Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 531: satisfy

When Zheng Shan walked in, he saw the old man look over with sharp eyes. After seeing Zheng Shan, he became more and more excited, "Come on."

"Fourth grandpa, it\'s not too late for me to come back, right?" Zheng Shan said with a smile, as if he couldn\'t see any sadness.

For him, the old man was also very satisfied, and said happily, "It\'s not too late, it\'s just right."

Zheng Shan walked over, helped the old man to stand up and said, "Fourth grandfather, come and see if your grandson has prepared the scene for you. Are you satisfied?"

After he said that, he opened the curtains, helped the old man to the window, and motioned him to look down.

The old man looked down with anticipation, and saw that there were dozens of black cars lined up below. Fortunately, there were basically no people in the hospital now, otherwise there would be no way to stop so many cars.

There was a driver in a black suit standing beside each car, standing upright, just looking very imposing.

When the old man saw this, his expression became more and more excited. How many such scenes can there be now?

He is very satisfied!

"Good, good, good!" The old man said three good words in a row!

Zheng Shan said with a smile, "Are you satisfied with these?"

"Satisfied, very satisfied."

"Let\'s go, let\'s go back." The old man couldn\'t wait to leave.

Zheng Shan said quickly: "We don\'t have to worry, let\'s take a look at the body first. The doctor may have a solution."

No matter what, Zheng Shan definitely thought that it would be the best to cure the old man.

But as soon as he finished speaking, he saw the eagerness in the old man\'s eyes, "I can\'t wait, I can feel it, I\'m about to die."

When he said this, Zheng Shan felt that the old man\'s hands were shaking a little, obviously he really noticed the change in his body.

Zheng Shan was silent for a moment, and finally decided to respect the old man.

"I\'ll support you." Zheng Shan said in a low voice.

Immediately, he helped the old man out of the ward, and the old Zheng family stood in a row outside, making the old man even happier.

He had no children or daughters, so many people saw him off when he was able to leave, and the big scene that Zheng Shan prepared for him made the old man speechless with joy.

In fact, this is mainly because Zheng Shan has made the old Zheng family rich. Although it is not said that each family is a household of 10,000 yuan, but now basically there is no shortage of food and clothing.

I also have some spare money in my hand. I don’t need to worry about food and clothing expenses every day. Naturally, I have time and energy to do these things.

When he came outside, Zheng Shan helped the old man to get into the first car, and the others got into other cars.

As the cars started, cars began to drive in the direction of home, attracting the attention of many early risers along the way.

So many cars, basically no one has seen in Shixian.

When the old man was in high spirits, he opened the car window, and even though the cold wind blew on his face, he still didn\'t feel the slightest bit.

Zheng Shan sat on the side and silently accompanied the old man through the last part of the road. As he got closer to home, the old man\'s mental state became worse, and it was obvious that he was running out of fuel.

After getting out of the car, just walked into the house and sat down, not long after, the old man completely closed his eyes.

"Hey." Zheng Shengli looked at this and sighed slightly, but the old man was satisfied, he left happily, and there was no need to be sad.

Immediately, people were arranged to prepare for the funeral, which had been prepared before, and the women\'s cries also sounded at this time, and Zheng Shan and the others were also dressed in filial piety.

In fact, what the old man was most afraid of in his life was that when he left, there was no one to send him to his death.

So before, he didn\'t even dare to think about death, and the older he got, the more afraid of this.

But in the past two years, the old man was no longer so worried, and finally left with a smile.

"Three singing troupes were invited to sing for three days in total," Zheng Shengli said.

Zheng Shandao: "Please invite a few more opera troupes. Since the old man has a good face, there is only so much we can do."

"Well, then I\'ll look for it again." Zheng Shengli said.

That night, the singing troupe of Dagu Village had already started singing, and they were all competing with each other to see who could sing well, and they worked very hard.

No way, the host here said that whoever attracts more people at night will give more money in the end.

Zheng Shan stayed for the old man all night that night, which is considered to have done his filial piety to the younger generation, but after all, he had been in the car all day, and in the early morning, he could not hold it anymore.

When it was three or four o\'clock, I fell to the ground and fell asleep.

When I woke up again, I found that I was already lying on the bed. Just as I was getting ready, I saw Yan Qingqing walking in with a bowl of hot water.

"Are you awake? Hurry up and drink this bowl of **** soup to warm up your body." Yan Qingqing said.

Zheng Shan took it and said, "Wife, it\'s hard for you."

"This is what I should do as my grandson-in-law. By the way, are you all right? Is there any discomfort in your body?" Yan Qingqing asked.

Zheng Shan took a mouthful of **** soup and felt his body come alive all of a sudden, "It\'s okay, your husband and my body are very good."

"That\'s good, let\'s go out to eat, there are still a lot of things to be busy with later." Yan Qingqing said.

Zheng Shan slowed down a bit, went out to have some breakfast, and then went to the old man\'s shabby thatched hut.

This thatched cottage was originally intended to be repaired by Zheng Shengli, but the old man, who has been good-faced all his life, did not agree on this matter.

At that time, the old man said that he had not lived for two years, and he did not need to spend this unjust money.


Zheng Shan has attended all the funerals of the old man, and the funerals are very beautiful. At least in the whole Shi County, I have never heard of a funeral more beautiful than the old man\'s funeral, and even the name has been spread out. .

It can be regarded as a thorough understanding of the old man\'s mind.

A few days passed in a flash, and Zheng Shan was also very tired. He needed to personally participate in many things~www.novelhall.com~ After all, he was the person appointed by the old man.

When the old man was buried that day, Zheng Shan could finally rest for a while, and lay directly on the bed, and then fell asleep instantly without saying a word.

When he woke up again, it was the second day, and he slept for about fifteen hours.

"Where\'s the fourth child?" During breakfast, Zheng Shan asked casually without seeing the fourth child.

"Go back, I went back after I was busy yesterday." Zhong Huixiu said.

Zheng Shan nodded, "I really don\'t worry about his daughter-in-law."

"You and Qingqing also hurry back, especially Qingqing, the child is still at home, and school is about to start, Qingqing also has to go to work." Zhong Huixiu said.

Zheng Shandao: "Well, Qingqing will go back first, and I will stay here for two more days to see if I need help."

Although the big things are over, there may still be some small things. Zheng Shan also sees if there is anything that needs him.