Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 518: While planning

The latest website: When the fifth returned home, he immediately saw Zheng Shan standing at the door with a smile.

"Yeah~" The fifth man screamed and ran straight over, but when he was in front of Zheng Shan, he saw that Yan Lele had already rushed to the front.

"Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, when did you come?" Yan Lele said excitedly.

Zheng Shandao: "It\'s not long since you arrived, you guys are a little late from school today."

"We played in the school for a while, by the way, brother, we can bring some friends over tomorrow to play, okay?" the fifth asked.

Zheng Shandao: "Of course, you can bring it here if you want. Your friends are not at home for you to eat. If they are, I will have someone prepare them."

The fifth and the others made new friends, and Zheng Shan was also happy for them.

"Should be there?" The fifth child was also a little uncertain.

Tomorrow is going to be a holiday, what she originally thought was to ask her brother to pick her up from school, so Jin Ge would know for sure.

But doing this is too obvious, and it is easy for Zheng Lao San to see through. What if Zheng Lao San does not cooperate at that time?

So the fifth child thought about bringing Jinge and the others over, and at the same time asking her new good friend Vivian to visit.

Before the fifth and the others, they had never brought their classmates here. Taking advantage of this opportunity, they brought their classmates over to recognize the door.

After he got home, Zheng Shan asked them about their respective studies. Although he could get a report every month, it would be better to ask the fifth and them personally about some things.

Now the fifth and the others not only have good grades, but also have some things that they are interested in.

The fifth is not just interested in doing business. Although doing business to make money has always been her most yearning thing, but now she also likes to collect some other things.

At the very least, I am willing to spend money on these things I like. In the past, if I let the fifth one spend money, it would be really more difficult than going to the sky.

Much better now.

After asking, Zheng Shan and Fu Meiyi said, "Mom, if you are not used to staying here, go back. I think they are familiar with it, so you don\'t need to worry about anything."

He arrived here in the afternoon, and Fu Meiyi was watering the flowers in the yard. At most, he went to the supermarket once a day, and the rest basically never went out.

Now Fu Meiyi has passed the age of pursuing her own life, especially after two failed marriages.

It made her feel like a Buddhist.

So she didn\'t want to take the initiative to make friends. After Zheng Shan knew about this situation, he thought about letting her go back to China. Don\'t take good care of the children, and she was suffocated here.

Fu Meiyi said hesitantly, "But there are no adults watching, can these four girls do it?"

Fu Meiyi also wanted to go back, but it was so boring here that there was no one who could talk.

Although Song Bei and the others often chat and talk with Fu Meiyi, they basically have nothing in common.

In addition, the two were very respectful to her, so Fu Meiyi didn\'t have much interest in chatting, and it was not a chat between friends at all.

Before Zheng Shan could speak, Guan Fei next to him said, "Mom, go back, we don\'t need your care, and how much have you taken care of us during this time? It\'s Sister Bei Bei and the others who are taking care of us."

"You girl..." Fu Meiyi glared at her daughter, how did she speak.

The other three girls are also persuading Fu Meiyi to go back. First, they can see that Fu Meiyi is very bored here, and second, they don\'t want to be controlled.

Even though Fu Meiyi seldom cares about them, but living together and being an elder, she always feels a little restrained.

For example, they wanted to go to bed later at night, but Fu Meiyi wouldn\'t let them, so they had to go to bed.

As for arguing with Fu Meiyi, except for Guan Fei who would do it, the other three would not quarrel with Fu Meiyi, and behaved very honestly.

"Do you think I\'m annoying?" Fu Meiyi said unhappily.

"Aunt Fu~ How could it be, we like you so much that we can\'t bear you." Yan Lele said coquettishly.

Fu Meiyi rolled her eyes at her, "Don\'t say these things that go against your heart."

"I swear, I\'m telling the truth, but we also think that you will be happier, Aunt Fu. We are all adults, so we can\'t let you worry about it anymore."

Seeing the four little girls saying one sentence to another, Zheng Shan just smiled on the side, and finally he settled down: "This way, Mom, when you come back next time, you don\'t have to follow me, if you miss children , let\'s come over again."

Fu Meiyi didn\'t agree or disagree, just let\'s talk when it\'s time.

She has a lot of good friends and girlfriends in Beijing now, and she has a good relationship with Zhong Huixiu, plus some neighbors and some people from the art troupe.

I have a circle of my own for a long time, and now in the past few months, Fu Meiyi is really not used to it.

But just like she said, she was not too worried about letting the four girls stay here.


The next morning, Zheng Shan went out for a run, and when he came back, he went to the Tangxishui Group.

This time, although it was said that he was here to pick up people and go home, since he came here, he must be here to take a look.

A brief meeting was held here, and a clearer understanding of the group\'s work was also obtained.

In addition, for the listed company that Zheng Shan acquired in Japan, it has basically been completed.

They are all marginal companies and their value is not very high.

And Zheng Shan also began to issue orders to slowly push up the stock prices of these companies in the next year or two.

At the same time, some businesses of these companies began to move closer to certain aspects designated by Zheng Shan.

After the avalanche came, Zheng Shan, in addition to using these companies to make a lot of money, also used these companies to acquire some Japanese companies.

It is to acquire some companies with leading technology. At that time, the difficulty of acquisition will be greatly reduced.

In addition, the shares in these listed companies have begun to be very complicated by many professionals~www.novelhall.com~ It is difficult to check clearly.

These all need to be prepared slowly.

If these plans are successful, then Zheng Shan can let these technologies enter the country and shorten the development time in some aspects of the country.

These are all what Zheng Shan wants to do. Of course, Zheng Shan has not told anyone about the specific things, only he knows.

Some things are still not easy to reveal too much.

Although Zheng Shan is not afraid of anything, but if one thing is missing, one thing is missing.


When they got home, the fifth and the others had already returned. They looked anxious at this time. After seeing Zheng Shan\'s return, they complained, "Why did you come back? Didn\'t you say you\'d wait for me at home? "

Zheng Shan thought she couldn\'t wait any longer, and said with a smile, "The company has something to deal with, it\'s a bit late."