Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 509: meet

The latest website: Zheng Shan\'s words were loud and did not mean any compromise. No matter who is interceding this time, it is useless.

Zheng Shan didn\'t stay here any longer. Next, he needed to give Jiang Datou an explanation.

"Where are those people?" Zheng Shan asked as soon as he got in the car.

Du Yougao knew who he was asking, and said quickly: "A few have been arrested, and a few have not been found for the time being."

"Also, the leaders here have talked to me. If they want me not to pursue this matter too much, they will pay more compensation."

During this period of time, Du Yougao was actually under great pressure. First, it was on Zheng Shan\'s side, and secondly, there were all kinds of hints from the leaders here, even explicit ones.

Just let him be about the same, don\'t hold on tight.

Zheng Shan said lightly, "You agreed?"

"Without your instructions, I wouldn\'t dare to agree. It\'s just that the police station is not very concerned about this matter because of the greeting." Du Yougao said quickly.

This matter is not just as simple as finding two people who beat people. If that\'s the case, there is no need to put pressure on Du Yougao directly.

And this matter is actually because Xishui Real Estate Company is a domestic enterprise, and it also has the shares of Pengcheng SASAC.

If foreign capital, it is estimated that according to the situation of this era, it is estimated that the situation at this time will not happen at all.

Therefore, when facing Du Yougao, I always feel that I can handle it.

As for why this side is so concerned about this matter, the reason is very simple. At first, there was some conflict between Xishui Real Estate Company and the construction company here.

But these are all business, but later, some things changed slowly, such as certain materials, which products must be used, and some projects must be contracted to certain people.

Du Yougao is not a novice, nor does he have any ethics and cleanliness, so as long as it is reasonable at the beginning, and the project can be completed according to quality and quantity, then everything will be fine.

But Du Yougao soon found out that even if he did as they said, things were not so simple.

The quality of the products given here will often have problems. Not only that, but the engineering acceptance for those people is also unqualified.

Du Yougao knew the boss\'s requirements for quality, so he insisted on rework. As for those products with quality problems, they were returned directly.

But there are various reasons to shirk it. Anyway, they just don\'t want to refund or rework, but Du Yougao\'s money has to be given.

So now Du Yougao rarely finds these engineering teams, and even prefers to spend more money to buy products from other companies.

However, this is also equivalent to cutting off other people\'s wealth, so these people come to make trouble from time to time and have various conflicts.

This is what happened to Jiang Datou this time. Those who need to be punished are not only those who beat people, but also those who commanded behind their backs.

Zheng Shan also understood the relationship, and said directly: "Go and tell them now, we demand that all details be strictly investigated and all murderers be severely punished. If they do not investigate, then even if we sue the central government, we will not quit."

Du Yougao was also suffocated before, not to mention being subject to various restrictions, but also to various difficulties. Sometimes, for the development of the company, he had to make some compromises.

But now it\'s alright. With Zheng Shan, the big boss, he can do things with peace of mind. As for offending people? The big boss has spoken, and he has nothing to worry about.

"Okay, boss, where are we going now?" Du Yougao said.

Zheng Shandao: "Go to the company."


Zheng Shan looked at some information in the company, and it was all about the people who were instructing the people behind the incident.

Maybe these people just wanted to teach Du Yougao a lesson, and they didn\'t want to kill people.

But whether it was an accident or not, or deliberately thinking of killing chickens to show the monkeys, since everyone is dead, then this matter cannot easily pass.

In the afternoon, Du Yougao came back, "Boss, they said they want to talk to you."

Zheng Shan didn\'t even look up, "Talk to me? What to talk about?"

"I guess it\'s still the same old way, thinking about peace of mind." Du Yougao said.

Zheng Shan put down the document in his hand and said, "Take care of things? Hehe, okay, you can arrange it at night, just so I can see who it is."

Du Yougao nodded and went out, and soon came back to report: "It\'s already made an appointment, at eight o\'clock in the evening."

Zheng Shan nodded and motioned for him to go out first.

Du Yougao went out and greeted Brother Xia Lai who was working at the door very politely.

After this incident, Du Yougao deeply understood a truth. He must have a good relationship with the people around the boss.

Just like what happened this time, if Bai Yi hadn\'t asked for help and reminded him by the way, then Du Yougao would never be able to eat and walk around.

If he hadn\'t gone to Liu Xia and his mother and daughter in advance yesterday, Zheng Shan would have been very dissatisfied with him today.

If he has a good relationship with Brother Xia Lai, it will be enough for him to help remind the big boss about his mood in the future.

However, Du Yougao also understands that even if he wants to have a good relationship, he can\'t use gifts or benefits to bind him.

That kind of interest relationship is indeed very strong, but in the same way, once Zheng Shan finds out, both of them will be doomed.

So it can only be like this, with a better attitude.

Brother Xia Lai also responded with a smile, and immediately lowered his head to work.


At eight o\'clock in the evening, Zheng Shan arrived at the agreed restaurant on time, when everyone else had already arrived.

Not only are there people from the city construction team~www.novelhall.com~ but also several leaders to accompany them, it seems that they are talking about things.

"Boss Zheng, I\'ve heard the name for a long time, and when I saw it today, it really lived up to its reputation." As soon as Zheng Shan came in, a middle-aged man greeted him with a smile and a polite speech.

"This is President Xue of the city construction company, and his nephew is one of the people who brought people to make trouble this time." Du Youguo introduced in a low voice.

Zheng Shan looked at President Xue, but did not extend his hand, but asked indifferently, "President Xue, where is your nephew now? Do you want to run away after killing someone?"

Seeing that Zheng Shan was so disrespectful, coupled with Zheng Shan\'s words, President Xue\'s face suddenly turned gloomy.

However, he also knew some of Zheng Shan\'s situation, so he quickly squeezed a smile on his face again, "Boss Zheng, you are really joking, sit down and sit down."

Someone on the side also helped: "Yes, Boss Zheng, if you don\'t sit, we won\'t dare to sit. By the way, what kind of dishes does Boss Zheng like? I heard that Boss Zheng is from the capital, so I ordered someone I sat down with some Beijing dishes, but I don\'t know if it suits Boss Zheng\'s taste, so I asked Boss Zheng to taste it a lot."