Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 514: spit bitter water

The latest website: Zheng Shan did not reach out to pick it up, but just looked at the fourth child so quietly, watching him want to move but didn\'t dare to move. Such a fourth child is rare.

The fourth child was about to cry, "Brother, take it, I want my whole arm to be numb, I don\'t feel it anymore."

Zheng Shan still didn\'t move, but asked curiously, "How long have you held him?"

"I don\'t know, I feel like it\'s been a year." The fourth child said with a sad face.

"Where\'s Mom?" Zheng Shan didn\'t seem to see the fourth child\'s expression.

"Mom went out to talk about something, brother, hurry up." The fourth child was anxious.

Zheng Shan still pretended he didn\'t hear it, and continued to talk about him regardless, until the fourth child was almost in a hurry before he said angrily: "He\'s all asleep, you can just put it in the cradle."

He can\'t understand his brother, is this really stupid or fake? The child is asleep, can\'t it be good to put it in the cradle?

The arms that have to be hugged are numb!

"You don\'t know this little ancestor of your family. As soon as I put it down, I will definitely cry, crying heart-piercing." The fourth said.

Zheng Shandao: "I really don\'t believe it. Why didn\'t I hold him like this? You put it down and let me have a look now."

"Don\'t blame me for not reminding you when you\'re crying." The fourth said nervously.

Zheng Shandao: "I\'ll coax you to cry."

When the fourth heard this, he carefully placed Niuniu in the cradle, and then he looked frightened, as if Niuniu was about to cry in the next moment.

But the fact is that Niu Niu still slept soundly and had no problems at all.

Zheng Kui looked at Zheng Shan and looked at him with weird eyes, feeling that he was a little bit broken.

"It wasn\'t like this before. As long as I put it down a little, this guy will definitely cry." Zheng Kui shouted.

Immediately, he covered his mouth subconsciously, for fear of waking up the little guy.

Zheng Shan actually believed that it was not that he had encountered such a situation himself. The little guy was quite honest in his arms. He just believed that Zheng Kui would not lie about this matter.

After teasing Zheng Kui for a while, Zheng Shan said with a smile: "Now you know the difficulty of coaxing a child. In the future, when the one in your family is born, you will suffer."

"I regret it now." Zheng Kui couldn\'t help but say that this afternoon, he was making milk and changing diapers for Niu Niu.

Zheng Shan glared at him angrily, "Don\'t talk about every door handle, if Xiaohua hears it, I\'ll have to quarrel with you."

Speaking of this, Zheng Kui is full of bitterness. He came here today to hide from trouble.

"Brother, after you say this woman is pregnant, is this all the case, she has to make a big fuss over the little things, want to quarrel about everything, and cry at every turn, brother, you know me, what bothers me the most is when others cry. "

"Xiaohua was such a good person in the past, not to mention crying because of a trivial matter, even fighting with others, she didn\'t shed a single tear, but now? Cry at every turn, cry at every turn.

I didn\'t kill her, I didn\'t even dare to speak loudly. "

It can be seen that Zheng Kui has had a difficult time during this time, otherwise he would not look like this.

Originally, I came here in the afternoon to hide and clean up, but I never expected that my mother would actually hand over Niuniu to him and go out to work on her own.

In the afternoon, not only did he not get clean, but he felt even more broken.

Zheng Shan patted him on the shoulder and said earnestly: "Brother, you must know that when a woman is pregnant, she is a different kind of creature, and you must not provoke it, no matter what, just bear with it. "

Zheng Kui seemed to have caught a life-saving straw, "Brother, sister-in-law was like this before?"

Now he just wants to find someone like himself who can share his inner \'pain\'.


Zheng Shan said with a smile on his face: "This is really not true, your sister-in-law will not lose her temper."

Zheng Kui: …………

"Okay, when a woman is pregnant, her temper will definitely change. It will be fine after giving birth, and then it will be fine." Zheng Shan comforted.

"But it\'s still a long time." Zheng Kui said in despair.

He felt that he couldn\'t take it anymore. It was because Yuan Xiaohua\'s temper was too much during this time.

Seeing this, Zheng Shan also felt a little distressed for his younger brother. He went into the house to get some wine, and then found some leftovers from the kitchen. He put the little guy on the side, and the two began to drink.

"Brother, do you know? Just two days ago, I came back a little bit late, and she lost her temper. I explained it to her clearly, but she still refused to forgive."

"There are even times when nothing happens, just watching the sun set in the sky and crying."

"in addition…………"

Zheng Kui is really full of bitterness. He couldn\'t help but say it all after drinking a little wine. It was really bitter tears.

Zheng Kui also knew that Yuan Xiaohua was pregnant because of her pregnancy, so she apologized in a low voice every time, and did not dare to quarrel with Yuan Xiaohua, so she felt more and more aggrieved in her heart.

Now I finally have the opportunity to find someone to spit out bitterness, and once I say it, I can\'t stop.

The two were drinking like this, and when they said this, Zheng Shan also comforted his younger brother from time to time.

Niu Niu is very sensible and sleeps soundly. Occasionally he wakes up for a while, Zheng Shan plays with him for a while, and then falls asleep again, as if he knew that his father had something to do.

So the two of them were drinking and drinking properly and happily, especially Zheng Kui, which was the happiest thing for him recently.

However, the happiness of the two did not last long, and Zhong Huixiu soon returned.

When Zhong Huixiu saw that the two were drinking and put the child aside, she immediately picked up the stick and started beating.

"I let you drink, I let you drink beside your children~www.novelhall.com~ Zhong Huixiu beat and scolded.

"Mom, it\'s the fourth child. The fourth child was in a bad mood and took me to drink." Zheng Shan sold the fourth child directly.

Zheng Kui looked at Zheng Shan in disbelief, is it so straightforward to sell brothers?

Then he started to bite back, saying that it was Zheng Shan who offered to drink, and he drank it because he couldn\'t stand Zheng Shan\'s request.

Zheng Shan glared at the conscience of the fourth child, and he was trying to solve his problems.

But Zhong Huixiu didn\'t listen to their explanation. "You two are good people. I told you to look at the child. That\'s how you showed me."

"And you, don\'t laugh, is Niuniu your son, and you treat your own son like this?"

Zheng Shan and Zheng Kui could only listen to their mother\'s reprimands with bitter faces, and now they dare not even shirk their responsibilities.

Fortunately, Niu Niu woke up in time, which temporarily rescued the two.