Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 525: Disappointed

As the two children woke up, the house became lively in an instant, and when Zheng Lan let the big girl Er Niu live in her uncle\'s house, the two girls agreed without hesitation, but let Zheng Lan slightly Somewhat upset.

Shouldn\'t he be crying and not staying here?

What\'s the matter with the promise so happy?

"Brother-in-law, isn\'t your current job supposed to be very busy during Chinese New Year? Why do you think you are so busy?" Zheng Shan asked curiously.

This is really what Zheng Shan is puzzled about. Wen Jie has now set up a wholesale market of his own. Although it is not big, it has already gained some fame.

And New Year\'s is the time of the most consumption. All kinds of goods are in short supply. It is reasonable to say that Wen Jie should be very busy.

Wen Jie sighed and said, "The wholesale market has been blocked. It is said to be illegal. I have no choice but to suspend it for a while and see the situation."

Zheng Shan asked, "Do you need me to ask?"

"No, I\'ve inquired about it. They all act according to the rules, and no one here deliberately came to harass me. Otherwise, I would have asked you for help long ago." Wen Jie said quickly.

This matter of his is really because he violated the rules first, just talking about the wholesale market, there is no approval at all, he made it himself.

In addition, it also attracted some criminals to join in. With the New Year, people directly put forward rectification requirements.

Hearing Wen Jie say this, Zheng Shan also nodded and said, "Then make a good rectification and get all the required documents in place, and don\'t let anyone get caught."

"Have you lost a lot of money this time?"

Hearing Zheng Shan\'s question, Wen Jie suddenly said with a bitter face: "I won\'t pretend to be with you anymore. I really lost a lot this time, but I didn\'t get to the point where my bones were hurt."

Now Wen Jie is also worth a lot of money. Although he said that he lost a lot of money this time, in general, he can still bear it.

"Well, if you need my help, feel free to speak." Zheng Shan said.

"Don\'t worry, I won\'t be polite to you." Wen Jie said.

Having said that, if Wen Jie can trouble Zheng Shan less now, he will have less trouble. As long as it is not a hurdle that he cannot overcome, he is really not very willing to ask Zheng Shan for help.

There is no other reason, just face.

He has already accepted so much help from his brother-in-law, and he cannot rely on Zheng Shan all the time.

Zheng Shan actually understood that he didn\'t ask for anything, just taking advantage of this opportunity to let Wen Jie gain more experience.

While Zheng Shan and Wen Jie were chatting, the big girl Er Niu was beaten up and cried again by Zheng Lan, Zheng Shan hurried over to see this.

Immediately after seeing Zheng Lan reprimanding the two girls with a straight face, the eldest girl and Er Niu lowered her head and dared not speak. Zheng Shan saw that this time it was really a disaster.

"What\'s wrong?" Zheng Shan asked.

"What else? They actually brought these two dogs into your room. What if they accidentally hurt Niuniu?" Zheng Lan said angrily.

Zheng Shan looked at the two chubby Chow Chow dogs under his feet and looked at him with an innocent expression.

Zheng Shan also had some headaches. He bought these two dogs for the two little guys, and because of these two dogs, Zheng Lan nagged him a lot.

And these two dogs are also in trouble.

Zheng Shan squatted down and said softly to the two little guys: "Big girl Er Niu, you can\'t take the puppy to the bedroom, your brother is still young, you have to take care of your brother."

"I just want to take the dog to see my brother." The big girl pouted.

When Zheng Lan saw it, she was about to roll up her sleeves and start fighting again. Zheng Shan hurriedly stopped her when she saw this, and immediately began to persuade the two little guys with all her might.

Anyway, I don\'t know if I understand it or not, and finally the two little guys nodded.

"Okay, let\'s play, don\'t play too crazy." Zheng Shan patted their little butts and asked them to play with their own.

When the big girl and Erniu heard the words, they flew out immediately, and Zheng Lan said angrily: "You can get used to them. When the time comes, I will see what you will do."

"It\'s okay, do you see what happened to the big girl Erniu?" Zheng Shan said with a smile.

This is true, only when they are at home, the two little guys will make trouble, and when they go outside, they are more honest than anyone else.

Zheng Lan snorted coldly, "You will regret it when they grow up."

After he finished speaking, he ignored Zheng Shan and started to get busy. The meals that Zheng Shan had planned to prepare by Xiong Youxi didn\'t seem to be used either.

Zheng Lan and Yuan Xiaohua would be able to come over busy.

In the afternoon, Zheng Shan thought about it and said to Yan Qingqing: "Qingqing, why don\'t you call my mother over to celebrate the New Year?"

Yan Qingqing said, "I don\'t care anymore."



"Okay, just let Mom help you take a look at the child, so that you can relax." Zheng Shandao.

Immediately, Zheng Shan set off to Fu Meiyi\'s side. As soon as Zheng Shan opened his mouth, Fu Meiyi couldn\'t wait to agree.

After cleaning up the things in the house a little, I came here with Zheng Shan.

Although Fu Meiyi has been playing these days, she has no family by her side after all, so she feels a little melancholy in her heart.

But now Yan Qingqing asked her to help take care of the child, which made Fu Meiyi very happy.

"Qingqing, let me come, you can rest for a while." Fu Meiyi said quickly, seeing that Yan Qingqing was a little tired holding the child.

Yan Qingqing thought about it and agreed, and handed the child into Fu Meiyi\'s hands. Seeing her very skillfully holding the child, Yan Qingqing\'s eyes were a little complicated.

However, she soon turned her attention and used to cook with Zheng Lan and the others. Yan Qingqing\'s craftsmanship is actually quite good, and she can help as much as she can.

Fu Meiyi has been staying at Zheng Shan\'s house since today, and Zheng Lan and his wife are here for the rest of the time except going back at night.

Therefore, Zheng Shan\'s house was very lively, and there were two pistachios, and the laughter and laughter never stopped in the yard.

Time passed quickly, and there were still five days to go before the Chinese New Year. Zheng Shan had just finished eating when he saw Yan Zhengbiao\'s family coming over.

"Uncle, why are you here?" Zheng Shan asked.

Yan Zhengbiao\'s face darkened~www.novelhall.com~ Don\'t you welcome yourself?

Or Cui Li said with a smile: "Didn\'t Lele come back for the New Year in two days? We thought that it would take a lot of time to go home, so we just came over to celebrate the New Year together, didn\'t we bother you?"

"No, no, please come in." Zheng Shan said with a smile.

"Have uncle and aunt eaten?"

"Eat, eat on the way."

"How is Xiaozhi\'s academic performance now? Do you need me to send someone to study abroad?" Zheng Shan asked.

Yan Zhengbiao said: "No, why is he going abroad? If he can\'t get into university, he will just stay at home and pick up my class for me."

Zheng Shan and Yan Zhengbiao chatted without a word, and they also talked about Yan Zhengbiao\'s business. Zheng Shan was just a little polite and didn\'t say anything.

Although Yan Zhengbiao couldn\'t see anything on the surface, deep in his eyes he couldn\'t hide his disappointment.