Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 528: small group

Zheng Shan didn\'t quite understand what the two of them were doing. Now Li Yuan\'s business is on the right track, so Zheng Shan basically doesn\'t care about their business.

In the past, no matter what, Zheng Shan would still take care of it, and when something happened, Zheng Shan would also help.

Even checking accounts every year is an attitude.

But in the past two years, with the establishment of the secretarial department, Zheng Shan really didn\'t care at all, and even the auditing was done by Xia Lai and the others.

Just like the expansion in the past two years, Li Yuan is not just thinking about developing in the furniture factory. Now there are many places where he can make money.

At the beginning, this was proposed by Wei Chengjun. Wei Chengjun used to collect some antiques. Although these things also make money, they are still much worse than those who are really doing business now.

In addition, he is not very short of money and has a way, so he found some people to cooperate.

Some of the stream clubs cooperate with such people, and some people know that they are familiar with the big boss of the club, so there are not many people who want to cooperate with them or do business with them.

In the past two years, their business has also begun to expand, and there is a trend of getting bigger and bigger.

But their hearts are getting more and more bottomless, and they want to ask Zheng Shan to help take a look, and at the same time let Zheng Shan know some things.

After all, they bought shares in the name of Shanyuan Furniture and Lunguzhai, so Zheng Shan is still a major shareholder.

In addition, there is a deeper idea, that is, they are also subordinates to Zheng Shan\'s business now, and they cannot always be on the edge.

In the past, it was easy to say that they were not particularly aware of Zheng Shan\'s situation before, and even if they did, they did not particularly understand the meaning of it.

But it\'s different now. Now they know it, so they also want to occupy some positions in Zheng Shan\'s business. They can\'t just rely on their previous relationship with Zheng Shan.

"We also want to let everyone meet. You also need to know how much property you have, right? And you have to take care of all these things. You can\'t lose money in the end. You don\'t know how to lose money." Li Yuan said with a smile.

Zheng Shan said helplessly: "You can manage these yourself, I trust you."

"Believe is to believe, but business is business. Since I have been in business these years, this is the most profound understanding I have." Li Yuan sighed.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "What? Was someone tricked?"

Seeing Li Yuan like this, he knew that he must have been tricked, but he had never heard of it.

Li Yuan nodded, "We used to have a classmate named Chen Jiefang, do you remember?"

Zheng Shan thought for a long time before he thought, "You\'re talking about the little fat man from the past, right? Their family was in much better condition than yours at the time. They ate so fat that many people were envious."

"Yes, it\'s this guy. He was a simple man back then, but just last year, he took my money and ran away." Li Yuan smiled bitterly.

Zheng Shan asked curiously, "What\'s the matter? Why haven\'t I heard of you."

"Hey, I\'m too embarrassed to tell you about such a shameful thing." Li Yuan said.

Immediately, he briefly explained the situation. In fact, the situation is not complicated, that is, Chen Jiefang said that he has a friend in the north who has a lot of good wood in his hand, and the price is still cheap.

At that time, Li Yuan also thought about hoarding some wood, which is what Zheng Shan told him at the beginning, especially some good wood, and hoarding it would definitely not hurt.

So after so many years, when Li Yuan was free, he would hoard some, such as particularly valuable wood, and seldom sell it.

Even if it is sold as furniture, only a small part is taken out, and most of them are hoarded.

As soon as Chen Jiefang said that, Li Yuan wanted to buy some, but he was busy at that time, so he entrusted Chen Jiefang to help buy some.

After all, he was an old classmate. Li Yuan still had some trust in Chen Jiefang and paid the deposit directly.

Afterwards, Chen Jiefang took the money and disappeared without a trace. He went to his former home to find him, and the neighbors said that he had already moved out.

Li Yuan can only recognize it.

"So, business is business." Finally, Li Yuan said.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "Next time, I\'ll just have a longer memory, but did you bear the loss this time?"

It wasn\'t that Zheng Shan thought of it after reading the report, but Li Yuan\'s character was like that.

Sure enough, Li Yuan admitted: "This is my personal mistake, and of course it is my own responsibility."

"You said before that business is business, so this is a loss for the company, why do you have to bear it alone?" Zheng Shan said with a smile.

This guy Li Yuan is like this. When he makes money, he thinks of him. If he loses money, he silently bears it.

Li Yuan stopped talking, and Zheng Shan said with a smile, "You still don\'t want to understand what\'s going on inside."

Zheng Shan didn\'t say much, and soon went to Mingfeng Building with Li Yuan, where they had already set a table.

Originally thought to go to the club, but for the Chinese New Year, Zheng Shan didn\'t want to run so far, so he just had a meal near his home.

After entering, I found that there were quite a few people inside. Zheng Shan counted a little, and there were eight people in total.

After seeing Li Yuan and the others coming in, these people all stood up and greeted with a smile.

"This is Boss Zheng Shanzheng, the real boss of our company." Li Yuan introduced with a smile.

In fact, everyone else knows that the attitude at this time is called respect.

Li Yuan also introduced the situation of these people to Zheng Shan, including the owner of the printing factory and the owner of the mold factory......

These should be regarded as business partners of Li Yuan and Wei Chengjun, or even their subordinate companies.

Zheng Shan also greeted them with a smile, and as they chatted, Zheng Shan also slowly understood what Li Yuan and the others were thinking.

This is to show Zheng Shan~www.novelhall.com~ to let Zheng Shan know that they have indeed made some achievements over the years, and they have not stayed in place all the time.

The other is to think about taking some weight on his business side, instead of just hovering on the edge like before.

It can be said that it has become a small group, which is inevitable, just like Zheng Shan\'s current industry.

In fact, Bai Yi, Du Yougao and Rachel are a small group. Although there is not much business involvement, on Zheng Shan\'s side, they should be considered a small group.

Even if Bai Yi and Du Yougao avoided each other\'s suspicions, some things should be right, just like if Du Yougao\'s business had a problem and he was in urgent need of capital turnover, talking to Bai Yi would be the easiest way to get the funds.

Of course, this needs to be in an emergency, otherwise it will be easy to implement.

Li Yuan and Wei Chengjun are definitely a small group. They want to continue to expand their business and gain greater support. This support is not based on relationships, but on solid capabilities and development prospects.