Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 524: 1 more

"I know, don\'t worry, didn\'t you send someone to watch us over there." The fifth said.

"Stop talking, brother, we\'re leaving."

Zheng Shan sent the old five or four away and returned home soon. He also needed to make arrangements for the Chinese New Year.

He and Zheng Kui will not go back this year for the New Year, nor will they go back with the fifth child. After all, they will have a few days off, and then there will not be enough time to go back and forth on the road.

At that time, it is enough to spend the New Year directly in Beijing.

And Zheng Jianguo and Zhong Huixiu both want to go back. Zheng Jianguo is looking forward to this time every year.

With so many people at home, there is no one to take care of them, so Zheng Shan needs to prepare more things.

Yan Qingqing is now also separated from the laboratory. She is still preparing for work here, and she can start her own new research topic almost next year.

So now there is still time to help.

Zheng Lan and Wen Jie didn\'t follow him back, and stayed in the capital as well. Wen Jie, a son-in-law, can go every two years, after all, it\'s so far away.

But even if he stayed in the capital, Wen Jie seldom returned to his hometown. Every year he sent some gifts there, so he couldn\'t stay for lunch, so he left immediately.

Now these people are gathered in Zheng Shan\'s house, and today Zheng Jianguo and the others are going back to their hometown.

"Look at the children, don\'t just read your books." Before leaving, Zhong Huixiu still couldn\'t hold back.

Because the child was taken by Zhong Huixiu before, Yan Qingqing had a lot of time to study new topics.

Yan Qingqing was a little sleepless when she read the book, and it was normal for her mother to worry.

"Mom, don\'t worry, I will definitely take good care of the child. During the New Year, I will stop reading." Yan Qingqing hugged Zhong Huixiu\'s arm and acted like a spoiled child.

Seeing her like this, Zhong Huixiu couldn\'t say the words that Zhong Huixiu originally wanted to tell her.

In the end, he just whispered: "If you are really too busy, go and call your mother over. She is idle anyway, and it is only natural for her to help look after the child. This is also her grandson."

Yan Qingqing didn\'t speak, but didn\'t refuse, just nodded lightly, indicating that she understood.

"Okay, Mom won\'t talk anymore, you guys should go back soon," Zhong Huixiu said.

On Zheng Shan\'s side, he told his eldest brother Zheng Weijun that there were so many people in the old Zheng family, and in the end, only the eldest brother\'s family went back, and he needed to do many things.

"Exactly, if you have time, go and check the situation of the food factory for me to see if there are any problems. If there are problems, you will take full responsibility for handling them." Zheng Shan said.

"You just like to call me when you\'re okay, don\'t you?" Zheng Weijun said angrily.

Lin Meihua, who was beside him, stabbed him, "Shanzi asks you to do a favor, you can do it, so much nonsense."

"I..." Zheng Weijun was in a hurry, and the woman in her family was now turning her elbows out more and more.

In fact, the main reason is that the taxi company made more and more profits during this time. At this moment, Lin Meihua knew how big a gift Zheng Shan had given to their family.

I used to know that a company was big and it was a taxi company, but after all, I had little contact and had no concept in my mind.

But it\'s different now. With so much money in front of her, Lin Meihua can\'t say a word.

In the same way, it is precisely because of this money that Lin Meihua is now beginning to learn consciously.

This shows how much impact the money has on her.

As for her parents\' side, she also received a lot of care because of this. Of course, Lin Meihua can still clearly distinguish the right and wrong.

It became clearer that it was better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish. Even if his uncle Zheng Shan was so rich, he would still give the business to Zheng Weijun and the Zheng Kui brothers, instead of giving him money directly.

Their Lin family had nothing, and they treated her like that before, so Lin Meihua only helped a little in some matters.

Everyone had a topic to talk about, and when the train was about to leave, everyone reluctantly dispersed.

When he got home, Zheng Shan looked at Zheng Kui and Yuan Xiaohua and said, "You guys can move in too, please take care of them. My aunt has also left, and no one will take care of you."

Yuan Ma had already left, and there was still a month before the Chinese New Year, so she wanted to go home.

Although she also felt distressed that her daughter was pregnant and wanted to take care of her by her side, Yuan Ma could see clearly that she didn\'t need her care at all.

The Zheng family took good care of their daughters, and they were spending money here, so they left early.

Zheng Kui didn\'t speak, but looked at Yuan Xiaohua. Yuan Xiaohua still needs to make up her mind about these things.

"Okay, then it\'s troublesome." Yuan Xiaohua didn\'t refuse.

Zheng Shan waved his hand and said, "It\'s all one family, don\'t talk about two families."

Not only Yuan Xiaohua moved in, but even the big girl Erniu moved in. Last night, Zheng Shan was going to sleep, and there was a knock on the door.

When I opened the door, I saw that it was the big girl Er Niu, the two little girls were crying with pear flowers and rain, and they couldn\'t be wronged.

Asked what happened, the eldest girl said that she was beaten by her mother, and they were going to run away from home.

Zheng Shan looked towards the street and found that Zheng Lan and Wen Jie were standing behind and waved at him, then left without saying a word.

Zheng Shan is a little confused, what\'s going on?

But seeing the grievances of the two nieces in this way was also distressing, so they brought them back to the house to comfort them.

The next morning, as soon as Zheng Shan got up, he saw Yuan Xiaohua was busy cooking, and quickly said, "Xiaohua, don\'t be busy, I have already sent someone to deliver the meal."

Yuan Xiaohua said with a smile: "It\'s okay, it\'s easy for me to do it myself."

Zheng Shan wanted to say something, when he saw Zheng Lan and Wen Jie walking in arm in arm, and his attention was immediately diverted.

"I said what\'s going on with the two of you? Why do you always beat the children when you have nothing to do?" Zheng Shan said angrily.

It can be seen~www.novelhall.com~ Last night, the eldest girl and Erniu were really wronged. It took Zheng Shan and Yan Qingqing a long time to coax them.

Zheng Lan said a little embarrassedly: "Then what, your brother-in-law and I are going to ask for another one, if these two little guys are not obedient, let them live in their own rooms or not go, otherwise I will beat them up. ."

Zheng Shan: ......

This reason made Zheng Shan unable to refute. The two had been planning to have another one a few years ago, and it has been delayed until now.

"Alright, alright, just let me go first, but you guys hurry up and coax the two little guys to see if the big girl Erniu is wronged." Zheng Shan was too lazy to say anything.

"Didn\'t we wake up so early to comfort them? Look at these toys." Zheng Lan gestured to the toys she was holding.

"You guys have already planned this, haven\'t you?" Zheng Shan said with a smile.

Zheng Lan stopped talking, but the meaning was obvious, and it was really part of their plan.