Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 508: Guarantee

The latest website: "Old sister, life is priceless, and Mr. Jiang Datou was in trouble to protect our company\'s property. These are what we should do." Zheng Shan said softly.

Zheng Shan thought that he really didn\'t give much.

Liu Xia was undoubtedly moved. With Zheng Shan\'s guarantee, she and her daughter\'s life would be guaranteed in the future.

The daughter also has a better future. Since Jiang Datou joined the group, Xishui Real Estate Company has often talked about how the group is.

So Liu Xia didn\'t know everything about Xishui Real Estate Company. She knew that in such a big company, if her daughter entered it in the future, she would not be just a gatekeeper like Jiang Datou, but would be like the kind of person who sits in the office.

Now give them a suite and stand for them to prevent their orphans, widows and mothers from being bullied.

To be honest, the current Liu Xia was deeply moved, but in the end Liu Xia said, "Boss, I know you are doing it for our own good, but I still can\'t accept it."

"Our family members often say that people can\'t be dissatisfied, let alone be insatiable. You have given us too much, and we deserve it."

Although Liu Xia was blind, everyone seemed to see determination in her eyes at this moment.

"Although Datou is gone, I\'m just a blind woman, but I can\'t embarrass Datou. The amount of money you gave us is enough, and we have already deserved it. If you want so many benefits from you, our family will No one will agree."

Listening to Liu Xia\'s words, Zheng Shan could feel that she was not being polite on purpose.

Some of the people watching the excitement were a little dumbfounded at this time. One wanted to compensate more, and the other didn\'t want so much. They could not wait to squeeze Liu Xia away and let themselves come, and even those who wanted to exchange with Jiang Datou first Not a few.

At this moment, a full-fledged voice shouted: "The big sister is right, we have what we can get and we can\'t get what we have, and the big head is also loyal to our duty. You have given enough, we can\'t be greedy."

Zheng Shan looked at him and saw that he was an old man in his fifties. Although he was old, and the palm of his left hand was missing a piece, he was in good spirits and did not look old at all.

Du Yougao introduced: "This is the person on duty with Jiang Datou, whose name is Hou Cheng, and he has been blaming himself these days."

Hou Cheng came over and said to Zheng Shan and the others, "Although Datou is dead, we can\'t deceive people just because he is dead."

Zheng Shan said helplessly: "Mr. Hou, we gave it voluntarily, you should be clear about this."

"Yes, but we can\'t ask for so much." Hou Cheng said firmly.

Immediately, she looked at Liu Xia apologetically and said, "Big sister, logically I shouldn\'t interrupt, let alone say such things, but..."

Liu Xia hurriedly said: "Big Brother Hou, you don\'t need to explain, I know, I can\'t let the big head live unsettled down there."

In fact, ever since Liu Xia got 100,000 yuan from Du Yougao last night, she has been restless in her heart.

Today, Zheng Shan came again to give benefits. She was excited at first, but soon calmed down and understood where she was uneasy yesterday.

Zheng Shan looked at the two of them and smiled helplessly, "You two, even if you don\'t think about yourself, think about it for your child. After all, her future is still very long."

As soon as these words came out, Liu Xia and Hou Cheng were speechless for a while, but Jiang Hui took the initiative to say, "I will fight for my future."

"Hey!" Zheng Shan sighed, maybe this is the sense of responsibility of the veterans, they take responsibility or tasks very seriously.

Zheng Shan began to persuade them earnestly, but on the contrary, it made them more firm in their inner thoughts.

In the end, Zheng Shan could only say: "Otherwise, the 100,000 yuan will become 20,000 yuan, and the house will be given to you. At the same time, I will find a job for Sister Liu in the company. Don\'t worry, this job is definitely something that Sister Liu can do. , not the kind that only takes money and does not work.”

Zheng Shan also understands their thinking. In the end, it can only be like this. At the same time, it is also beneficial. That is, the money is not so much. Although now, 20,000 yuan is also a lot, but it is definitely not as attractive as 100,000 yuan.

Coupled with a job, Liu Xia can no longer worry about sitting on the mountain.

"The other thing is about Jiang Hui\'s schooling, or the same sentence. No matter where you go, the company will cover it. If you get good grades in the future and want to study abroad, this promise is equally useful. Even if the company goes bankrupt, the promise is still valid."

Zheng Shan looked at the two and said seriously: "Please give us a chance to make up for it. Although these things will not help Mr. Jiang Datou, we also hope to make up for it."

Hou Cheng sighed and said, "Boss, you have been very good to us. Although I don\'t know much, I have heard a lot of things. One of them is that many of our comrades in arms have gotten good jobs recently."

"It is said that the boss asked the company to do this. Many companies are doing this. If I am not wrong, you should be right?"

In fact, Hou Cheng only guessed like this, he just had a feeling, after all, Du Yougao said he was his boss.

Who is Du Yougao?

Hou Cheng, as an employee of Xishui Real Estate Company, and the company\'s kindness towards them, he would naturally have a good understanding of them.

So he still knows some things, and the boss of such a person is naturally a bigger person, and it is a bit right with the legendary boss.

Zheng Shan didn\'t deny it either, just said, "I just did something I could do."

"It\'s really you?" Hou Chengdu was a little excited, he stood at attention with a swipe, and gave Zheng Shan a military salute, which made Zheng Shan feel flattered.

"I thank you for my comrades~www.novelhall.com~ Without you, many of my comrades don\'t know what to do." Hou Cheng said excitedly.

Zheng Shan hurriedly said: "Brother, there is no need to do this, these are what I should do."

After speaking, I was afraid that he would want to go back on it, so I quickly changed the subject, "The main thing for us now is to help Mr. Jiang Datou find justice, don\'t worry about that, or that sentence, no matter what, I will bring these people to justice. Israel will never let them escape."

Hearing what Zheng Shan said, Hou Cheng\'s attention was immediately diverted, and he said hesitantly, "But those people have backgrounds behind them."

"If the company is really inconvenient, I can understand it, and you can rest assured. I\'m like this anyway, and I don\'t have any worries, so it\'s better to let me come."

Zheng Shan looked at him and immediately understood what he was going to do, and quickly stopped him: "Brother, you must not do this, it\'s not worth it, they are not worth it."

"As for their background? Hehe, you can rest assured about this, unless I am completely finished, or no matter who it is, I will not be able to keep them."