Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 515: sense of security

The latest website: Zheng Kui discovered for the first time today that his little nephew was so cute and rescued their brothers at the most critical moment.

Zheng Shan also breathed a sigh of relief. It was true that his mother\'s temper was a little bigger, and this time she was really angry and beat people.

Brothers Zheng Shan and Zheng Kui looked at each other, and then tacitly slipped away while their mother had no time to take care of them.

The two didn\'t go far, they just sat on the threshold of the gate, smoking a cigarette and chatting.

"You are not authentic, I will help you, but you still frame me." Zheng Shan said angrily.

Zheng Kui smiled and said, "But what I said is the truth. It was you who proposed drinking before, not me."

"You\'re still aggrieved, aren\'t you?"

"No, as an older brother, isn\'t it right for you to help your younger brother out of troubles?"

"Haha, now you haven\'t learned anything else, but you have learned to be eloquent."

Speaking of this, Zheng Kui looked helpless, "I don\'t want to, but if I don\'t talk properly at home now, and don\'t follow Xiaohua\'s emotions, it will make me feel worse than the sky."

This is all forced, and now Zheng Kui has completely fallen into anxiety from the joy of having a son (daughter).

In the end, Zheng Shan still felt sorry for this younger brother, and Zheng Shan also found that Yuan Xiaohua\'s state was not right.

What has Zheng Kui tossed into?

Although Zheng Shan and Yuan Xiaohua didn\'t have much contact with each other, they knew a little bit. Even if they were pregnant, they shouldn\'t have such a reaction.

"In this way, I will let your sister-in-law have time to chat with Xiaohua and see what\'s going on." Zheng Shan said.

"Brother, you are really my brother." Zheng Kui was so excited that he couldn\'t speak.

In his opinion, his third sister-in-law is a capable person, don\'t look at Zheng Kui like this, but in front of Yan Qingqing, he is more honest than in front of Zheng Shan.

Zheng Shan glared at him and said, "Can you speak?"


The two sat outside until Yan Qingqing came home from get off work, at which time they dared to follow in.

Fortunately, at this time, my mother\'s anger has mostly disappeared, but she still talked to Yan Qingqing about the **** things that the two of them did.

Yan Qingqing followed her mother\'s temper and accused the two of them, and she quickly diverted her mother\'s attention.

In the evening, Zheng Shan and Yan Qingqing talked about Zheng Kui.

"Take some time to chat with Xiaohua and see what\'s wrong with her? If it\'s just because she\'s pregnant, then enlighten a little and let the fourth child endure it." Zheng Shan said.

Yan Qingqing said amusingly: "What else could it be for? A woman is pregnant, this is a natural situation, especially now that their family is not short of food and drink, and their temper is naturally a bit bigger."

"Go and take care of it, I think if this continues, the fourth child is really going to collapse." Zheng Shan said helplessly.

"You know what I\'m doing now, hum, I didn\'t cause you any trouble at that time." Yan Qingqing hummed.

Zheng Shan kissed his daughter-in-law, "My daughter-in-law is just fine."

Yan Qingqing turned to ask Zheng Shan what happened this time. She saw that Zheng Shan didn\'t look very good before, but now Zheng Shan is in a much better mood, so she asked.

Zheng Shan didn\'t hide it from Yan Qingqing, and told her about the matter. Yan Qingqing sighed slightly after hearing it.

"You have done a very good job, don\'t blame yourself for it, this is not your problem." Yan Qingqing hugged Zheng Shandao gently.

"Well, don\'t worry, I\'m fine."


The next day happened to be Saturday, Yan Qingqing slept a little more at home, and then set off for Yuan Xiaohua.

When she came back in the afternoon, Zheng Shan asked about the situation, and Yan Qingqing said helplessly, "I really don\'t know how to tell."

"What\'s not to say, why?" Zheng Shan was a little puzzled.

Yan Qingqing sighed and said, "Although Xiaohua didn\'t say it clearly, I can tell that Xiaohua is mainly insecure now."

Zheng Shan doesn\'t understand a little, does he feel safe?

"What\'s wrong? Did something happen to her? What sense of security?" Zheng Shan asked a few questions with a face.

He really didn\'t understand what Yan Qingqing said about the sense of security?

Could it be that the fourth child did something to feel sorry for Yuan Xiaohua?

"Don\'t think blindly, it\'s just...how to say it, I actually quite understand it." Yan Qingqing said.

This made Zheng Shan more and more confused. He asked his daughter-in-law to enlighten Yuan Xiaohua, but it seemed that Yuan Xiaohua was brought into the ditch?

Zheng Shan said cautiously, "Daughter-in-law, are you all right?"

Yan Qingqing gave Zheng Shan a white look, "What can I do? Forget it, let me tell you about Xiaohua\'s situation."

Yan Qingqing pondered the language before saying: "There are two main reasons for Xiaohua to be like this. The first is that the family is too far away, and there are no relatives here."

Zheng Shan nodded, which he could understand, even though the Zheng family also took great care of Yuan Xiaohua, which was no different from his own.

But the in-law\'s family is the in-law\'s family, and it is impossible to really be the same as the relatives who have been with each other since childhood.

"What about the other point?" Zheng Shan asked.

The first point is actually easy to handle. If it really doesn\'t work, let the fourth child take over Yuan Xiaohua\'s mother and check her body by the way.

After all, they are not short of the money.

"The second point is the most difficult thing to do. She feels that the fourth child is too rich, so she has no sense of security." Yan Qingqing said.

Zheng Shan:  …

He really didn\'t understand this, because as far as he knew, the fourth child handed over all his money to Yuan Xiaohua for management.

Even the car repair shop brought Yuan Xiaohua there and wanted her to participate in the management, but Yuan Xiaohua herself refused.

Yuan Xiaohua just stayed at the garage for a few days and left, feeling that she was incapable and would only add to the chaos.

How could such a fourth child make Yuan Xiaohua feel insecure?

Looking at Zheng Shan\'s puzzled look~www.novelhall.com~ Yan Qingqing sighed: "Hey, let me tell you this, even if it\'s me, although I don\'t know how much money you have, my pressure is not small. It\'s just that I think it\'s clearer."

Zheng Shan immediately said sternly: "Daughter-in-law, tomorrow I will let someone sum up all my properties and supervise you at that time."

"Fuck off, don\'t you think I\'m not busy enough? I\'m too lazy to take care of your business, I\'m talking about Xiaohua now, don\'t interrupt." Yan Qingqing glared at Zheng Shan.

She didn\'t mean it that way.

Zheng Shan saw that she was really angry, and said quickly: "Okay, you say, I\'ll listen."

Yan Qingqing said something about Yuan Xiaohua in detail, as well as her own guesses and thoughts.

Zheng Shan also slowly understood Yuan Xiaohua\'s psychology.

In general, Yuan Xiaohua doesn\'t think that Zheng Kui\'s money is really her money, and she is a girl who hasn\'t read much, and she\'s out of town and from the countryside, so she can\'t help. There has been a lot of pressure.