Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 441: Want to run?

Hearing this, Bureau Zhang couldn\'t help but be stunned for a moment, then he laughed, and the original worry disappeared.

Before he saw Zheng Shan and Chen Ming who were quite imposing, he was really worried, but after hearing what Bi Wenbin said, he also understood.

This must be someone Bai Yi came to put on a pose.

He also knows about Bai Yi. Bi Wenbin told them all before, and he also described the huge profits they will get if they can pull Bai Yi into the water!

At this time, I heard Bi Wenbin whisper: "Zhang Ju, just take this opportunity to let Bai Yi know our strength and energy, so that she does not have any luck, and at the same time, it also makes her feel at ease, and more importantly, let her understand a little bit, Cooperate with us, as long as it is good, there is no harm.”

Bureau Zhang instantly understood what Bi Wenbin meant, so he waved his hand and said, "Take all these suspects back."

At this time, Zheng Shan did not speak, and Chen Ming on the side said with an ugly face: "As a law enforcement officer, don\'t you even have the most basic inquiries?"

"It\'s the same as taking it back for interrogation. Are you teaching me to do things? Be honest with me." Zhang Ju pointed at him.

Zheng Shan was watching the excitement at this time, and it was none of his business.

Director Zhang immediately looked at Bai Yi and said, "Mr. Bai, don\'t worry, we will protect your safety."

What he said was telling Bai Yi that in Jinling, it was better to cooperate with them honestly.

Bai Yi was not very angry, but Chen Ming, who was beside him, was so angry that he stood up with a snap.

"Why, you still want to violently resist the law?" Zhang Ju raised his brows and said.

Chen Ming sneered twice, "It\'s the first time I\'ve seen someone so arrogant as you. What do you think of the rights given to you by the country and the people? Is it a plaything in your own hands? Use it as you want?"

Bureau Zhang\'s face suddenly darkened, "How can I deal with you who can\'t use your HSH to point fingers."

Okay, now they are directly charged with an HSH charge.

It\'s really just an open mouth thing.

Chen Ming laughed angrily and walked directly in front of him. Zhang Ju was not a coward, and looked directly at Chen Ming and sneered.

Chen Ming took out the certificate from his pocket and handed it over, "Take a good look at who I am."

Zhang Bureau involuntarily groaned when he saw the certificate, and his expression changed greatly after he opened it.

"Are you also suspecting that my documents are fake? Then arrest me!" Chen Ming shouted sharply.

Zhang Bureau really came up with this idea at the beginning, but he was quickly dismissed, because this way, things would be too big, and no one could protect him.

"Team Leader Chen, I\'m sorry, I really didn\'t recognize it. Look, the flood washed the Dragon King Temple, which is a bit embarrassing." Zhang Ju swallowed and said.

Chen Ming looked at him and didn\'t speak. In fact, he took out these things now, just because he was afraid that Zheng Shan and the others would suffer some bad treatment when they went back with Zhang Bureau.

This is what Chen Ming needs to avoid. He cannot make things worse. In addition to giving Zheng Shan an explanation, he also needs to control the development of the situation.

"Bureau Zhang, I now seriously suspect that your law enforcement is not strict and you are abusing your power." Chen Ming said sternly.

Bureau Zhang wanted to defend something, and then saw Zheng Shan open his mouth and said, "Where is Bi Wenbin?"

Chen Ming glanced at Bureau Zhang\'s side, and Bi Wenbin was no longer there, and he was stunned for a moment.

With so many people in the room, Bi Wenbin ran away? Isn\'t this a big joke?

Bureau Zhang was secretly relieved, Bi Wenbin still winked, and immediately ran away when he saw that something was wrong.

As long as Bi Wenbin is not caught, many things can be vaguely dealt with.

However, he was still too happy, and soon saw Li Yuanti slip in alone, and looked intently, who else could be except Bi Wenbin.

"I saw this guy sneaking away, and I knew that he wanted to run, sample, and wanted to fight with me, without looking at how much he weighed." Li Yuan said.

At this time, Bi Wenbin\'s face was full of pain, obviously he was beaten hard.

Zheng Shan walked over and squatted down, "Do you know who I am now?"

Bi Wenbin opened his eyes painfully, in addition to the pain in his eyes, there was despair and shock!

He really didn\'t expect that Zheng Shan was actually the big boss of Xishui Supermarket.

When Chen Ming took out his certificate, he was vigilant in his heart, and immediately saw the look of Zhang Bureau and knew that things were going to go bad.

So I ran away quietly for the first time. Although there were many people in the house and people outside, there were people on both sides.

The people in the room all set their sights on Chen Ming and Zhang Ju, and the people outside would not move around at will until they got an order.

Fortunately, Li Yuan had been squatting outside and did not come in. Seeing his sneaky appearance, he knew that this guy wanted to escape.

He was caught directly.

Zheng Shan looked at Bi Wenbin, "You are really capable. You can ruin the Xishui supermarket here. If it takes another year or two, it is estimated that the reputation of our Xishui supermarket will be ruined by you."

"I don\'t know what you\'re talking about." Bi Wenbin bit him to death at this time.

In fact, there is still a glimmer of hope in his heart, hoping that the network he has operated for so many years can save his life at this time.

But Zheng Shan quickly shattered his hope.

"Do you know who this is? Do you know why Bureau Zhang changed his attitude so quickly when he saw the documents?" Zheng Shan pointed at Chen Ming and said.

Bi Wenbin\'s face was a little dazed. He didn\'t know Chen Ming, and he knew that Chen Ming was not from Jinling.

Otherwise, he wouldn\'t be ignorant~www.novelhall.com~ but this changed Zhang Ju\'s face, which was also a bit confusing to him.

"Chen Ming, team leader Chen, is the team leader of the investigation team specially sent by the central government to investigate this incident of President Bai." Zheng Shan said lightly.

At this time, Bureau Zhang also had a bleak face when he heard the words. He heard about this yesterday, but what he heard was that this investigation was about some other things.

But I didn\'t expect Chen Ming to come here for this matter.

This matter has actually reached the central government. Director Zhang is already desperate at this time. He is an old fritter, and he knows when he can perform some operations, and he knows when there is no chance at all.

And now it clearly belongs to the latter category!

What he didn\'t expect was that Zheng Shan\'s ability was so great that he directly sent someone from above to deal with the matter.

Zheng Shan looked at the desperate Bi Wenbin, patted him on the cheek, then stood up and said to Chen Ming: "Team Leader Chen, the matter here is left to you, and then we need to deal with some company matters. , if there is anything that needs us, feel free to speak up, and we will cooperate fully."