Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 505: dead!

The latest website: Yuan Xiaohua\'s pregnancy has made the Zheng family very busy.

Now Yuan Xiaohua is already the new Zheng family after Yan Qingqing.

Yuan Xiaohua enjoyed it at first, after all, the more her husband\'s family was like this, the more they cared about her and valued her.

Although most of the reasons may be due to the child in the womb, it is also her own child.

It wasn\'t long before Yuan Xiaohua couldn\'t bear it any longer. There were so many things, Yuan Xiaohua felt that her mother-in-law, sister-in-law, and the others made a fuss.

Yuan Xiaohua couldn\'t bear it anymore, but she didn\'t dare to tell Zhong Huixiu directly, she could only find Yan Qingqing, who had just experienced herself and the same experience, to complain.

And he had to be careful to avoid Zhong Huixiu, for fear that she would hear the same.

At this time, Yan Qingqing was busy in her study. Yan Qingqing\'s study was not like Zheng Shan\'s study, and no one could enter.

Yuan Xiaohua also remembered the taboos that her husband Zheng Kui said. One of them was not to enter and leave Zheng Shan\'s study at will, and not to rummage through things in it.

Looking at Yan Qingqing who was working at the desk, Yuan Xiaohua felt a little envious, but Yuan Xiaohua did not envy Yan Qingqing\'s beauty.

In Yuan Xiaohua\'s opinion, it only takes a few years to be beautiful, and she is not bad herself. Although she is far inferior to Yan Qingqing, she is also a beauty in size.

Yuan Xiaohua most admired, or envied Yan Qingqing\'s status as a senior intellectual, a university teacher, and a talent.

"Why are you here?" Yan Qingqing looked at Yuan Xiaohua in surprise.

Yuan Xiaohua said, "I thought about coming over to talk to you, but I didn\'t bother you, did I?"

Yan Qingqing put away the work at hand with a smile, and joked: "You are the eldest baby of our family now. If you want you to have requirements, we need to take time out even if we are busy."

Yuan Xiaohua smiled bitterly: "Don\'t make fun of me, I don\'t know what to do now."

When Yan Qingqing heard the words, she immediately said seriously: "What\'s wrong with you? Did something happen to you?"

Seeing Yan Qingqing\'s caring eyes, Yuan Xiaohua felt a little warm in her heart, but then she said with a bitter face: "I just feel that my mother and sister-in-law are too much, and I feel that many things are unnecessary, especially chicken soup, once or twice is fine. , but every day chicken soup, duck soup, I really can\'t stand it."

Yan Qingqing laughed unkindly after listening to Yuan Xiaohua\'s words.

"Third sister-in-law, don\'t gloat over the misfortune. Give me an idea. If it goes on like this, I must be crazy." Yuan Xiaohua begged.

She really had no choice but to ask Yan Qingqing for help.

From the bottom of her heart, Yuan Xiaohua also admires Yan Qingqing very much. The worship of high-level intellectuals in this era comes from the heart.

Yan Qingqing said with a smile: "It\'s useless for you to ask me, I also survived like this."

"Third sister-in-law, please help me." Yuan Xiaohua said.

Yan Qingqing and Yuan Xiaohua laughed for a while, and then said seriously: "Don\'t complain, Mom and sister-in-law are all for your own good, and these are not harmful to you, they can also make them happy, bear with it, wait until the end of the birth. The child will be fine, and then their attention will be on the child.”

This is Yan Qingqing\'s true thoughts. When facing Zhong Huixiu and the others before, unless they couldn\'t bear it, the rest of Yan Qingqing would laugh and answer, never say refusal, and never lose their temper.

This may also have something to do with Yan Qingqing\'s growing environment. Facing Zhong Huixiu who treats her like a daughter, she couldn\'t refuse in her heart, which is what she has always longed for.

Hearing Yan Qingqing\'s words, Yuan Xiaohua could only have a bitter face, she was not ignorant.

In the past, things like chicken, she could not eat a single bite for many years.

"I see." Yuan Xiaohua muttered.

Seeing her like this, Yan Qingqing smiled and comforted, "Actually, it doesn\'t take long for you to think about it, nine months, when it\'s about to give birth, just let the fourth child take you to the hospital, and when you get there, Let the doctor and mother tell them that it will be fine when the time comes."

"And if you change your mind, for example, after giving birth, you won\'t be able to get your mother to take care of you like that."

"Of course, if you really can\'t stand it anymore, you can also tell Mom, Mom is not the kind of unreasonable person."

Listening to Yan Qingqing\'s comfort, Yuan Xiaohua nodded. In fact, she also understood in her heart that this time she came here mainly to seek some comfort.


Zheng Shan was in the secretarial department at this time, reading some documents and dealing with some things.

In the past two days, his affairs have suddenly become more and more, mainly because of problems with the Xishui Real Estate Company.

The development of Xishui real estate has been going smoothly, but this year, for some unknown reason, a lot of things happened.

In particular, there was a lot of trouble half a month ago. The construction team of Xishui Real Estate Company had conflicts with some local construction companies.

There have been many troubles there, but Xishui Real Estate Company also has problems. At first, the two sides were just wrangling, but it gradually developed to the point of fighting.

It was okay before, even if it was a fight, it was enough, but this time it was different, it was dead!

This is also the reason why this matter was sent to Zheng Shan, otherwise ordinary things could not reach Zheng Shan at all.

Whether such a thing is big or small, the impact is still a bit bad.

The deceased were from the Brooks Real Estate Company.

Originally, this matter would definitely be widely reported, but because of Zheng Shan, someone came forward to suppress it.

Zheng Shan immediately started to deal with this matter. First of all, he lost his temper before he came up, or blamed someone.

He first understood the beginning and end of everything, not only the information provided by Du Yougao, he also asked others to help collect it.

It\'s not just a matter of listening to one person\'s rumors.

After everything was sorted out~www.novelhall.com~ Zheng Shan\'s face was gloomy and terrifying, and Xia Lai\'s brother next to him held his breath involuntarily.

"What is Du Yougao doing? If you can\'t do it, get out of here!" Zheng Shan growled.

He was very angry, maybe this was the first time in his life that he was so angry, and anger filled his mind.

The reason for the matter is very simple, the employee who died was the person who was guarding the construction site at that time.

The other party attacked the construction site that night, thinking about destroying everything inside, and even moving it away, so that their construction site would stop working.

But the employee tried desperately to stop it, and was finally beaten to death.

In Zheng Shan\'s view, this incident was completely avoidable, or the employee\'s death could be avoided.

As long as Du Yougao takes precautions in advance, he should also take precautions. After all, it is not the first time for the other party, but Du Yougao didn\'t do this, so he seemed so angry.