Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 519: Clever

The latest website: Zheng Shan also saw a few strange girls at this time. These should be the new friends of the fifth and their new friends.

At this time, Zheng Shan felt relieved, at least there were no boys.

Although Zheng Shan didn\'t say it, he hoped that the fifth child would not fall in love at this age, especially in the very open society of Europe and the United States.

In addition, Zheng Shan does not want the fifth to find a foreigner. Of course, this is only his personal idea, and it will not be imposed on the head of the fifth.

If the fifth one really likes it, then Zheng Shan won\'t say much, but from now on, the fifth one doesn\'t seem to like the men in Europe and America.

"You are all Wendy\'s friends, please take a seat, I\'m sorry, it\'s a little late." Zheng Shan greeted quickly.

He found that the fifth\'s friends were a little nervous and excited?

Zheng Shan touched his cheek subconsciously, feeling that he shouldn\'t be so scary, right?

After sitting for a while, I found that these people were still a little nervous. Zheng Shan had no choice but to leave here first.

"Hey, we didn\'t lie to you, right?" Yan Lele smiled proudly at Jinge and the others when he saw that Zheng Shan was gone.

Jinge was a little excited and nervous at this time, she found out that Wendy\'s brother was really Zheng Shan, her idol!

Don\'t look at Ginger as a little **** in school, but her family education is very good.

Bullying is not really that kind of school bullying, it\'s just to scare people.

So Jinge doesn\'t have much feeling for some stars or something, and he has seen a lot since he was a child.

But since I knew about Zheng Shan, I saw those reports about Zheng Shan\'s miraculousness, and in an instant, he regarded Zheng Shan as his idol.

Looking at Jinge like this, the fifth child also felt a sense of anger.

"Don\'t be nervous, my brother is very good." The fifth elder patted Jinge on the shoulder pretending to be a big sister.

Jinge didn\'t react, just whispered: "Can you let me take a photo with Mr. Zheng Shan later?"

"No problem, small things." The fifth elder said in a big way.

"Wendy, thank you so much, don\'t worry, from now on, you will be my good sister." Without Zheng Shan here, Jinge slowly recovered and regained some of his previous personality.

The fifth pouted and said, "Who wants to be your good sister."

"Wendy, can\'t I be wrong?" Ginger could also afford to let it go, but at this time he didn\'t have the same attitude as before.

The fifth is not the kind of person who gets cheap and sells well. Seeing her like this, he doesn\'t say much.

But the fifth man still said: "You can be friends with me, but before that, you have to apologize to Vivian."

Vivian was sitting on the sofa very obediently at this time, if she didn\'t speak, it would be difficult to find her.

Hearing what the fifth man said, Vivian stared at Jinge with wide eyes.

When Jinge looked over, she subconsciously avoided her gaze, but then she mustered up the courage to look over again as if thinking that this was the home of the fifth child.

Jinge has become very talkative now, and said happily: "I\'m sorry Vivian, I did wrong before, I hope you can forgive me."

Seeing her like this, Vivian opened her mouth slightly, as if she couldn\'t believe it was Jin Ge in front of her.

The same is true for several of Jinge\'s sisters. At this time, Jinge became a little unrecognizable to them.

Vivian, who came back to her senses, whispered, "It\'s okay, I forgive you."

"Then we will be good sisters in the future, don\'t worry, if anyone dares to bully you in the future, tell me, and I will stand up for you." At this time, Jinge once again showed the style of being a big sister.

However, when Zheng Shan came back again, Jinge turned into a good girl again, and the fifth man on the side pouted secretly.

Zheng Shan warmly entertained a few little girls, and slowly discovered that the fifth one and the shy little girl named Vivien had the best relationship, and they would give her the first time when they had good things.

As for the little girls with Jinge, the fifth one and the others seem to have a general relationship.

Zheng Shan didn\'t say much, and entertained them with a smile. Zheng Shan didn\'t refuse the group photo that was proposed after the meal.

After playing here for almost a few hours, at 9 o\'clock in the evening, Zheng Shan personally drove them and sent them all back home one by one.

Also bring a small gift.

When it came to Vivian\'s house and Jinge\'s house, Zheng Shan was recognized.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that if Vivian\'s father really said it, he was actually working for Zheng Shan.

Vivian\'s father is a lawyer and is quite famous.

In recent years, Vivian\'s father\'s law firm has basically relied on the Slit Group for food.

No way, there are too many lawsuits on Rachel\'s side, and the legal fees alone are a huge expense every year.

And Vivienne\'s father\'s law firm lived on the lawyer\'s fees from Slite\'s side.

Of course, their ability is worth the price.

So Vivian\'s father also knew about Zheng Shan, the real big boss of the Xishui Group. To be honest, they worked for Zheng Shan.

It\'s just that the level is a bit low, and I can\'t get in touch with Zheng Shan.

At this time, when I came into contact with Zheng Shan, Vivian\'s father Berg was very excited. If they could get in touch with Zheng Shan, maybe their law firm would be able to go to the next level.

However, Berg just thanked Zheng Shan and didn\'t say anything about it. Since his daughter and Zheng Shan\'s sister are good friends, there will naturally be opportunities to contact Zheng Shan in the future.

"Dad, do you know Brother Zheng Shan?" Vivian asked curiously.

Berg touched his daughter\'s head and said, "Of course, Mr. Zheng Shan is a very powerful person. Now your father and I are both working for Mr. Zheng Shan."

"Wow, Brother Zheng Shan is so powerful." Vivian said exaggeratedly.

She doesn\'t care about this at all, she just cooperates with her father.

"Haha, Dad, I\'m also very good."

"Hee hee, I know."


When Zheng Shan got home~www.novelhall.com~ saw the fifth and the others were starting to pack up, "Why do you have so many things?"

Zheng Shan was a little stunned when he looked at their large and small bags.

"These are the gifts I brought to the house, none of them can be missed." The old fifth said without raising his head.

Zheng Shan only remembered the shopping list from his daughter-in-law when he saw these gifts, but he really forgot it before.

Immediately, they arranged for someone to buy everything, and at the same time called Moore and asked them to buy a chocolate factory in the name of Zheng Shan.

This is a trivial matter for Moore and the others, and Zheng Shan\'s requirements are not high, and it can be done easily.

But before that, Zheng Shan still needs to buy all the chocolates that his wife asked him to buy. After packing, there are a lot of things.