Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 516: study

The latest website: Zheng Kui\'s idea is very simple. Yuan Xiaohua is her own daughter-in-law, so her own things are naturally her.

It\'s all a family, what\'s the difference between yours and mine?

At the beginning, Yuan Xiaohua also thought the same, so the pressure was not so great.

But slowly, with the understanding of the car repair shop\'s making money, and Zheng Kui\'s participation in the management of the car repair shop, she slowly realized something.

That is some identity gap between her and Zheng Kui.

Although it is said that whether it is Zheng Shan or Zheng Kui, not only them, but also the Zheng family treats Yuan Xiaohua in this way, not to mention scolding and beating, even if they talk like their family members.

But there are some things that you either don\'t care about or don\'t have.

In this day and age, the hukou between rural and urban areas alone is a huge gap!

Many people with rural hukou who marry into the city will naturally feel that they are a bit shorter than those in the city.

And Yuan Xiaohua\'s side is even more so, Zheng Kui is not only a city household registration, but also a capital household registration.

In addition, the Zheng family is considered a big family in the capital.

All of these put pressure on Yuan Xiaohua invisibly, but these pressures were dissipated a lot by the harmony of the Zheng family and the concern of Zheng Kui.

But that doesn\'t mean those pressures don\'t exist anymore.

When Yuan Xiaohua found that she couldn\'t help Zheng Kui at all, the pressure and insecurity in her heart rose, because she found that she seemed to be dispensable in this home.

There is no way to contribute anything to this home!

You must know how Zheng Kui is, with such a family and industry, it is really easy to just want to find a wife.

In the past, many mothers helped to introduce them, but the fourth one didn\'t go there or didn\'t like it.

This kind of pressure gets bigger and bigger. Finally, after Yuan Xiaohua became pregnant, coupled with physiological reasons, her temper is getting bigger and bigger now.

Yuan Xiaohua\'s thought may also be very simple, just want to prove that her husband still loves her by losing her temper.

Although this approach is silly, it seems to be the choice of the vast majority of people.

The more Zheng Kui tolerated, the more Yuan Xiaohua wanted to use this method to bring herself some sense of security.

At the same time, it is also through this method to relieve the anxiety and anxiety deep inside.

After listening to Yan Qingqing\'s analysis, Zheng Shan also sighed helplessly, "We have no choice but to look at themselves."

If there are other things, Zheng Shan will definitely help to solve it, but Zheng Shan really can\'t do anything about Yuan Xiaohua.

Yan Qingqing changed her worried attitude and looked at Zheng Shan with a smile.

When Zheng Shan saw her like this, he understood that his daughter-in-law must have a way.

"Daughter-in-law, have you come up with a solution?" Zheng Shan asked curiously.

Yan Qingqing raised her head proudly and said, "That\'s necessary."

"What way?" Zheng Shan asked.

Yan Qingqing didn\'t deliberately make things difficult for Zheng Shan, and said directly: "The way I think is to let Xiaohua study, not to go to school, or simply to learn how to manage the company. I will find some books for her to read, but it really doesn\'t work. Two professors gave her lectures exclusively."

Yan Qingqing has no choice. In her opinion, only by reading more books and increasing Yuan Xiaohua\'s self-confidence can she completely solve her mentality.

Otherwise, even if it is solved by some methods now, it will recur in the future, and the next time it may be out of control.

Zheng Shan smiled bitterly when he heard the words: "Daughter-in-law, I know you are kind, but I also know a little about Xiaohua. She hasn\'t studied for a few years at all. Now let her study again, is she willing?"

Yan Qingqing said hehe: "It depends on who does the work for her."

Zheng Shan had no hope for this, but he could only try it.

After two days of waiting, when Zheng Shan saw Yuan Xiaohua coming over, his condition was obviously much better.

Looking at his daughter-in-law unexpectedly, Yan Qingqing smiled proudly when she saw Zheng Shan\'s color.

When no one cared, Zheng Shan asked Yan Qingqing quietly, "How did you convince Xiaohua?"

Zheng Shan knows that it is very difficult to persuade a person who has given up studying and is not very interested in studying.

Especially since Yuan Xiaohua is so old, she is about to become a mother again.

In this day and age, studying and studying at this age is a waste of time.

Yuan Xiaohua went to school back then, except for those who were in difficulties at home, she herself was reluctant to study.

Therefore, Zheng Shan had no hope that Yan Qingqing wanted to convince Yuan Xiaohua to study this matter.

"Actually, it\'s very simple. I just told Xiaohua that if you learn these things now, you will be able to help manage the garage and help your family expand their business.

When two people fight together, at that time, the money you earn is what you two really earn, and you may even pay more in it. "

Yan Qingqing didn\'t tell Yuan Xiaohua any big truth. Everything was the simplest truth, but it was this simple truth that successfully persuaded Yuan Xiaohua.

It was during this time that I was able to find something to do for Yuan Xiaohua.

"My daughter-in-law is awesome!" Zheng Shan praised.

But just when Zheng Shan was happy for the fourth child, he saw Zheng Lan walked in with an angry look on his face.

Seeing her like this, Zheng Shan didn\'t even have to think about it, he must have quarreled with Wen Jie again, arguing at both ends for three days.

A few years ago, when I quarreled, I came to my parents\' house. Now it\'s better in the past two years. Every time I have a lot of quarrels, I will go back to my parents\' house.

And the number of times is much less, maybe once or twice a year.

So now Zheng Shan didn\'t even ask any questions, and pretended he didn\'t see it. Otherwise, he would immediately become a trash can and be madly instilled with negative energy by Zheng Lan.

However, he ducked, but Yan Qingqing couldn\'t, and was pulled aside by Zheng Lan and whispered.

Yan Qingqing also has a headache for Zheng Lan, because basically no one is right or wrong in this couple\'s quarrel, maybe both are wrong, or maybe both are right.

Anyway, it\'s a kind of torture for those who want to persuade them~www.novelhall.com~ This time the situation seems to be much better. At least at night, Zheng Lan went home by herself, and Wen Jie came to pick up people.

"What\'s wrong with her?" Zheng Shan started to gossip.

Yan Qingqing let out a long sigh and said helplessly: "Nothing, summed up in one sentence, nothing to do."

Zheng Shan: …………

These two are really good enough, but if the fourth child can be like Zheng Lan and the others, it seems to be much better than before.

Zheng Kui obeyed Yan Qingqing\'s suggestion and went directly to his husband\'s house to pick up his mother-in-law and live there for a few days.

Sure enough, as Yuan Ma came over, Yuan Xiaohua\'s mood became better and she rarely lost her temper at Zheng Kui.

Therefore, Zheng Kui is more obedient to Yan Qingqing.