Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 443: happy event

Chen Wei hurried over, and immediately found that the entrance of the Xishui supermarket was already crowded with people.

Chen Wei is the middle-aged man Zheng Shan met a few days ago.

For some reason, logically speaking, he shouldn\'t care so much about a stranger like Zheng Shan.

But Zheng Shan\'s words kept echoing in his mind, making him remember it every day.

In fact, the key is because this TV was originally bought by their family who had to exhaust all their wealth. Now they have bought a fake, and they have been unable to sleep well.

Chen Wei saw that the employees here had changed, and heard these employees shouting, "Don\'t worry, everyone, all these things are delivered for free. In addition, there are still inside, everyone, don\'t crowd."

"Little brother, are you not ready to do it or what?" someone shouted loudly.

The employee also replied loudly: "The order was issued to close the Xishui supermarket on our side for half a month."

After saying this, the employee seemed to remember something, and hurriedly continued: "There is one more thing to inform everyone, and I hope everyone will tell others more."

"Due to the company\'s management omissions, Bi Wenbin, the former city manager, re-sold fake goods, causing losses to many people.

So from now on, anyone who buys fake or inferior products at Xishui Supermarket can come and exchange them with an invoice. "

When Chen Wei heard this, he was stunned for a moment, and then his excitement flooded into his heart. He didn\'t expect it to be true.

Rushing in in a hurry, Chen Wei didn\'t grab those free things, but pulled an employee nervously and asked, "Little brother, are you telling the truth?"

"Brother, don\'t worry, this is of course true, our big boss said it himself." The employee said with a smile.

He was actually the person who tipped off Bai Yi, his name was Fei Tong, but he didn\'t dare to show his obscenity in Bi Wenbin, so he could only tip off to Bai Yi in private.

"Big boss?" Chen Wei thought about it, and then asked: "What does your big boss look like?"

Fei Tong looked at the person in front of him with a funny look, but before he could speak, Chen Wei continued: "Does it have the face of a young man, or is very young, looks very gentle, and is quite tall Yes, at least one meter eight."

Fei Tong was a little stunned, this really seemed like a description of Zheng Shan, "How did you know?"

In fact, when talking about young people, he knew it in his heart. After all, he was too impressed with the big boss. Before Zheng Shan didn\'t show up, who knew that their big boss was such a young person.

Especially the people of their country, not the rumored Americans!

Seeing Fei Tong\'s reaction, Chen Wei was both excited and shocked. It turned out that the young man was really the big boss.

But then he suppressed these thoughts, and he was still thinking about the most concerned issue, "You just said that the fakes you bought here can be replaced with real ones, isn\'t this a lie?"

"Of course not, but you need to take out the invoice from our Xishui supermarket, and we will check it here," Fei Tong said.

Chen Wei hurriedly said: "Our invoice is still there, when can it be exchanged?"

"The company needs to deal with some things in the past two days. It is estimated that it will take a few days. In addition, the goods need to be transferred from other places. If it can be exchanged, we will post a notice here." Fei Tong answered patiently.

"Also, if you really bought fake goods from our side and are a victim of this Bi Wenbin incident, then we will also give some compensation."


Chen Wei left a little excited, and grabbed a bottle of canned food before leaving.

After returning home, he quickly reported the news to the family members, making them all happy.

At the same time, they told that the young man they met that day was the big boss of Xishui Supermarket, who came to visit Weifu privately.

For several days, the whole Jinling knew that Bi Wenbin was directly arrested, and even the whole Jinling officialdom made a lot of noise.

Let many people in Jinling applaud!

Bi Wenbin is still very powerful here, and he is usually very arrogant, and many people have suffered from him.

His arrest made many people excited, almost beating gongs and drums to celebrate.

However, Zheng Shan had already returned to the capital at this time, so he didn\'t stay in Jinling any longer, just leave the matter to Bai Yi to handle it himself.

And after this incident, I believe that even if other cities have such thoughts, they will definitely not do anything wrong at this time.

Even if they had the intention to do it, those who were related to them would not dare to do it. This time, the Jinling incident was not just about Bi Wenbin being arrested, but many people were implicated.

But at this moment, Zheng Shan doesn\'t care about these things at all, or the whole person\'s mind is not on it.

Not only him, but also the rest of the Zheng family were implicated.

Because just two days ago, Yan Qingqing felt a little unwell, and kept insisting she did not go to the hospital.

Today, Zheng Shan took Yan Qingqing to the hospital, and the doctor congratulated Zheng Shan and Yan Qingqing after the examination.

Yan Qingqing is pregnant!

So at this time, Zheng Shan\'s whole mind was completely on Yan Qingqing, and he had no mind to care about other things at all.

Yan Qingqing saw that the entire Zheng family became busy because of the news of her pregnancy, and felt both warmth and helplessness in her heart.

Lin Meihua and Zheng Lan rushed over immediately, just to teach her experience.

As for Zhong Huixiu, she just killed the chicken and made soup.

"You should pay attention to this first child. When I gave birth to the two in our family, I almost killed me," Zheng Lan said.

Then I thought of something~www.novelhall.com~ and asked: "By the way, did you check whether it was one or two?"

Their old Zheng family has twin genes, and Yan Qingqing is likely to be pregnant with twins too.

"Sister, it\'s only been a few weeks, I can\'t find it out at all, and I don\'t want to check it out, just let it go." Yan Qingqing said.

"That\'s right, by the way, you should pay attention to your diet in the future, but you don\'t have to worry about this, Mom will help you pay attention." Zheng Lan said.

Lin Meihua, who was beside her, also said, "Yeah, Mom is pretty good at taking care of pregnant women."

She was telling the truth. The only time Lin Meihua was fully taken care of by her family was when she broke Zheng Ming.

At that time, Zhong Huixiu took good care of her, and even she could endure some of her random tempers.

It\'s just that I will settle accounts with Zhong Huixiu at any time!

When I think of this Lin Meihua, I feel a little helpless. At that time, I was still a little too complacent, and I didn\'t think about being settled by my mother-in-law Qiuhou.