Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 510: no talk

The latest website: Zheng Shan sat on the main seat, looked at these people present, did not speak first, just looked at them silently.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little stiff, Mr. Xue quickly smiled and said, "Boss Zheng, we have admired you for a long time. We have long heard that a business genius has appeared in our country. Today, I finally got what I wanted to see. I toast to you. "

He raised his glass as he spoke, but Zheng Shan didn\'t shake his face directly this time, but only took a sip.

In fact, seeing Zheng Shan like this, some people are already angered in their hearts.

It\'s really disrespectful to them. They know that Zheng Shan is very good, and his business is relatively large. I heard that he has a lot of skills abroad.

But this is Yangcheng, their territory.

They feel that they should still have the upper hand psychologically. Isn\'t there a saying that strong dragons don\'t overwhelm local snakes.

It is true that Zheng Shan is a strong dragon, but they are also local snakes, and they are also very capable local snakes.

They also thought before that Zheng Shan\'s attitude might be bad, but they didn\'t expect to give them face like this.

"Ahem, Boss Zheng, I\'m inviting you over this time, in fact, to discuss the matter of the Xishui Real Estate Company. I believe that Mr. Zheng is here for this matter." Mr. Xue coughed dryly and said nothing. I was polite with Zheng Shan and went straight to the topic.

Zheng Shandao: "Yes, this time the incident is extremely bad, I really did not expect that the public security management has just passed, and now there are still black organizations so rampant in society."

Hearing what Zheng Shan said, the faces of some people turned green, especially President Xue and several leaders. They didn\'t expect Zheng Shan to give them such a big hat.

"Cough, I think Mr. Zheng has misunderstood something. This time it was actually an ordinary fight, but both sides were angry and lost their hands for a while. There is no so-called black organization." The leader let out a dry cough.

Zheng Shan said blankly: "Is this the result of your investigation?"

As if feeling Zheng Shan\'s dissatisfaction, the leader coughed dryly and then stopped talking.

Regarding Du Yougao, his attitude can be tougher. After all, Xishui Real Estate Company is also a domestic enterprise, and since they are basically together, Pengcheng is not very far from Yangcheng.

So many things, he can speak.

But facing Zheng Shan, he is not so casual. Besides, Zheng Shan is not really just a businessman. Zheng Shan also has a lot of connections in the capital.

This time he came here to be a peacemaker, not to stand up for others.

"Oh, this way, I know that Boss Zheng is a caring boss. I can call the shots. We are willing to pay 50,000 yuan as compensation." President Xue said.

Zheng Shan sneered when he heard the words: "50,000 yuan, that\'s a lot!"

"Otherwise, I\'ll take out 500,000 yuan, and I don\'t want President Xue\'s life. President Xue will just give me his two legs, how about it?"

At this moment, Mr. Xue couldn\'t keep his smile any longer. He frowned and said, "Boss Zheng, he\'s just an employee, and he\'s also a disabled employee. That\'s not the case? Just mention what conditions you have."

Zheng Shan looked at these people present, and looked at them thinking about making big things small and small things, and suddenly laughed, "Okay, my condition is to participate in this time and organize the black gang behind the people. Catch them all."

"Boss Zheng, do you want to embarrass so many of us for the sake of a small employee?"

"Boss Zheng, I know your business is doing a lot, but don\'t forget, this is Yangcheng, and many things are not as simple as they seem."

Someone threatened, and Du You, who was beside him, said in a low and low voice, "This person\'s name is Cheng Liang. He used to be from the city engineering team. Good job, substandard quality.”

Zheng Shan looked at the person who spoke up, "Mr. Cheng means that if I don\'t agree to come down, then our Xishui Real Estate Company will not be able to get along in Yangcheng?"

"I didn\'t say that, it\'s just your own understanding." Cheng Liang laughed again at this time.

He believed that Zheng Shan would think about it clearly. He was just an employee, and they were willing to lose money.

If it weren\'t for the involvement of his own family, and the unclear attitude of some leaders, he would not even be willing to pay the money.

Others mean the same thing.

At this time, a leader next to him interjected, "Hey, there is no need for everyone to be so angry, drink some tea and chat slowly, after all, it is not a big deal."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Zheng Shan and said with a smile: "Boss Zheng, the opinion in our city is actually to see if we can ease it a little bit and focus on the overall situation. You know, the current city is mainly focusing on economic construction. For this trivial matter, you will destroy the overall situation of economic construction, don\'t you think?"

Zheng Shan laughed again. Although he came here today and said that he had no intention of reconciling, he couldn\'t help but get angry when he heard these bastards\' remarks.

Yes, in their opinion, it\'s just a small thing, and it\'s really nothing compared to such a big economic situation.

"The first thing I want to say is that I understand the overall economic situation better than you, and I care more than you. Otherwise, I would not have come back from the United States." Zheng Shan\'s voice was neither light nor serious.

"Secondly, the so-called overall economic situation is not calculated by you. If you really want to calculate it, what can you calculate in this game?"

"In the end, I want to say it again. In my opinion, this matter is a big thing. Human life is at stake. The truth that has worked since ancient times has become a trivial matter when it comes to you?"

Zheng Shan has fully expressed his position at this time~www.novelhall.com~ Mr. Xue, Cheng Liang and others are also frowning, they feel that this Zheng Shan is very difficult to deal with, and it is such a trivial matter that they have to hold on to it.

It\'s not that they haven\'t encountered similar things. In the past, they even just asked people to "greet" and it was fine. Now they are willing to pay, and even offer some benefits to share, but Zheng Shan is still clinging to it.

"So we don\'t have to talk?" President Xue said coldly.

Zheng Shandao: "There is no need to talk about it from beginning to end. Everyone, no matter who it is, as long as it is involved, I will never let it go."

After speaking, Zheng Shan stood up, looked at the people in the circle, and left here with them.


As soon as Zheng Shan left, Cheng Liang couldn\'t help but slammed the cup in his hand to the ground.

"Do you really think that this is what he said? I even asked him to take a look. In Yangcheng, it is the dragon that he wants to coil for me, and the tiger that wants to lie down for me." Cheng Liang said fiercely.