Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 532: Welfare Home

Zheng Shan sat in the main room, watching some women busy outside, and at the same time talking about some gossip news nearby.

For example, whose daughter-in-law might steal people, whose family has fewer chickens, scolded the street for a day, guessing who stole it and so on.

Zheng Shan was just spending his time at the beginning, but slowly, Zheng Shan heard some disturbing news.

"Hey, have you heard that Dafu found another newborn child by the river two days ago, and he was out of breath when he saw it."

"I heard, hey, it\'s a sin."

"It\'s better now. It\'s not like it used to be. There were few in those years. It\'s been a little less in the past two years."

"It\'s all sin, but I heard that it was thrown by Lin Zhuang\'s big dog. I don\'t know if it\'s true or not."

"It should be true. When my aunt came over yesterday, I also heard about it. The big dog said it was a difficult birth and the child was not saved, but I guess it was just because it was a girl, so I just threw it away."

"Hey, the whole family is doing evil."

Zheng Shan listened silently, and his mood gradually became heavier. In fact, things like abandoned babies, let alone now, still exist thirty or forty years later, and there are still many.

Now it\'s more.... rampant.

In future generations, at least under normal circumstances, the baby\'s life has a minimum guarantee. Some parents who still have a little conscience left will send the baby to an orphanage or a police station, at least with a guarantee of life.

But at this time, only those babies who are lucky enough to meet good people in a short period of time are likely to survive.

Even if some people see it, even if they can\'t bear it, but thinking about the situation at home, they can\'t raise a child at all, and they can only force themselves to be invisible, not cruel, but really incompetent.


During lunch, Zheng Shan asked his grandfather Zheng Shengli, "Grandpa, I heard that many babies have been abandoned here?"

Zheng Shengli nodded and said: "There are indeed quite a few, every year, a little better in the past two years, but not a lot."

"Did you hear about what happened the other day?"

"Well, it just sounds uncomfortable." Zheng Shan said.

"Hey, what can we do about this kind of thing? If it really counts, it\'s also a family matter. Even if the police know about it, they can only manage it for a while. They can\'t watch them every day, and others won\'t necessarily admit it. ." Zheng Shengli sighed.

When he saw such a thing, although it was uncomfortable in his heart, it was a bit of a read.

After all, he can\'t manage such a thing. What he can manage now is only some things of the old Zheng family.

Moreover, the old Zheng family has never abandoned a baby, which is actually very rare.

Even if there are some who are not very good to girls, at least they have not abandoned them, nor do they have similar thoughts.

Just like Zheng Yan before, no matter what happens at home, she has grown up.

Zheng Shan was silent for a moment and said, "Grandpa, I have an idea. I will donate a welfare home. If someone picks up or discards babies, let them send them to the welfare home, so that at least they can survive."

Zheng Shan actually knew that what he did would only be considered drinking poison to quench his thirst, and would not solve the fundamental problem at all.

Things like this can never be solved by one person or two, but rely on the power of the state to improve the system.

Zheng Shengli paused for a moment. Before he could speak, the old grandma next to him said, "You can be brave, you can manage this matter? I don\'t know how many people will send their children to that orphanage. Do you care?"

It\'s not that the old lady does not feel sorry for these children, but in comparison, she feels more sorry for Zheng Shan, her own grandson.

Zheng Jianguo and Zhong Huixiu did not speak.

"Milk, it\'s different, you know, your grandson and I don\'t lack this money, so I think it\'s doing some kind deeds and accumulating some yin virtue." Zheng Shan advised.

The old lady wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Zheng Shengli, "You old lady, don\'t get involved in such a thing, what do you know?

Dashan is doing good deeds and accumulating yin and virtue for our old Zheng family. "

After being scolded by grandpa like this, grandma stopped talking, but still muttered in her mouth.

Zheng Shengli ignored his wife, looked at Zheng Shan and said solemnly, "You have to know that this is not a trivial matter.

And have you ever thought about it, once you do this, many people don\'t want to throw away their children, and they will choose to throw them away when they see a chance to live. "

After all, the old man is much older, and he sees a lot of things transparently. Such a thing is really possible.

In the past, some people may have silently raised their children because they could not stand the psychological and moral condemnation, but now they have a chance to survive when the children leave, and there is a real possibility that they will choose to abandon the children to the orphanage.

Zheng Shan didn\'t think of this level before, but now, after hearing what Zheng Shengli said, he didn\'t know what to do for a while.

Things like this are not what he is good at.

"Hey, what do you say grandpa?" Zheng Shan sighed.

Zheng Shengli actually didn\'t have a good way. After thinking for a long time, he could only say: "Forget it, if you really want to do something good, just do it according to your idea. If someone really did this on purpose, they would publicize it and make the family shameless."

It can only exert pressure from the moral level, because Zheng Shan\'s actions are also a matter of great merit.

In the end, Zheng Shan decided to cooperate with the county government. For such a thing, the government still needs to come forward.

In addition, there must be a supervision mechanism. There will be someone on the Lao Zheng family\'s side to supervise, and someone from the county government must also come forward.

Not only that~www.novelhall.com~Zheng Shan will also let the secretary department arrange different people to come and inspect every year, to ensure that there will be no problems.

If this is possible, Zheng Shan may choose to build a large-scale welfare home, which is considered a return to the society.

Zheng Shan doesn\'t want the orphanage to become a tool for some people to make money!

On this point, Shi Huian was very cooperative. He organized a meeting of cadres as soon as possible. At the same time, he also let the people below go to the countryside to publicize.

It even implies that some people will say the consequences of doing so are more serious.

And Zheng Shan provides 100,000 yuan as a fund every year, which is a lot now, and this money will be supervised by three parties to ensure that there will be absolutely no problems.

At the same time, once there is a problem, Zheng Shan will definitely deal with it with the strictest plan, and will never tolerate it!

This matter spread throughout Shi County immediately, and the name of Lao Zheng\'s family is getting bigger and bigger.