Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 506: Condition

The latest website: Zheng Shan figured out the ins and outs of the matter through various channels. This employee was accidentally beaten to death for protecting the company\'s property.

In Zheng Shan\'s view, Du Yougao has an inescapable responsibility for this matter.

Since there has been a conflict of interests with others, even a physical conflict has occurred for this.

At this time, Du Yougao should anticipate everything that can happen, and he needs to be more prepared.

After losing his temper, Zheng Shan coldly instructed: "Get ready, go to Yangcheng tomorrow, and by the way, let Du Yougao better prepare a speech for himself."

Brother Xia Lai nodded silently. Seeing that Zheng Shan had no other orders, he went out to prepare.

After Du Yougao received the call, he hung up the phone in an uneasy mood, thought about it, and finally called Bai Yi.

"Xiaoyi, what\'s the attitude of the boss?" Du Yougao asked directly without being obsessed.

Bai Yi was silent for a moment. She naturally heard about Du Yougao\'s incident. After a moment of silence, she said, "I don\'t know the specifics, but as far as I know, the boss is very angry, you better be careful."

Although the two have been deliberately avoiding the relationship between the two sides, and even in many cases, they do not meet each other.

But after all, they are relatives. When Du Yougao encounters such a thing, it is impossible for Bai Yi to deny his six relatives and say nothing.

Du Yougao said with some annoyance: "I didn\'t know that these guys were so courageous that they dared to cause death."

He really didn\'t expect this, Du Yougao had lived in Xiangjiang since he was a child, and his original family was considered a middle- and high-income family.

In addition, his academic performance has been very good, and then he directly studied in the United States, studied in the United States, then entered the company as an intern, and finally served as secretary to Zheng Shan in Xishui Group.

Therefore, his ability to deal with this kind of thing is not good, and his consideration is not comprehensive enough.

Bai Yi actually knew it, she said, "The boss is very angry, no matter what this time, don\'t make excuses to shirk the responsibility, and you can\'t shirk this responsibility, the main thing now is to arrange the family of the deceased employee. Now, don\'t let the family down, you know the character of our boss."

Du Yougao nodded suddenly, he was also very worried during this time, just dealing with the follow-up and the impact of this matter exhausted all his energy.

I also have to worry about Zheng Shan\'s accountability. I really haven\'t considered this for a while.

"I almost forgot, I\'ll do it now." Du Yougao said quickly.

Bai Yi reminded: "Don\'t let the following people do it, this time you must go over by yourself, the first point is to win the forgiveness of the family members, talk about the compensation for the family members first, wait until the boss arrives there and then do the final decision."

Du Yougao took a deep breath, said thank you and hung up the phone.

He knows Zheng Shan\'s character very well. If he loses some money, even tens of millions, Zheng Shan may just smile and ask him to submit a report.

But things like this, Zheng Shan won\'t take it lightly.


When Zheng Shan returned home, it was still hard to feel the anger in his heart. Niuniu seemed to feel his father\'s emotions, his small hand tightly grasped Zheng Shan\'s big hand, and his mouth was babbling, as if comforting him.

"It\'s not a shame that he is my good son. I know that I feel sorry for my father." Zheng Shan kissed the fat little guy in front of him.

However, the originally happy little guy suddenly burst into tears at this time, causing Zhong Huixiu to rush over in a hurry, and immediately reprimanded Zheng Shan.

"Be good, don\'t cry, don\'t cry." Zhong Huixiu patted the little guy.

Strange to say, the little guy really stopped crying, which made Zheng Shan very embarrassed. He dared to be sentimental just now.

When she went to bed at night, Yan Qingqing could clearly feel the mood of the person beside her pillow, and asked with concern, "Did you encounter any difficulties?"

Zheng Shan sighed lightly: "It\'s okay, I\'ll deal with it tomorrow, you don\'t have to worry."

"I don\'t understand your affairs very well, but don\'t forget, we are husband and wife, no matter what happens, we have to carry it together." Yan Qingqing said seriously.

Zheng Shan kissed Yan Qingqing\'s forehead and said with a smile, "Don\'t worry, it\'s really okay."

The two fell asleep hugging each other, and Zheng Shan\'s mood became much better, and soon fell asleep.

Zheng Shan set off after eating the next morning. When he arrived in Yangcheng, Du Yougao was already waiting here.

"Boss." Du Yougao stepped forward cautiously.

Zheng Shan gave him a cold look, "Do you know what went wrong this time?"

Du Yougao has faced Zheng Shan\'s questioning since then, but he was suddenly relieved. What he was most afraid of was that Zheng Shan would not say a word, that would be really angry to the extreme and disappointed with him Du Yougao. .

"I should have prepared in advance. All of this is my dereliction of duty, and I am willing to accept any punishment." Du Yougao did not defend anything.

In fact, if he really argues, he also has many reasons, the biggest one is that he is not on the side of Yangcheng.

Although Yangcheng is also a key development city for Xishui Real Estate Company, the company\'s headquarters is in Pengcheng after all, and Du Yougao spends most of his time in Pengcheng.

Many things are arranged by the person below, and he only needs to give a general charter.

But he also listened to Bai Yi\'s advice, and more importantly, he knew Zheng Shan\'s character.

Zheng Shan didn\'t say a word, just got into the car, "Go to the house of the employee\'s family."

Du Yougao said immediately: "Okay."

He is very grateful now that he called Bai Yi yesterday, otherwise he would really not be able to pass Zheng Shan today.

The vehicle soon came to a dilapidated village, not a village, but an urban village, and now there are many places like this.

Especially with the increasing number of foreigners, although most of them gather in Pengcheng, there are also many here in Yangcheng.

On the way ~www.novelhall.com~ Du Yougao talked about the situation of the employees in detail.

Zheng Shan had only done some simple understanding before, and the main energy was put on the investigation of the incident.

However, at this time, it was even more difficult to hide the pain in his heart.

The deceased employee\'s name is Jiang Datou, and his name is this. He is a disabled veteran who is discharged from the army. He is almost fifty years old this year.

In the past, because of the disability, it was difficult to find a partner, and the family was not rich, so I kept dragging it.

It was not until he was in his thirties that he found a woman who was also born blind to live with each other.

Before Zheng Shan asked all companies to take care of disabled soldiers, Xishui Real Estate Company, as a directly affiliated company, naturally responded immediately.

Jiang Datou is such a person. The benefits given by Xishui Real Estate Company are no different from those of regular employees, and his job content is to take care of the construction site.