Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 523: advocating

In fact, Zheng Shan said these things to Zheng Weimin before, and Zheng Weimin said similar things more than once.

Zheng Weimin has long thought clearly, but maybe because there were too many things in the factory before, and he was not in a hurry.

Now in his opinion, the factory has succeeded and there are no hidden dangers, so he decided to \'send\' part of the shares.

According to his ideas, things should be done without anyone noticing.

Because he also understood that Zheng Shan would not agree.

But what Zheng Weimin didn\'t expect was that their factory was already listed in the Xishui Bank, and the Xishui Bank would also provide some convenience for ordinary things.

However, in such a matter, Xishui Bank did not dare to call the shots, and put it directly in front of Zheng Shan.

Hearing his words, Zheng Shan didn\'t know whether to be relieved or speechless.

"Shanzi, don\'t persuade us, I know you don\'t like our shares, but it should make me feel more comfortable." Zheng Weimin said with a smile.

"And in this way, I\'m too embarrassed to trouble you with something in the future, or else I\'ll be embarrassed to talk to you."

Brother Ma also said, "Yeah, Shanzi, we have been under your care all these years. Without you, I still don\'t know where to beg for food, how can I have a good life now."

Zheng Shan said: "Brother Ma, you are very polite. I only helped a little. You are able to do so much now because of yourselves."

Zheng Shan will not take credit, Zheng Weimin is really hard to say, but Ma Ge\'s character and his ability, in this era, it is actually very easy to get ahead.

Of course, although Ma Ge is sleek, he also has his own bottom line.

For example, when someone told them to smuggle things, Ma Ge refused.

Zheng Shan and Zheng Weimin have talked a lot, but Zheng Weimin has already made a decision, no matter what Zheng Shan said, he did not agree.

In the end, Zheng Shan agreed, but it didn\'t take much, just 10% of the shares.

"Brother Wei, don\'t you want to be the same as Brother Weimin? I didn\'t help you." Zheng Shan joked.

Originally, he just thought that Zheng Weitang came to play with him, but he didn\'t expect that Zheng Weitang really came to give away shares.

"You\'re really right, I\'m also here to give away shares, but not for you, but for the fourth child." Zheng Weitang smiled.

Zheng Shan: ......

"It\'s all a family, you...hey!" Zheng Shan didn\'t know what to say.

"It is precisely because we are a family that we have to divide so clearly, brothers and clear accounts." Zheng Weitang said sternly.

"I don\'t care about your affairs, you can talk to the fourth yourself." Zheng Shan said helplessly.

During dinner in the evening, Zheng Shan called Zheng Kui and the others over, and Yuan Xiaohua was no exception.

After all, this is a matter in Zheng Kui\'s family, and it is closely related to Yuan Xiaohua.

Yuan Xiaohua didn\'t speak after listening, just looked at Zheng Kui. She didn\'t feel anything about this.

Zheng Kui wants it or not.

Of course, Zheng Kui refused, but he couldn\'t bear Zheng Weitang kept talking and threatened that if he didn\'t want it, then he wouldn\'t want the auto repair shop either, and he would give it to him directly at that time.

Zheng Weitang also found that this auto repair shop was too profitable. The previous relationship was still there, and the business had always been very good, so he was also a little ashamed, thinking that it was taking too much advantage of the fourth child.

So in the end, Zheng Kui still took 10% of the shares of Zheng Weimin Auto Repair Factory.


Zheng Weimin and the others didn\'t stay here any longer. After finishing their work, they played here for a day, had a good drink with Zheng Jianguo and then left.

"This year, the fourth child and I will not go back. You should take care of the house when you arrive." Zheng Shan said before leaving.

Now Niuniu is still young and not suitable for long-distance travel. As for Yuan Xiaohua, who is still pregnant, she will not go.

"No problem." Zheng Weimin agreed immediately.

After Zheng Shan sent the person away, it was all right. The company\'s affairs can now be dealt with once a few days.

Zheng Shan plans to wait a few more years before expanding the secretarial department to form a relatively fixed department.

At the same time, Zheng Shan will also delegate power to them and hand over the handling of some matters to them.

Of course, there must be various restrictions here, and Zheng Shan has not considered it clearly, and needs to think about it slowly.

During this period of time, Zheng Shan also clearly felt the increase in workload. With the rapid expansion of the group, he has to deal with more and more things.

Especially as the two groups of Xishui Bank and Xishui Investment have started to invest in various places, there are more and more things that need to be managed.

These are all major events that were sent to Zheng Shan, or more.

Brother Xia Lai has already begun to ask for some more staff, and he is really too busy. Zheng Shan said before that he would send more staff to them, but Dig and the others refused.

They don\'t want to be shared in power, and they don\'t want someone to compete with them, but now there\'s nothing they can do.

If things are delayed, then they are also to blame, and they can only ask Zheng Shanjia to send a few people.

Zheng Shan also agreed with this proposal.

Zheng Shan will definitely not be able to relax in the past few years, because the Japanese economic bubble incident and the disintegration of Lao Maozi will happen in the next few years, which are all major development opportunities.

Especially in Japan\'s economic bubble, now Zheng Shan is constantly adding firewood to it, making the bubble bigger.

Even Zheng Shan has now begun to contact some economic experts, especially those who are well-known all over the world.

The relationship was established first, and all kinds of help were provided, in order to promote Japan\'s economy in the future, so that Japan\'s response was slow.

Zheng Shan needs their vigorous advocacy, and the bigger the bubble, the better.

Zheng Shan\'s purpose is to blow Japan\'s economic bubble even bigger than in his previous life, so that not only can he gain more profits, but also make Japan\'s losses even more severe.

And these economic experts are not all from Europe and the United States. Zheng Shan is looking for more people in Japan. As long as the money is given more, everything will not be a problem.

There are more and more consortiums attracted by Xishui Group~www.novelhall.com~ will be able to play a greater role at that time.


Time passed quickly. When the fifth and the others didn\'t feel it, the holidays were coming to an end, and the school was about to start in five days. The fifth and the others needed to go back early.

"Okay, I\'ll call your principal during Chinese New Year and give you three or five days off." Zheng Shan said angrily, looking at their pitiful appearance.

"Brother-in-law, you are the best." No doubt, this was what Yan Lele said.

The fifth child was excited for a while, and immediately said that third third Zheng was now her best brother.

This time, Fu Meiyi didn\'t follow her. During the time she was at home, she felt alive again. The previous days in the United States were like being in prison.

"Wait there, no adults are watching, don\'t let yourself go, or else..." Zheng Shan threatened.