Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 521: financing

The four girls came back, and the house became lively in an instant. The originally clean yard was no longer noisy.

Zheng Shan stood on the side and looked at this scene with a smile. This was what he wanted to see. The family was happy and lived happily together. How wonderful!

But the fifth is back, and things have changed. I just think it\'s now, how long has it been? Xiao Jingyi and the big girl Er Niu have been made to cry several times by her. Zheng Lan and Lin Meihua are also suffering from headaches.

Seeing the three girls who came to complain, Zheng Shan had a headache and could only give them advice, "Go to your grandma, and grandma complain."

He can\'t take care of the fifth now.

The three little guys cried and went to Zhong Huixiu to complain, and then staged another scene of chicken flying.

After a lively dinner, Yan Zhengbiao took Yan Lele back the next day, and Xu Lin accompanied her parents and family at home.

Guan Fei and Fu Meiyi also cleaned up the house at home. They didn\'t have time to come over, so the house became much quieter all of a sudden, but with the fifth child, the house was still much busier than before.


"Dong dong dong."

"Come in." Zheng Shan didn\'t lift his head.

Hearing that someone came in, but no one spoke, Zheng Shan raised his head, and immediately found that it was the fifth child, looking at the study curiously.

Zheng Shan put down the document in his hand, stretched his muscles and bones, and said with a smile, "How is it? My study is not bad."

Although the fifth had been to the study twice, but every time he came to call someone, he really didn\'t take a good look at Zheng Shan\'s study.

This is the first time I actually entered the study room.

There are no other miscellaneous things in Zheng Shan\'s study, and the things he has used are some years old, including the tables, chairs and benches.

In addition, there are two paintings hanging on the wall, with a calligraphy behind it, and the rest are all books.

These books are not all decorations. Many Zheng Shan likes to read them, including ancient books and modern works.

I don\'t know why, but it\'s a bad habit that Zheng Shan has developed. When reading some of his previous works, he always likes to use ancient books to read them.

The fifth man looked at it seriously for a while, and finally said with a pretense, "Yes, but it\'s a little old-fashioned."

"It\'s called charm, you know the fart." Zheng Shan said angrily.

The fifth brother pretended he didn\'t hear it, found a chair and sat down, then sniffed, "Brother, I wanted to ask for a long time, what kind of incense is this?"

"Incense, if you tell me you don\'t understand, I\'ll get you some if it smells good." Zheng Shan said casually.

The fifth one didn\'t care about this, he talked about it, and finally got to the point.

"Brother, what do you want me to do after graduation?" The fifth man said hesitantly.

Although I have not been in the United States for a long time, I have come into contact with so many classmates, and I have felt the different education there, and the fifth child has also changed a bit.

Especially the school she is currently attending is also full of children from rich families, and they all have their own plans for the future.

Some want to be singers and stars, some want to be lawyers, some want to be financiers......

And they all worked hard for it.

The fifth has also seen it in his eyes during this period of time, and naturally has some thoughts of his own in his heart.

After Zheng Shan heard her question, he was stunned for a moment, then glanced at the fifth child a little strangely, and then as if he had thought of something, he said sternly: "Elder fifth, I remember telling you before that as long as you don\'t break the law, Whatever you want to do in the future, I won\'t force you to do it."

"As long as you like it, the conditions in the family are good now. Brother, let\'s say, even if you lose your family, the money in your family will be enough for you to lose for a hundred years."

When the old fifth heard the words, some of the nervous expression on his face disappeared suddenly, and Zheng Shan was speechless when he saw that, this guy did it on purpose, right?

The old fifth said with a smile: "That\'s not good. Your money belongs to my nephew. As an aunt, I can\'t be cheeky and spend my nephew\'s money."

Zheng Shan said angrily: "What? You want to curse me to death so soon? I\'m not dead yet, this money is mine, not his, you can spend it if you want, don\'t think too much about it."

After finishing speaking, Zheng Shan asked curiously: "You came to me today to ask this, have you decided what to do? Tell me, let me see if I can give you some ideas."

Zheng Shan is really curious about what the fifth man likes to do. According to his previous thoughts, he estimates that the fifth one is very likely to become a businessman in the future.

But now it seems that is not the case.

The fifth one hesitated for a moment and said, "I don\'t know for the time being, and I don\'t want to understand it. I\'m just a little confused."

When Zheng Shan saw her, he didn\'t really want to talk, so he didn\'t ask any more questions. He just said, "Don\'t care what other people say. Anyway, as long as you remember, there will never be a shortage of food for you in the family."

"Okay, thank you brother." The fifth man said with a smile.

"Also, no matter what happens in the future, it\'s not easy to learn from your fourth brother. You must tell us without the knowledge of your family. No matter what happens, your brother will carry it for you." Zheng Shan urged.

Lao Wu nodded and said, "That\'s necessary, I\'m not as stupid as Zheng Lao Si."

Zheng Shan was not in a hurry to work, but chatted with the old fifth. It could be seen that the old fifth also had a lot to say.

Unconsciously, more than an hour passed. When Brother Xia Lai came to knock on the door, the fifth one said, "Brother, you have something to do, I\'ll go out for a walk."

"Well, don\'t run around." Zheng Shan said casually.

"Got it, I\'m not a brat anymore." The fifth man said angrily.

Seeing her like this, Zheng Shan suddenly laughed, but soon he couldn\'t laugh anymore, frowning a little when he looked at the documents sent by brother Xia Lai.

"What is he trying to do?" Zheng Shan frowned.

Brother Xia Lai shook his head~www.novelhall.com~ This was sent by Xishui Bank in an emergency. I asked about it, and they said they didn\'t know. "

There is only one thing on the document, that is, Zheng Weimin and Lao Ma\'s factories want to apply for investment.

Not borrowing money, but directly letting Xishui Bank invest in their factories and occupy shares.

And the price given is very fair, which is based on the current price.

You must know that the factory on Zheng Weimin\'s side has gradually been on the right track, and the business is getting better and better.

Let\'s just say, their factories are now worth millions, and the money has grown rapidly in the past two years.

And in the future, according to the current situation, the development will only get better and better, and there is no need for other people\'s investment.

More importantly, Zheng Weimin knows that Xishui Bank is owned by Zheng Shan, and he needs money to talk to Zheng Shan directly. Even if he does not want to trouble Zheng Shan any more, it is no problem to borrow according to the normal process. Why must financing?