Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 529: blind

This time, everyone just met each other to get acquainted with each other. The main reason was that Li Yuan wanted to let Zheng Shan know their current situation. It was no longer the same as before. The industry expanded a lot and made more money.

After eating this meal for about an hour, the interest in seeing Zheng Shan did not seem to be particularly high, and the bosses also left wisely.

In the end, only Zheng Shan and the others were left.

"Brother, you seem a little unhappy?" Wei Chengjun said cautiously.

He also saw that Zheng Shan didn\'t seem to be particularly happy. Logically speaking, they made money for Zheng Shan.

They came to talk to Zheng Shan at this time, and it was not out of a sudden, but after careful consideration.

These are all lucrative industries, and a lot of them.

Zheng Shan is a major shareholder again, and all the money he makes is his, but now they find that Zheng Shan is not as happy as they thought.

Seeing this, Zheng Shan smiled and said, "I\'m happy, you guys helped me make money, of course I\'m happy, who doesn\'t like money?"

"Shanzi, don\'t worry about our face, just say whatever you want." Li Yuan took a breath.

Zheng Shan doesn\'t look happy like this.

Zheng Shan looked at the two of them, and finally raised his glass and drank it first, and then said, "Then I\'ll talk about it."

Li Yuan and Wei Chengjun both sat up straight.

Zheng Shan said: "It\'s a good thing that you want to expand your business, and I also support it, but there is one thing you need to remember, don\'t expand blindly."

"The business is easy to do now, especially in the next few years, the business will get better and better, the big environment is here, as long as you are willing to work hard, have a little luck, and you also have capital, the business will only get better and better. the better."

"But when your business is a hammer in the east and a stick in the west, when the general environment begins to gradually become formal and difficult, these businesses will become a burden to you."

Zheng Shan was so direct because of his relationship with Li Yuan, otherwise he wouldn\'t be too lazy to talk about it.

Look at the businesses that Li Yuan and Wei Chengjun have invested in. What and what? It\'s not a trivial matter of losing money, but all businesses exist independently.

In this way, they can\'t manage effectively at all, and there will be a great waste of the utilization of some resources.

It is said to be a cooperation, but Zheng Shan can also see that these should be regarded as acquired and become the subsidiary companies of Shanyuan Furniture and Lunguzhai.

Li Yuan and Wei Chengjun hesitated after hearing this, but Zheng Shan smiled and knew what they were thinking.

"Do you think I do this all the time? My business is spread across various industries like this, and there are no rules." Zheng Shan said with a smile.

Neither of them said a word, but that\'s what they meant.

In fact, they are learning from Zhengshan. Although they don\'t know much, Zhengshan\'s supermarkets, BB machines, cars, and real estate seem to be the same, and there is no connection at all.

Zheng Shan said seriously: "You may not like to hear what I say, but for your own good, I still have to say something."

"I\'m not like you, I\'m not boasting, but I have a clear concept of all my business.

In addition, my funds also fully support me in doing so. Let’s just say that there are very few companies and enterprises in the world that have more cash flow than me now! "

When Zheng Shan said this, he was extremely confident.

Not to mention how much cash flow Xishui Supermarket has brought him, that is, Xishui\'s investment in the stock market, the funds earned are already astronomical.

Now Zheng Shan has begun to hide some assets, otherwise some news will leak out, it will definitely cause some shocks.

"Even if there are problems with my business, I can solve these problems with my strong funds. Even if I can\'t solve them, I will just get rid of the burden. If you don\'t, losing money won\'t hurt my fundamentals."

What Zheng Shan said is true. He has strong confidence in the industries he invests in or operates in. Even if there is a problem, he can be confident to solve it.

But what about Li Yuan and the others?

It is estimated that they are just acting on instinct. They have no concept of these industries. They are making money now, but in the future, depending on their state, it is estimated that they will lose money.

"The other point, and the most important point, is that you only know the appearance of my business. In fact, you don\'t know a lot of things. For example, when I first started, it was based on the retail group Xishui Supermarket, even now. , just adding other cores."

Zheng Shan talked a lot to them, but Li Yuan and Wei Chengjun were a little unconvinced from the beginning, and slowly became silent.

Seeing this, Zheng Shan sighed.

He really didn\'t expect Li Yuan and Wei Chengjun to act like this because they saw some of their properties.

In fact, it’s not wrong, but according to Zheng Shan’s point of view, unless it is a simple investment company with an extremely professional core team, there is a high possibility of problems in the end.

What they see is only the manifestation, and they cannot understand the real situation inside.

Just like these industries of Zheng Shan, except for some investment directions that he has appointed by himself, which of the others were not determined after the evaluation of many professional teams and the extremely rigorous investigation of the market?

Even in the direction set by Zheng Shan himself, there are all kinds of evaluations and audits, as well as planning, none of which is lacking.

And what about Li Yuan and the others?

Just head in and rush in, regardless of whether they understand these industries, whether they can understand the twists and turns in it.

They don\'t even have a basic team~www.novelhall.com~ They are just rampaging, with some funds in their hands, they are doing random things.

Anyway, from what Zheng Shan sees now, if they continue like this, it is estimated that they will suffer in the future.

"Brother, what do you think we should do?" Wei Chengjun was a little confused. He was happy to ask Zheng Shan for credit. After all, he expanded so many industries and made so much money for Zheng Shan.

But I didn\'t expect that not only did not get praise, but was said to be useless.

Zheng Shan thought for a while and said: "The best and easiest way is to establish a core, such as the mountain garden furniture of Dayuan, it does not mean that the core of the garden furniture, but the wood is the core.

In this way, you need to expand your business in the future, at least you can have a relationship with wood, whether it is management or understanding of the industry, you have a concept of your own. "

"And if there is a problem, there can be a better solution."