Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 503: another happy event

Latest website: Hao Wu left the capital a few days after saying goodbye to Zheng Shan, and went to a foreign country. I don\'t know what the scene will be like when we meet again.

However, Zheng Shan didn\'t think much about it at this time. Everyone had their own ideas. Since Hao Wu wanted to break through, he couldn\'t stop it.

He needs to take care of the child now, Yan Qingqing is busy, and it is impossible for Zheng Shan to really let his mother take the child with him all day long, and he has no time for himself.

Time is still passing by as normal. During this time, Zheng Shan, in addition to taking care of the children, went to the secretary office and rarely went out.

Two o\'clock and one line, life is very regular.

With the signing of the Plaza Agreement, Zheng Shan\'s plan is also at the stage of implementation. Moore and the others have secretly begun to acquire Japanese listed companies.

Zheng Shan\'s requirements are very low, they don\'t require them to have much assets, and they don\'t need much fame, just this company is enough.

Moore is also a veteran, and with the support of top investment banks such as Goldman Sachs, he soon completed most of the tasks given by Zheng Shan.

Now all that\'s left is a matter of time.

At the same time, Moore\'s side is not in a hurry to contact those rich people, and he is not in a hurry to operate. Now everything has just begun, and it cannot be rushed.

The same is true for Lucas, who has now focused most of his attention on the stream convenience store in Japan.

The sales performance of the convenience store is very gratifying, and now it has begun to expand to South Korea, and the four tigers in Asia are developing rapidly.

At the same time, convenience stores play a vital role in this plan.


"Brother, Xiaohua is pregnant." Zheng Shan was coaxing the baby that day when he saw Zheng Kui come in excitedly.

Zheng Shan was also a little surprised when he heard the words, "Really? Have you taken it to the hospital for examination?"

Zheng Kui nodded fiercely and said, "Go, Xiaohua\'s body has been a little uncomfortable these two days, so I took her to the hospital to have a look. The doctor said she was pregnant."

"It\'s a good thing, by the way, what about Xiaohuaren?" Zheng Shan asked.

"At home, I didn\'t let her over." Zheng Kui said hehe.

Zheng Shan smiled, this guy was feeling sorry for his daughter-in-law, "Bring it here to make mom happy, don\'t be so nervous, just pregnant, as long as there is no major incident, there is basically no danger."

He now has some understanding of pregnancy. When Yan Qingqing was pregnant, although Zheng Shan did nothing on the surface, he secretly checked a lot of information and also asked many foreign experts.

So now he knows a lot.

Zheng Kui nodded and went out soon, while Zheng Shan found his mother with the child in his arms.

"Mom, your little daughter-in-law is also pregnant, so you are happy now." Zheng Shan said with a smile.

Zhong Huixiu was still busy picking up the vegetable garden, and when she heard this, she immediately said with surprise, "Is it true or false?"

"Of course it\'s true, the fourth brother just came over and said, I asked him to go back and bring Xiaohua over." Zheng Shandao.

Zhong Huixiu hurriedly wiped her hands and walked out of the vegetable garden, "I want to bring it here. I want to tell her something, and they can\'t let them mess around on their own."

It didn\'t take long for Zheng Kui to arrive with Yuan Xiaohua. At such a short distance, he actually drove people over.

"Mom." Yuan Xiaohua was also happy at this time.

Zhong Huixiu took Yuan Xiaohua\'s hand and began to inquire about the situation carefully, but the brothers Zheng Shan and Zheng Kui couldn\'t say a word.

"When you have a child, you will be more stable in the future. Don\'t be like before. You can\'t do anything right. It\'s all based on interest." Zheng Shan urged.

In the past, Zheng Kui did everything based on his own interests, whether he opened an auto repair shop or a taxi company.

The auto repair shop is okay, although Zheng Kui is not very concerned now, but it is still running well.

But the taxi company was like that. If Zheng Weijun had not taken over it in time and spent a lot of energy on it, it would have been chaotic at this time.

Zheng Shan used to follow his temperament, and he didn\'t ask him to be nice anyway.

Zheng Kui nodded and said, "That\'s for sure, I\'m going to save some money for our kid too."

"If you have money, save it temporarily. Don\'t have any troubles. Next time you start a business, you must have a complete plan." Zheng Shandao.

Since Zheng Kui got married, it was a real separation from Zheng Shan.

Zheng Shan did not often subsidize him like he used to. Whatever he wanted to do, Zheng Shan used his own money to supplement it.

Zheng Shan basically rarely gives money to Zheng Kui now, and even his company, Zheng Shan has rarely given advice.

Because after Zheng Kui got married, it was a family, and even the garage was not his own. Zheng Shan couldn\'t be the same as before, and he would say bluntly when he saw something wrong.

"Brother, I know." Zheng Kui smirked and touched his head, but he probably didn\'t hear it, and now there is only ecstasy in his heart.

In the evening, a group of people gathered in Zheng Shan\'s house again, and now everyone is surrounding Yuan Xiaohua.

Even Yan Qingqing couldn\'t hold back and imparted some of his own experience. A group of women were chatting chatteringly here, while Zheng Shan and the others were smoking in the yard.

At this time, smoking is absolutely not allowed in the house, and Zheng Shan now needs to avoid people when he smokes.

As long as he smokes, he is absolutely not allowed to hold the child for two hours.

Zheng Jianguo can\'t close his mouth with joy now. Zheng Kui has a child, so the Zheng family, which represents his lineage, has spread its branches and leaves.

There are not many things he pursues now, and children\'s branches and leaves are one of them.

"Mingming, don\'t make trouble with your sister." Zheng Weijun immediately scolded when he saw Zheng Ming running around with the big girl Erniu and Xiao Jingyi.

Zheng Ming couldn\'t help but say, "They followed me, not me."

He doesn\'t want to play with children anymore, but the three younger sisters have been following him like shit, so he can\'t go out to play.

"What\'s wrong with your help with your sister? Don\'t look wronged by my clothes." Zheng Weijun scolded.

Zheng Ming: ......

"Big brother, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is now strict with Mingming?" Zheng Shan said with a smile.

Zheng Weijun sighed and said: "It won\'t work if you don\'t be strict. Now this kid is getting more and more naughty. If he doesn\'t care about it, he really can\'t control it."

"You also know that your sister-in-law and I haven\'t had time to take care of them all this time, and now we\'re out of shape."

Zheng Weijun also has a headache now. The taxi company has entered the right track. This is because he spent a lot of effort, so Zheng Weijun needs to spend a lot of time in it every day.

Lin Meihua is also helping now, and she has no time to take care of her children every day. It is good to be able to take care of two children\'s three meals a day.

Zheng Shan just smiled and didn\'t say anything. He couldn\'t get involved in these things.

"You said that a company as big as you is, how can it be like a shopkeeper? A company as small as mine is too busy, and there are signs of being too busy." Zheng Weijun couldn\'t help saying.