Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 507: compensate

Latest website: Xishui Real Estate Company recruits many people like Jiang Datou, and most of them help on the construction site.

Many of them help to watch the construction site, and the treatment is the same as that of regular employees.

Therefore, Jiang Datou is very grateful to the company, and this time he did not back down even if his life was threatened.

He thinks the company treats him so well, he can\'t let the company down.

The more he understands, the more complicated Zheng Shan feels. How can his company be worthy of employees doing this.

"Because the construction site here is in a state of shutdown many times, and some things have not been fixed, so only two employees are arranged, one is on day shift and one is on night shift, and they are transferred every half month." Du Yougao said cautiously.

Zheng Shan walked out of the car silently, and a group of people attracted the attention of many people. Many people seemed to know where they were going, and pointed at them one by one.

"It\'s not a loss for Jiang Datou to die." An old man couldn\'t help but say.

"It\'s really not a loss. If I die, there is a company that takes care of our family like this, and I\'m willing to die now."

"This company is indeed a good company."

. . . . . . .

Listening to these discussions, Zheng Shan also had mixed feelings.

And Du Yougao\'s side is only lucky. If he didn\'t react, he didn\'t come yesterday, then today might be a different story.

Fortunately, I came by myself yesterday.

In fact, at the beginning, Du Yougao also made arrangements, but it was only ordered by the following people to do it. At that time, his energy was completely distracted by the various things caused by this incident.

Just dealing with people who come to intercede makes him exhausted.

The next thing to do is not really dedicated.

Zheng Shan and the others came to a relatively messy farmyard. At this time, it was almost cleaned up, and the people had been buried a few days ago.

A woman with hair that looked to be in her forties and a girl of fifteen or sixteen were sitting in the courtyard.

The little girl saw the person and whispered something to the woman.

The woman stood up quickly, Zheng Shan saw that her eyes were blank, and she should be Jiang Datou\'s wife.

"Ms. Liu, this is the boss of our company." Du Yougao hurriedly stepped forward and introduced.

Liu Xia said blankly, "Aren\'t you the boss?"

Although she can\'t see, she is very sensitive to voices, and she can tell that Du Yougao is the boss of the company who came yesterday.

Du You explained in a low voice: "I\'m just the boss of the company, not the real boss. Our boss was in the capital before, and I heard that Mr. Jiang came over in person."

When she heard that it was from the capital, Liu Xia was a little overwhelmed, "I\'m sorry, our house is a little messy."

Zheng Shan quickly stepped forward to help him and said in a low voice, "Sister, I\'m sorry, it\'s our company that is sorry for Mr. Jiang Datou."

Liu Xia hurriedly said: "Boss, don\'t say that, the company treats our family very well. Our family members have often said that the company takes care of our family so much, and we have to work hard for the company. We have failed the company\'s good for us."

Jiang Datou\'s daughter Jiang Hui also said softly, "Boss, our family has never complained about the company from beginning to end. We just hope that the company can give our family justice and let those who killed my dad get legal sanctions."

"What nonsense are you talking about, the company has the company\'s consideration, we can\'t cause trouble for the company." Liu Xia said quickly.

It\'s not that she doesn\'t want to avenge her husband, but she has her own ideas, or she doesn\'t dare to say anything more on this matter.

Zheng Shandao: "Don\'t worry about this, I promise you here, no matter who it is, no matter who is involved, I will definitely give you an explanation."

Zheng Shan said it very solemnly and did not mean to fool at all.

Liu Xia seemed to feel Zheng Shan\'s determination, so she burst into tears, "Thank you boss for being the master of our family, thank you boss."

As he was about to kneel down for Zheng Shan, Zheng Shan quickly helped her up, "Old sister, please don\'t do this, it\'s our company that is sorry for Mr. Jiang Datou."

Brother Xia Lai came forward to comfort Jiang Hui, who was also tearful. After waiting for a while, the scene calmed down again.

Zheng Shan looked at Du Yougao and asked, "What is the compensation plan given by the company."

Du You said in a low voice, "One hundred thousand yuan."

When he said this, he felt a little uneasy, wondering if the money was less.

In fact, this is the reason why Liu Xia told her daughter not to talk nonsense before. Maybe in her opinion, the 100,000 yuan is the money to buy her life, so they should not pursue this matter.

At least from now on, 100,000 yuan is enough to drive many people crazy. Didn\'t you see that so many people envy them just now?

Liu Xia was also a little uneasy at this time. She wondered if the big boss from the capital thought too much.

But Zheng Shan said, "That\'s all?"

Du Yougao didn\'t know what to say for a while.

"Old sister, we didn\'t do well before, so your daughter Jiang Hui is going to school now, right?" Zheng Shan ignored Du Yougao, turned to look at Liu Xia and asked softly.

Liu Xia nodded blankly, and Zheng Shan continued: "Our company will take care of your daughter\'s schooling in the future, no matter where she goes to school, we will support her.

If she wants to go to study abroad in the future, we will arrange it. "

"At the same time, the company will keep a position for Jiang Hui forever, if she wants to work in the company in the future."

"The other thing is that if you have any needs, even if you tell the company, as long as we can help in the future, we will definitely not refuse."

"Also, if you want, old sister, you can also work in the company."

Zheng Shan is very thoughtful~www.novelhall.com~ It\'s not just about giving money, but more importantly, you need to give them a guarantee.

The most important thing is that Du Yougao didn\'t take into account in his haste, that is, he gave so much money to orphans and widows with such a big fanfare, and he would definitely be eyeing on ulterior motives.

So without waiting for Liu Xia to speak, Zheng Shan looked at some people standing outside the yard watching the fun and said, "My neighbors, Jiang Datou\'s family will be our company\'s family in the future, please take care of them. If they have any difficulties, you You can also contact our company directly, and we will definitely not refuse.”

Zheng Shan needs to tell these people not to think about the idea of ​​this pair of orphans and widows.

"Old sister, if you want, we have also prepared a house for you here. You can move in there when the time comes." Zheng Shan said.

Liu Xia was already stunned, "Too much, boss, it\'s really too much, the big head is not worth so much money."

Although these words are hurtful, in Liu Xia\'s eyes, not even just in Liu Xia\'s eyes, this is the truth.