Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 442: D?

The next thing Zheng Shan is not suitable for mixing, he only needs to supervise.

"Don\'t worry, Mr. Zheng, we will definitely give you a satisfactory explanation." Chen Ming said solemnly.

Zheng Shan nodded and said, "I\'m very relieved. In addition, I just need your side to cooperate with me in arresting some illegal employees of Jinling Xishui Supermarket."

"Also, I hope that some media will report on this matter. Of course, the main thing is to report on the Xishui supermarket."

These demands made by Zheng Shan are also reasonable and reasonable, and Chen Ming has no reason not to agree.

In addition, he also gave Zheng Shan a guarantee, "I will think about making some applications above, and if possible, I will also report some things on our side."

Zheng Shan nodded to express his gratitude. As long as such a report came out, I believe that Xishui supermarkets in other cities would not dare to act so recklessly.

The most important point is that when Bai Yi conducts internal rectification of the company, things like Bi Wenbin will not happen again.

Once it happens, it is time to consider the consequences.

When Zheng Shan was about to leave, he suddenly thought of a fake factory.

"By the way, please ask Team Leader Chen to send someone to control the fake factory." Zheng Shan said.

This is of course no problem, Chen Ming immediately let people pass.

Zheng Shan took the people away, and at the same time, some people brought by Chen Ming followed along. Since Bi Wenbin has been controlled, the others need to be cut quickly.

When they came to the office here, when some people saw Bai Yi, their expressions changed.

Bai Yi asked people to control all the intersections, and then said with a serious face: "I believe some people also know what happened. I will give you a chance now. Those who surrender now will deal with it as appropriate."

Some were bewildered, while others were terrified.

But no one really surrendered just because of Bai Yi\'s two words. Some people knew that Bai Yi was under control, but they didn\'t know what happened just now.

Some people started to notify Bi Wenbin secretly, but got no reply!

Zheng Shan watched from the side. Now is the time to vent Bai Yi\'s anger. Otherwise, Bai Yi\'s fright and grievances these days have nowhere to vent.

Seeing that these people didn\'t move, Bai Yi sneered, "What are you still lucky? Bi Wenbin has been arrested, what? You still expect him to save you?"

Hearing this, all the staff were in an uproar, Bi Wenbin was arrested?

how come?

But Bai Yi waited and waited, but no one came forward and surrendered, and they still had a fluke.

"Since you can\'t seize this opportunity, then don\'t blame me, everyone is letting go of what they are doing now and is not allowed to leave here." Bai Yi said angrily.

She didn\'t expect that these people are still trying to get away with it, and they really don\'t take her words seriously.

At this moment, someone suddenly said: "Mr. Bai, once you do this, the supermarket will immediately fall into a state of stagnation, which will harm the company\'s interests."

"Yes, without us, the company would stop operating immediately."

"You can\'t do that."

These people are still deciding that the law does not blame the public!

Bai Yi didn\'t speak, just looked at Zheng Shan. This is also a fact. Once these people are all rushed, the Xishui supermarket in Jinling will immediately come to a standstill.

Zheng Shan said lightly, "I can still afford these losses."

This sentence shows his attitude. Do these people really think that Zheng Shan will feel sorry for this amount of money?

"Let people take out all the fresh and short-lived goods in Xishui Supermarket and give them to customers for free." Zheng Shan continued.

He has decided to temporarily close the shop here for a while.

"At the same time, a notice was posted, informing those who bought fake and inferior products in Xishui Supermarket can use Xishui Supermarket\'s invoice to return."

"Notify the nearby warehouse, urgently dispatch the goods, and make up for the losses of all customers within half a month at most."

"In addition, for these customers who have suffered losses, certain economic supplements can be given to them, and some consumption credits can be sent to them."

After Zheng Shan\'s series of arrangements, he was already telling Bai Yi what to do.

Others don\'t know Zheng Shan\'s identity, they are all a little dazed, and at the same time, they are also very frightened.

Who is this?

If they do, then these people have no final value!

In fact, when many people are facing Bi Wenbin\'s benefits, they are thinking that no matter what happens in the end, they are only small employees, and they cannot be traced.

Later, more and more people joined Bi Wenbin\'s camp, and some people thought that the law should not be blamed, so there was no psychological burden at all.

But Zheng Shan is now telling them that these are all delusions!

Not only does he want to check Bi Wenbin, but he will not let any of them go!

" Who are you

"Mr. Bai, you\'re just a company manager. With such a big loss, aren\'t you afraid that your boss will hold you accountable?"

A question came, and Bai Yi\'s face didn\'t change at all.

Zheng Shan sneered: "I really didn\'t see it, you guys have such a strong sense of responsibility, what did you do before?"

"As for who you are asking me? Let me tell you, I am the owner of Xishui Supermarket. I can still afford to lose this loss!"

Hearing Zheng Shan\'s words, many people were reluctant to believe it, but Bai Yi\'s lack of words already proved that Zheng Shan\'s words were not lying to them.

Looking at these people~www.novelhall.com~ Zheng Shan lost his mood for a while, and just said to Bai Yi, "Hurry up and arrange someone to deal with these things, this time you need a long lesson."

After he finished speaking, he said to Brother Xia Lai next to him, "After you go back, you should inform all the heads of the group and company to strengthen the management of the employees within the company.

I don\'t want this to happen again, if it happens again then I need to doubt their abilities! "

Zheng Shan\'s words are very serious, and at the same time he is expressing his anger.

Brother Xia Lai took it down seriously. Next, both Du Yougao and Lucas need to be nervous.

After Bai Yi got Zheng Shan\'s arrangement, she immediately started arranging people to do it. She still knew a few people who were not bought by Bi Wenbin, but they were all arranged to be cold benches before.

Now their chance has come, so they are all very excited!

In the afternoon, all Jinling people found out that Xishui Supermarket gave away all vegetables and fruits for free, and even some things like milk with a short shelf life were also given away for free.