Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 527: Spring Festival Gala

"Daughter-in-law, try this?" Zheng Shan and Yan Qingqing squatted on top of a booth, holding a hairpin and smiling.

Yan Qingqing took it and put it on her head, turned her head and asked, "How is it? Does it look good?"

"My daughter-in-law looks good with everything." Zheng Shan praised.


"Boss, how much is this?"


"Okay, take it."

When the two of them saw something they liked on the street, they would buy it.

After a while, Zheng Shan was carrying a lot of things.

It\'s been a long time since the two of them leisurely strolled the streets, but this time, when they went shopping, they felt like they couldn\'t hold back.

"Shanzi!" Zheng Shan was shopping when he heard someone call him.

Turning his head to look, he found that it was Li Yuan\'s family of three, and Xiao Nan Nan was held by the two of them.

Zheng Shan said with a smile, "You guys are also out shopping?"

"Yeah, the Chinese New Year is coming soon, and I just need to see if there is anything I need to buy. You didn\'t go back to your hometown for Chinese New Year this year?" Li Yuan asked.

"No, the child is still young." Zheng Shan said.

The two families chatted for a while, Zheng Shan teased Xiao Nan Nan, and then they separated.

But before leaving, Li Yuan said: "Shanzi, Xiaojun mentioned it to me two days ago, saying that he wanted to get together after the New Year, and he wanted to bring a few people here. I have a similar meaning here."

Zheng Shan was a little puzzled, "Who are you bringing?"

"It\'s like this, you may not know, now my furniture factory is not only a furniture factory, but also some other industries, but these are all in cooperation with people.

These are also your shares, and you have also met the people you work with. At least you have a good idea, right? Xiaojun also means the same. "Li Yuan explained.

Zheng Shan wanted to say something, but in the end he just said, "Okay, you can make an appointment then."

When he returned home in the evening, Zheng Shan watched the fifth and the others bought so many things, each carrying a lot of things in their hands.

"Why do you buy so many things? You are going back after the new year." Zheng Shan said.

"This is the gift we brought to Vivian and the others, and it was agreed before." Fifth said.

Zheng Shan is helpless, girl, do you know that it costs a lot of money for you to bring such things?

The fifth and the others must not know this. After all, have they ever bought a plane ticket? Zheng Shan directly gets it done every time.


For the next two days, the fifth and the others did not go out, but stayed at home to celebrate the New Year in a safe and secure way. From time to time, they would make phone calls with their parents, grandparents, and grandparents. The time passed very quickly.

On the day of 30, the family sat in front of the TV, watching TV, eating New Year\'s Eve dinner, and drinking small wine, very uncomfortable.

Today\'s Spring Festival Gala is very interesting, especially when they saw Xishui Supermarket and Xishui Bank sponsorship, Zheng Kui and the others were a little surprised and excited.

This year\'s Spring Festival Gala is different from the previous ones. This year is the third year of live broadcast of the Spring Festival Gala, and the people\'s attention is very high.

But this year, CCTV\'s funding was somewhat insufficient, so they proposed a sponsorship model. After Zheng Shan knew this, he directly asked Xishui Supermarket and Xishui Bank to follow up.

Not only them, but also the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China.

I got some sponsorship tickets, which is actually equivalent to a lottery ticket. The first prize is a three-piece set of electrical appliances, that is, a color TV, a refrigerator, and a washing machine.

At this time, it is a super prize, and many people can\'t wait. The second prize is also sewing machines, bicycles and the like.

There are also commemorative medals, which are issued with the first and second prizes, and these medals are also worthy of collection.

For this matter, Bai Yi also discussed with Zheng Shan several times, because she felt that she was giving less. According to her idea, such a big TV program should at least give a little more.

Zheng Shan just asked her to follow CCTV\'s arrangement. There is no need to be maverick in these matters.

And CCTV must have their own ideas for this arrangement, so just follow their ideas.

The programs of the Spring Festival Gala are far less than those of later generations, but the level of brilliance is not bad at all. Songs, Peking Opera, and operas are all performed by some famous artists, and the level is called a high level, not the common lip-synching of later generations, just watching on TV Personal.

"Should we go to the scene next year to take a look?" Yan Qingqing suddenly suggested.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "Okay, go if you want, I\'ll just need a few tickets then."

"I\'m going too." The fifth raised his hand immediately.

She didn\'t want to go to the show to watch the Spring Festival Gala, but she made a reservation in advance that she would come back during the Chinese New Year next year.

"Okay, just tell me when you want to go." Zheng Shandao.


On the morning of the first day of the new year, Zheng Shan woke up early this time. If he couldn\'t afford it, he would definitely be woken up, so he might as well get up early.

The red envelopes and so on have already been prepared, and then wait for people to come over and send them one by one.

Xu Lin rushed over to pay New Year\'s greetings at the first time. Originally, Xu Lin\'s parents wanted to come here. After all, the Zheng Shan family has helped their family too much, and her daughter has inherited too many people\'s favors, but because Zheng Jianguo and Zhong Huixiu did not At home, as elders, they take the initiative to come to pay New Year\'s greetings, which may cause people to gossip.

These gossips will definitely say that Zheng Shan is not good, so he didn\'t come.

Zheng Shan asked the fifth and the others to go back with Xu Lin to pay New Year\'s greetings to Xu Lin\'s parents, which was considered a courtesy.

The snow fell a little early this year, and it fell a long time ago, but in the past few days of the Chinese New Year, some snowflakes also appeared sporadically.

On the second day of the new year, Zheng Shan sent the fifth and the others away. Although he was reluctant to part with them, he couldn\'t stay any longer~www.novelhall.com~ Otherwise, the school would be unreasonable.

Looking at the four girls who were reluctant to part, Zheng Shan said helplessly: "Okay, don\'t cry anymore, how long has it been, let\'s see, how can you be so sad? "

These words made Fu Meiyi and Cui Li difficult to answer, and their emotions were broken. Thinking about it, who went to study abroad and came back four or five times in less than half a year.

Thinking of this, I no longer feel sad, and directly let the four girls get on the plane quickly.

Watching the plane go away, Zheng Shan also took people back. Yan Lele left, and Yan Zhengbiao had no reason to stay here. He took people back to the magic capital that day.

However, Fu Meiyi stayed here to help take care of the children and did not go back to live.

Zheng Shan could finally sleep in, but on the sixth day of the new year, Li Yuan came to call someone.

Looking at Li Yuan and Wei Chengjun who were rushing over, Zheng Shan motioned them to sit first, warm up and warm up, and then asked, "What\'s going on?"