Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 522: return

In the past two years, many people have begun to get rich, and Zheng Weimin and the others are no exception. In addition, they have a foundation and Zheng Shan\'s help, so the development is quite good.

According to reason, Zheng Weimin is not short of money, development direction, and channels, so there is no need for financing.

"The Xishui Bank didn\'t know the specific situation. I asked about it. Mr. Zheng only mentioned the development needs, and the other side couldn\'t make the decision, so I sent the report to ask for your opinion." Xia Laidi said.

The companies of people like Zheng Weimin are listed on the Xishui Bank side, and the relatives of Zheng Shan are all listed.

So after knowing this, they didn\'t dare to call the shots, and sent a report directly to Brother Xia Lai.

Zheng Shan sighed, picked up the phone and dialed Zheng Weimin.

"Shanzi." Zheng Weimin seemed to be waiting for Zheng Shan\'s call, and answered it as soon as it rang.

Zheng Shan didn\'t greet him, and asked directly, "What are you going to do when you want to raise money? Are you short of money?"

Zheng Weimin smiled and said, "No one lacks money."

"How much is missing? What are you going to do?" Zheng Shan asked.

Zheng Weimin stopped talking, hehe smiled and said, "No, we are not short of too much money for the time being."

"Then how did you prepare for financing? Isn\'t the development of the factory very good now? Or did you say something wrong?" Zheng Shan said.

Zheng Weimin said: "There is no problem, I discussed it with Ma and I just want to raise funds and want more development opportunities.

You can see that it is not only companies that are short of money looking for financing from Xishui Bank, isn\'t what everyone wants is an opportunity? "

This is a fact. Now many people are begging for investment in Xishui Bank, but they can\'t ask for it, and many of them are really not short of money.

The most important thing is that the various resources and channels provided by Xishui Bank make them excited.

Zheng Shandao: "Don\'t talk to me about this, I\'ll give you any chance you want."

"That won\'t work, my brother will settle the bill. If everything depends on you, then I won\'t be a beggar, so I might as well go home and farm the land." Zheng Weimin shook his head and said.

Zheng Shan talked to him a lot, but Zheng Weimin insisted on taking the opportunity and didn\'t want him to help in vain.

In the end, Zheng Shan could only say: "The fifth child has come back recently. I\'m not in a good mood for the time being. Come over with Ma and tell me about the situation."

"The fifth is back? Okay, I\'ll go right now." Zheng Weimin didn\'t refuse this.

After talking to him twice, Zheng Shan hung up the phone.

"Let\'s stop there first, and wait until I have finished talking with Brother Weimin." Zheng Shan had almost guessed what Zheng Weimin was thinking, so he asked him to come over.

In the development of Zheng Weimin over the years, Zheng Shan has made a lot of efforts, and even the initial capital was given by Zheng Shan. Although not much, at that time, Zheng Weimin was poor and poor.

After that, it provided him with the cheapest raw materials, development opportunities, and some personal connections.

Zheng Shan helped everything he could.

And Zheng Weimin is also very hardworking, especially in the past two years, it has developed extremely rapidly.

More importantly, in his current situation, he didn\'t take a wrong turn!

This is what Zheng Shan appreciates the most, and it is also the place that reassures him the most.

It\'s not that no one has found Zheng Weimin. For example, people who provide cheaper raw materials and even smuggling have found him.

After all, some of Zheng Weimin\'s businesses are gradually going abroad, and there are channels.

But Zheng Weimin faced so many interests, he directly refused without any hesitation.

Zheng Weimin always understands that if he is in trouble, it will definitely involve Zheng Shan, there is no doubt about this.

Zheng Weimin is not very smart, nor is he a selfless person, nor is he not interested in money.

He just realized that he was finished and fine, the big deal was to go home and farm.

But it can\'t involve Zheng Shan, let alone cause trouble to Zheng Shan. Zheng Weimin knows how much Zheng Shan has helped him and their family.

This time it is not so much to raise funds, in fact, the most important thing is to repay Zheng Shan.

Although Zheng Weimin also knew that his money and shares Zheng Shan would definitely dislike him, he couldn\'t think that these were what Zheng Shan should do.


As Zheng Shan guessed, Zheng Weimin really had such an idea, and Ma Ge also supported it.

"How is it? What did Shanzi say?" Ma asked.

Zheng Weimin rubbed his brows and said, "Shanzi disagrees, but it\'s alright. Let\'s go over and we will definitely be able to convince him this time."

"Well, we can\'t always take advantage of it. It\'s not good. There will be back and forth, and there will be gains and losses. It is also necessary to be conscientious in being a person." Ma said.

Although Ma Ge is not as pure as Zheng Weimin thinks, he also thinks that this is what they should do.

In addition to these, Brother Ma also wanted to be able to integrate more deeply into Zheng Shan\'s forces, so that the development would definitely be better.

But no matter what, they both have the same idea, that is, they need to give Zheng Shan something in return, and they can\'t always take advantage.

And when they went to the capital, Zheng Weitang also followed.

He also listened to Zheng Weimin\'s ideas, so he also has his own ideas, that is, to give some shares to the fourth oldest Zheng Kui.

The three came to Zheng Shan\'s house and saw the fifth man standing at the door, chatting happily with a group of uncles and aunts.

The two big locust trees in front of Zheng Shan\'s house have long been a gathering place for these people, whether it is spring, summer, autumn or winter.

"Brother Weimin, cousin Wei, Brother Ma, you are here." The fifth brother greeted him with a smile.

"Our fifth eldest looks beautiful." Zheng Weimin boasted.

The fifth man smiled and said, "That\'s a must~www.novelhall.com~ Our family\'s genes are good."

"Haha, I love hearing this. If your niece can have half of you in the future, I\'ll be satisfied." Zheng Weimin gave birth to another daughter before Niu Niu was born.

While talking, the old fifth led them into the courtyard and said hello to Zhong Huixiu.

Zheng Shan said a few words when he came out to see them, but he soon took them to the study and said straight to the point, "Tell me what your thoughts are?"

"It\'s really just wanting to develop, nothing else." Zheng Weimin said with a smile.

Looking at his serious expression, Zheng Shan sighed, "Brother Weimin, we are a family, there is really no need to distinguish so clearly, and there is no need to be so outspoken."

Seeing Zheng Shan seems to have guessed it, Zheng Weimin didn\'t hide it, and said directly: "Shanzi, then I will tell you something from the heart, I also want to save face, and I can\'t really take advantage of your brother all the time. What do people say about me? I made a fortune by sucking the blood of my brother?"