Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 520: lively

The latest website: "You brought so many things yourself, and you told us." The fifth pouted when he saw so many things in Zheng Shan.

Zheng Shandao: "These are what your sister-in-law asked me to bring. If you have the ability, you can talk to your sister-in-law."

The fifth one stopped talking for a while, for some reason, the fifth one was a little afraid of Yan Qingqing\'s sister-in-law anyway.

Although Yan Qingqing basically never lost his temper with her, and even treated the fifth child very well, the fifth child was a little scared.

This kind of fear seems to be unfounded, anyway, the fifth is not able to blow up Yan Qingqing.

Seeing the bear-like appearance of the fifth, Zheng Shan said angrily: "The guy who bullies the soft and fears the hard."

"Okay, I\'m going to tell my sister-in-law that you scold her." The fifth man jumped.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "What did I say, and I still scold her, don\'t make trouble for nothing."

"Hey, when you say that I bully the soft and fear the hard, don\'t you mean that my sister-in-law is an unreasonable person." The fifth elder laughed.

Zheng Shan: ......

"I didn\'t say it, it wasn\'t me, you thought too much." Zheng Shan quickly denied it.

The old fifth rolled his eyes and seemed to want the benefit. Zheng Shan knew what she was thinking at a glance.

"Don\'t think about taking advantage of the fire." Zheng Shan said vigilantly.

The old fifth looked at Zheng Shan with a grin, but did not speak, and finally let Zheng Shan compromise.

"Okay, what do you want?" Zheng Shan said helplessly.

In fact, the main purpose is to reward this girl. Her recent performance has been very good. Perhaps the education here is really suitable for people like the fifth.

The fifth child didn\'t open his mouth as a lion. He just asked for a small gift and let Zheng Shan go.

The other three girls also came up and asked for gifts.

After playing around for a while, Zheng Shan also went upstairs to rest. The next day, Zheng Shan did not leave in a hurry, but came to Xishui Group for another short meeting.

Schedule some things, and adjust some personnel at the same time.

The personnel of the Xishui Group have not been adjusted for a long time, and this time Zheng Shan only made a little adjustment, and did not make a big deal.

But after a few more years, Xishui Group will definitely face some major adjustments.

For example, the Slit Group, now this group is full of confidants brought up by Rachel.

It\'s almost like Rachel\'s words.

This is also unavoidable. After all, the Slit Group was founded by Rachel. Although Zheng Shan has given the greatest support in various funds and other aspects, a company, especially in the early stage, wants to develop rapidly, and centralization is a inevitable.

Only in this way can we mobilize all the power of the company to the greatest extent and speedily and develop vigorously.

But when the company grows to a certain point, such a situation will not happen, and Zheng Shan will not allow such a situation to happen.

Even if it was a reminder to Rachel this time, let her be prepared.

Zheng Shan arranged a vice president for Rachel\'s side, and the direction in charge did not conflict with Rachel\'s.

Rachel also understands this. She has no idea. Although she is a little uncomfortable with such a thing, she also knows that this is the best solution.

Of course, Zheng Shan is not just beating, the issue of Rachel\'s share reward is almost finalized at this time.

After all these things were done, Zheng Shan was ready to go back.

"By the way, Moore, the acquired chocolate factory is in the name of my wife." Zheng Shan said.

This is a gift from Zheng Shan to Yan Qingqing.

"Okay, do I need to change my name?" Moore asked.

"We\'ll talk about it later." Zheng Shan wasn\'t sure.

"After the acquisition, there is only one requirement for this chocolate factory, that is, to develop new varieties of various flavors. There is no need to pay attention to market share, and there is no need to worry about cost. As long as it is delicious, everything will be fine." Zheng Shandao.

Zheng Shan didn\'t want to make money, he just wanted to give Yan Qingqing a gift.

At that time, maybe these chocolates will become a weapon for Yan Qingqing to recruit some of his subordinates.

After all these were done, Zheng Shan was ready to go back.

This time, the fifth and the others didn\'t have much time on vacation. The people in the family had already panicked, so Zheng Shan didn\'t stay any longer.

Otherwise, it should be called at home.

On the way back, the old fifth whispered that she also wanted to come back during the Chinese New Year.

According to her holidays, it\'s New Year\'s Eve here, and she just started school.

The fifth was very quiet when she said this, but she just expressed her own thoughts and didn\'t mess around.

But the more this is the case, the more carefully Zheng Shan considers it.

In the end, I didn\'t make a decision. Let\'s talk about it when the time comes. In fact, Zheng Shan also wanted to let the fifth and the others come back for the Chinese New Year.

The Spring Festival is the real year of their people, not New Year\'s Day.


When Zheng Shan and the others returned to the capital, the fourth son drove a truck over to pick them up. There were so many things that other cars couldn\'t hold them at all.

"Brother, why are there so many things?" the fourth asked.

Zheng Shan pointed to the fifth and the others and said, "It\'s all gifts they brought to you."

"Really? So there\'s mine?" Zheng Kui was instantly happy.

"Not only yours, but your unborn child."

Having said that, Zheng Shan thought of Yuan Xiaohua and asked, "How is Xiaohua now? Didn\'t I make trouble with you anymore?"

"It\'s good now, I can study seriously every day." Zheng Kui said.

Zheng Shandao: "She studied so hard to be able to help you, don\'t forget it."

"Do not worry."


Back home, when Yan Zhengbiao saw Yan Lele, he couldn\'t wait to rush over.

Cui Li also cares about Yan Lele in her arms, and Yan Zhi is a little jealous when she sees it.

Fortunately, Yan Zhi was soon bought by the gift that Yan Lele brought, and the sisters were very affectionate.

Zheng Shan\'s family started to get lively, cooking, chatting, watching children...  

The four girls became the center~www.novelhall.com~ all kinds of concerns and inquiries.

From time to time, the four girls are asked to speak some English to satisfy their curiosity.

The fifth was really annoyed, "My third brother and sister-in-law speak much better English than us. Why don\'t you let them speak to you?"

"You\'re itchy, aren\'t you? How can you talk to the elders?" Zhong Huixiu glared at the old fifth.

The old five suddenly slumped, and could only be watched as a monkey.

Fortunately, this time did not last long, and when they were eating, everyone didn\'t care about them anymore.

The dinner table quickly became lively, and Yan Zhengbiao didn\'t know whether it was thanks or some guilt, but he drank a lot with Zheng Shan anyway.

He arrived yesterday, but he just took a sneak peek at his grandson and didn\'t even dare to hug him.

Instead, Cui Li hugged her for a while, complimenting the child on all kinds of good things.