now, and found that she really didn\'t know her, and she didn\'t know how Wei Chengjun said this.

Before she could react, Wei Chengjun said proudly, "Brother, did you forget that when your sister-in-law was giving birth, you were reprimanded by a little nurse for smoking? This is Ms. Lin Xialin."

When Zheng Shan heard the words, he suddenly remembered that he was trained like a grandson at the time, and he didn\'t dare to refute it.

Lin Xia didn\'t think of it. She just reprimanded eight of these smokers every day in the hospital, and she couldn\'t remember Zheng Shan at all.

But hearing Wei Chengjun say this, she also knew that she was wrong, and she really knew Zheng Shan.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "This is also an old acquaintance. My name is Zheng Shan. You can just call me Brother Shan like Xiao Jun."

"Hello, Brother Shan." Lin Xia said a little embarrassedly.

Zheng Shan let the two sit down and asked casually, "Is this about to get married?"

If it wasn\'t for getting married, Wei Chengjun wouldn\'t have brought people to him.

Wei Chengjun nodded and said, "There is indeed such a plan."

"It\'s time for you to get married, too. You\'re not too young. Get married early and stabilize early." Zheng Shan said.

Immediately, he was curious and asked how the two met and how long they had been together.

When he asked this question, Wei Chengjun became a little proud, but not long after Niu Niu was born, Wei Chengjun started chasing girls.

We have been together for almost half a year~www.novelhall.com~ The relationship is very stable, and now I want to get married.

"I felt at the time that the person who dared to reprimand my brother like this is the first one I have ever seen, and it must be different." Wei Chengjun said proudly.

At the beginning, Wei Chengjun was just curious and had contact with the girl, but then he found that Lin Xia had a great appetite for him, and he quickly started pursuing him.

"According to you, I am half a matchmaker." Zheng Shan laughed.

"You sit down first and help me take a look at the child."

Zheng Shan went into the house to find a string of beads, which were actually collected from Wei Chengjun, and they were of good value.

This is also the first time that the younger brother brought his new daughter-in-law to the door, so Zheng Shan also needs to express it.

"Take it, it\'s not a good thing, it\'s a greeting gift." Zheng Shan handed it over.

Lin Xia looked at Wei Chengjun, Wei Chengjun said quickly, "Hurry up and accept it, this is a good thing."