Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 504: system

Latest website: Now Zheng Weijun is not what he used to be. He doesn\'t know this or that about his younger brother.

Although Zheng Shan didn\'t deliberately hide it from him before, he didn\'t mention it on purpose, so Zheng Weijun didn\'t know much.

But as the taxi company got bigger and bigger, Zheng Weijun made more and more people, and naturally more and more things about Zheng Shan.

Many times, when others ask him, he is stunned, but when he knows something, he is even more shocked.

Is this really his own brother?

Of course, at the same time there is pride and pride, this is his own brother!

He didn\'t know exactly how big Zheng Shan\'s career was, but he knew that it was definitely much bigger than his taxi company.

However, Zheng Weijun found that Zheng Shan was very busy every day. Although he was busy sometimes, it was only a few. Most of the time he was still very busy.

Let him have an illusion that Zheng Shan seems to be an idler, not the boss of so many big companies.

I didn\'t feel that much before, but when I was getting busier and busier and Zheng Shan was still like this, Zheng Weijun couldn\'t help it.

Wen Jie also looked over with a curious expression. Like Zheng Weijun, he knew more and more.

Seeing them talking about these things, Zheng Jianguo was not in the mood to chat with them, so he left to hug his little grandson.

Zheng Shan looked at their curious eyes and said with a smile: "It\'s nothing, just learn to delegate power."

Zheng Weijun said: "Let go of power? I also let go of power, but you know the result, I will fix all kinds of things for me within a few days, and within a month, his department almost became a gathering place for their relatives. "

Zheng Shan also knew about this matter. Zheng Weijun delegated power to the next manager. This manager is very capable. After Zheng Weijun came to power, he made a lot of achievements.

But it is such a person. After Zheng Weijun chose to delegate power to him, within a month, his seven aunts and eight aunts were arranged to join the company.

This also completely left a shadow in Zheng Weijun\'s heart.

Zheng Shan said: "This is about management, management is a science, and it is a very big science.

If a company wants to become bigger and stronger, a perfect system is indispensable, and the system can save you a lot of things. "

"Especially in the management of the company, the improvement of the system plays a vital role in the development of the company."

"Take the Xishui Club as an example. Now the club is very big, there are many employees and managers, and it involves all aspects.

It stands to reason that the clubs alone are enough for me. "

Zheng Weijun and Wen Jie nodded quickly, even Zheng Kui, who was immersed in joy at the moment, could not help but **** up his ears and listen.

"But I don\'t need to be more concerned at all, because the club has complete rules and regulations. Although these rules and regulations may be lacking, so far, there is no problem." Zheng Shan said.

Seeing that several people were interested in learning, Zheng Shan also became addicted to being a teacher and began to talk freely.

"The role of the system can be briefly summarized into four points, the first is to play a guiding and educational role.

A system is a criterion within which employees can know what rights they have and what obligations they need to have.

In addition, it is possible to clarify his future development direction, what it will be like, and he can be promoted and raised. "

"The second point is the negative vigilance and deterrent effect, clearly telling employees what can be done, what can\'t be done, what the consequences of not doing, and whether the consequences can be borne by him."

"Of course, this point needs to be beaten from time to time to catch some typical examples, otherwise everyone probably won\'t take it seriously, just like Dou Wensheng, nothing happened to him, it is estimated that there are many people in the club. Employees don’t take the system seriously, but once the incident comes out, no one dares to take it seriously.”

"The third point is the role of preventing problems before they happen and preventing disputes from happening..."

"The fourth point is the role of ex post facto support and providing evidence for handling labor disputes..."

Zheng Shan stopped talking about the management system and told them all about it. He didn\'t need Zheng Weijun and they immediately understood and learned it immediately.

But there are some impressions, and we will work hard in this direction in the future, which is enough.

Seeing that they seem to understand but not understand, Zheng Shan thought about it and said, "Otherwise, there is some training in this area in Xiangjiang. I will sign up for you all to study?"

"I\'d better forget it, my daughter-in-law is about to give birth." Zheng Kui was the first to refuse.

He is an attitude towards learning, stay away!

Now that he has finally stopped going to school, it is absolutely impossible to want him to study!

Zheng Weijun also said: "I can forget it. Now the company can\'t do without people. Let\'s talk about it when I have time."

Wen Jie said, "I don\'t need to learn this for a small business like me."

The three have their own reasons, and Zheng Shan is not in a hurry, just smiled and said: "Okay, then wait until you have time."

These things still need to be learned by themselves. Otherwise, Zheng Shan forces them to study in the past, and it will have no effect at all.

When they feel that it is more and more difficult to manage the company and the difficulty of management is getting more and more difficult, they will know to learn.

Several people were chatting here, and while eating, they drank a lot with Zheng Kui. Of course, Zheng Kui didn\'t feel anything.

"Dakui, why don\'t you move here? Wait until your daughter-in-law is born before going back to live." Zhong Huixiu said.

Just as Zheng Kui wanted to agree, he felt his daughter-in-law stab him, so he could only change his words: "Don\'t worry now, just wait."

Zheng Shan also said: "Mom~www.novelhall.com~ Please help me take good care of this kid in our family. When the little flower is about to give birth, can you spare some time?"

"I raised you all to raise a group of white-eyed wolves, so I know how to call your mother." Zhong Huixiu scolded, but she looked very happy.

Now that the children are getting married and starting businesses one after another, and their careers are getting better and better, she feels that she seems to have little effect on her children in an instant.

Such a thought made Zhong Huixiu very sad, but she didn\'t know how to express it.

And the birth of Zheng Shan\'s child, let Zhong Huixiu know that she is still useful to the child, and it is still a big role, not just a burden.

So Zhong Huixiu is actually very happy deep down.

Zheng Shan didn\'t know much about the thoughts in his mother\'s heart, but he knew that the old man couldn\'t be idle all of a sudden, or his body would really collapse.

He needs to make his mother a little busy, or at least let her have things in her heart, which is also a good thing for the old man\'s body.