Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 444: heir

Lin Meihua whispered to Yan Qingqing: "At this time, you should also pay attention, don\'t get angry with your mother just because you are pregnant. Mom didn\'t care about it at the time, but after you give birth, you can remember that revenge. several years."

Yan Qingqing looked at Lin Meihua amusingly, "Sister-in-law, how could I be angry with my mother."

"I just told you." Lin Meihua said.

"Thank you, sister-in-law." What else can Yan Qingq do, but thank him.

When it was time for dinner, Yan Qingqing looked at her own meal and was a little dumbfounded. She and others ate different things.

"Qingqing, I specially made these for you. Less oil and less salt, but I have heard that it is not good to eat more oil and more salt when you are pregnant," Zhong Huixiu said.

This is what they put in their homes. Although many people\'s lives have improved a little, there are also many people who are reluctant to put oil in their noodles.

Yan Qingqing was helpless and could only accept her mother-in-law\'s kindness, but what Zhong Huixiu said next made her a little unhappy.

"Qingqing, why don\'t you ask for leave now and go to work after giving birth to the child, or if you don\'t go to work, you can just take care of the child at home. Anyway, our family is not short of this money now," Zhong Huixiu said.

Zhong Huixiu said this also for Yan Qingqing\'s good. After all, in her opinion, it is easier to take care of children at home than to go to work.

But Yan Qingqing is not a woman who just wants to be a housewife, she also has her pursuit.

Yan Qingqing did not rush to refute, but glanced at Zheng Shan.

Zheng Shan was helpless and could only say: "Mom, Qingqing has only been a few weeks old. It\'s not too late to ask for leave after she is about to give birth."

"And the job is not a matter of rhetoric. There are so many students, and Qingqing is also responsible for some scientific research projects. It is not a simple matter."

"You don\'t care about your wife." Zhong Huixiu glared at Zheng Shandao.

Of course, she knew that she was making a big fuss, but this was Yan Qingqing\'s first child, and she just wanted to be safe.

Zheng Shan quickly changed the subject and said, "Mom, what\'s the situation with the fourth child? Why haven\'t you come back?"

Speaking of Zheng Kui, Zhong Huixiu\'s attention was instantly diverted, and she was full of anger.

"Where does he still want to go home, and now he\'s not thinking about Shu, am I marrying a daughter-in-law or a son." Zhong Huixiu said dissatisfiedly.

Zheng Shan comforted: "The Yuan family also has some difficulties. As their prospective son-in-law, the fourth one still needs help."

"But you can\'t keep coming back, why? He still wants to stay there?" Zhong Huixiu was still dissatisfied.

In her opinion, it\'s okay to go to help for a while, but now it\'s better, and she has no intention of coming back, which makes her very dissatisfied.

Zheng Shan was relieved to see that he had successfully diverted his attention.


When returning to the bedroom at night, Yan Qingqing said, "I won\'t quit my job to be a housewife."

Zheng Shan smiled and said, "I didn\'t mean that either."

"Anyway, Mom, you help me solve it." Yan Qingqing said.

Zheng Shandao: "Don\'t worry, Mom just cares about you and has no other meaning."

Yan Qingqing also knew that Zhong Huixiu was caring about herself, but this kind of care was not what she wanted.

"You give birth to the child in a down-to-earth manner. After the child is born, will mother still care about you? I\'m afraid that you will think that mother has left you out." Zheng Shan said.

At this time, Yan Qingqing felt a little embarrassed, "I don\'t have any other intentions, I just don\'t want to do laundry and cooking all day long. This is a kind of torture to me."

Of course, Zheng Shan knows this. In fact, most people who have received higher education will not want to do this, especially in this era.

Yan Qingqing does not pursue money, but self-worth, and these do not conflict with anything. Of course, Zheng Shan supports it.

Yan Qingqing will not give up her family for these life goals. She just hopes to achieve her goals with a complete family.

Of course, Zheng Shan\'s situation also fully supports her to do so. There is no shortage of money in the family, and she does not need to worry about food, drink and Lhasa every day.

"You can rest assured." Zheng Shan hugged Yan Qingqing and comforted him.

Seeing that Zheng Shan understood her so well, Yan Qingqing was also a little moved. Maybe it was because she was about to become a mother, so Yan Qingqing\'s feelings became much richer.

"Husband, you are so kind." Yan Qingqing muttered as she leaned into Zheng Shan\'s arms.

"That\'s necessary, who made me your husband." Zheng Shan said proudly.

Immediately, the two began to chat about their children, "Do you think boys or girls are better?" Yan Qingqing raised her head and asked.

Zheng Shandao: "It doesn\'t matter, I like both boys and girls."

Yan Qingqing said: "Hey, me too, but I still hope that the first child will be a boy."

Zheng Shan is a little curious, Yan Qingqing is not a man who prefers sons to daughters.

"Why do you say that?" Zheng Shan asked curiously.

Yan Qingqing said: "If it is a girl, I will still have a baby in the future. With such a big family business, you must have a boy as the heir."

Yan Qingqing still understands this very well. She doesn\'t know how much Zheng Shan\'s property is, nor does she know, but she knows that Zheng Shan\'s so many properties will definitely need a son to inherit in the future.

It\'s not just her own business anymore.

Zheng Shan looked at her amusingly, "You\'ve been thinking about things for so long."

Yan Qingqing said angrily: "It doesn\'t matter to you now, what if we get older, because I haven\'t given birth to a son, what should you do?"

"What if you find someone else to have a baby?"

"Okay~www.novelhall.com~ Even if I don\'t care about that, I don\'t want to give my child\'s property to other women\'s children."

Zheng Shan was a little funny when he heard Yan Qingqing\'s ramble, but then he began to comfort him.

In fact, Yan Qingqing\'s current mood is also very excited and complicated, so she thinks about so many things.

With Zheng Shan\'s comfort, Yan Qingqing finally fell asleep slowly.

Zheng Shan didn\'t fall asleep until Yan Qingqing fell asleep, but when he woke up the next day, he felt that his entire shoulder was numb.

Zheng Shan didn\'t dare to move this night.

After dinner in the morning, not long after Yan Qingqing left, Fu Meiyi came over. She originally wanted to come early, but Guan Fei got up too late and dragged herself, causing her to come late.

Zhong Huixiu was very happy when she saw Fu Meiyi coming. At the beginning, Zhong Huixiu was very prejudiced against Fu Meiyi, but she didn\'t show it.

This is because of the injustice for Yan Qingqing.