Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 530: face

Zheng Shan and Li Yuan talked a lot and put forward some professional opinions on their development plan.

Now both of them are blindly developing enterprises, and Zheng Shan must correct their mistakes, or else they will definitely suffer big losses in the future.

The two saw some of Zheng Shan\'s industrial distribution and thought that this was correct and that there was no problem.

But they didn\'t think about the difference between them and Zheng Shan. What Zheng Shan did all had their own reasons, and they copied it completely, or they invested in it when they were pleasing to the eye.

Of course, from this aspect, it can also be seen that the two have a lot of money on hand now, otherwise they would not expand so blindly.

"Think about what I said. Of course, it\'s still the same sentence. I will not interfere with any of your decisions, whether you make money or owe a debt, the company will always be yours." Zheng Shan said.

This is different from other companies in Zhengshan. For other companies, no matter how Zhengshan delegates power, all the final rights are in Zhengshan\'s hands.

However, Shanyuan Furniture and Lunguzhai completely let go and only hold shares.

Li Yuan sighed and said, "Hey, we\'re still too aggressive. Now that you\'ve said that, it\'s true."

Wei Chengjun also hurriedly said: "Brother Shan, we will start to rectify when we go back."

Seeing this, Zheng Shan said amusingly: "Okay, don\'t pretend, we are not outsiders, you definitely don\'t think so in your heart, after all, the company is still making money now."

Zheng Shan could see at a glance that the two of them were insincere. After all, the companies they invested in made a lot of money. How could they be completely awakened by Zheng Shan\'s one or two words.

Li Yuan wanted to say something, but Wei Chengjun smirked and said nothing.

"I\'m just giving you a piece of advice, but you really can\'t pour all your assets into these industries, or else there will be problems in the future, which will directly affect your most fundamental industries." Zheng Shandao.

The two of them really listened to this sentence. In fact, they also remembered what they said before, but now the company is making money after all, so they are reluctant to give up all of them for a while.

However, if you want to expand in the future, you will definitely follow the ideas given by Zheng Shan.

"Brother, according to your idea, what should we do in Guzhai? Make antiques?" Wei Chengjun asked hurriedly.

Zheng Shandao: "This is simple, and you have a lot to do, such as working with Dayuan to restore some old furniture, or rebuild some old furniture with good materials.

The other is to make some porcelain for export. For example, domestic porcelain is still very popular in Europe and the United States. "

"There are also imitation antiques. I have to make it clear to you that imitation is imitation, but it must be stated that these things are fake, and at the same time, they must be marked in obvious places. You can\'t fool people with fake ones." Zheng Shan warned road.

Wei Chengjun immediately said: "Brother, don\'t worry about this, absolutely not. In recent years, no one has come to me to imitate fake antiques to deceive people, but they have been rejected by me."

"Well, it\'s good to know this." Zheng Shan nodded.

After chatting a lot with Li Yuan and the others, after Zheng Shan returned home, he received another call before he had a good rest.

But this call is not good news, because there is an old man in the old Zheng family who is dying.

"The old man has kept a good face all his life, he is very poor, like when he was poor in the past, every time he finished eating, he would put some oil on his mouth, and everyone would say that he had eaten meat and fish today, but everyone knows the actual situation. "Zheng Jianguo\'s voice was a little low.

"He had no children and no daughters in his life. When he was young, he found a partner, but it didn\'t take long for him to die like this, and he ran away. So far, he has not looked for him again."

"When he was about to leave, the old man said he wanted you to go back to his funeral. The scene was bigger."

Zheng Shan quietly listened to his father\'s story. Zheng Shan also knew about this grandfather\'s grandfather, and even came to attend his wedding.

Later, Zheng Shan heard that the old man took all his money to make a good suit, in order to raise his face and not to embarrass Zheng Shan.

Although the old man has a good face, he never does anything wrong, which is recognized by everyone.

This morning, his body suddenly went terribly wrong, and he already realized that he might be dying, and told Zheng Shengli that he wanted Zheng Shan to come back.

After all, Zheng Shan is now the most promising person in the old Zheng family.

"Dad, I\'ll book a ticket now and go back immediately." Zheng Shan said.

"Well, you can do it as soon as possible. I don\'t think the old man can last for long. By the way, we are in the county hospital now. You can come directly when the time comes." Zheng Jianguo said.

After hanging up the phone, Zheng Shan was also silent for a moment. He was not very familiar with the old man, but at this moment, Zheng Shan couldn\'t help feeling sad.

Zheng Shan and Yan Qingqing talked for a while, and then said, "I\'ll go back and leave the house to you for the time being."

"Do you need me to go back?" Yan Qingqing said with concern.

Zheng Shan thought about it for a while, then looked at Niuniu next to him, not knowing what to choose.

"Niuniu is fine, let me... Mom take care of it, and the second sister can also help watch." Yan Qingqing whispered.

"Okay, let\'s go back." Zheng Shan thought about it.

Then Zheng Shan called the fourth child over and asked Fu Meiyi and Zheng Lan to live at home to help take care of them.

"Don\'t worry, go back, we are in the family." Fu Meiyi said.

"Yes, then I won\'t go back, you and the old man have a word." Zheng Lan also said.

Zheng Lan knew that what the old man wanted was for Zheng Shan to go back.

Zheng Shan nodded, then went to make a few phone calls, and arranged the air tickets and car for some scenes.

This is the last request of the old man before he leaves, and Zheng Shan will definitely find a way to satisfy it.

The three of them did not delay~www.novelhall.com~ After making arrangements, they set off directly by plane, first to the provincial capital, and then to the county hospital by car. The road was bumpy.

However, the time spent was much faster than taking the train. When Zheng Shan and the others arrived at the county hospital, only ten hours had passed.

At this time, the sky was only slightly bright, and many people hadn\'t gotten up yet.

When Zheng Shan arrived downstairs, the old man in the ward seemed to feel something, and he suddenly became energetic.

But he didn\'t eat either, and said to Zhong Huixiu, the eldest aunt, and the second aunt, who were waiting by the side, "Bring my clothes here."

Seeing him like this, Zhong Huixiu and the others instantly understood that this was a flashback, and sighed in their hearts, but the old man in costume had changed his clothes and his hair was very fresh and clean.

After he was done, he notified Zheng Jianguo that they were all coming, and soon a group of people gathered outside.

When Zheng Shan arrived at the door, he nodded slightly with some people, and then walked in with Yan Qingqing.