Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 438: pretending to be a fool

According to the middle-aged man and their family, this time they actually just wanted to try to see if the trouble would work, so they didn\'t have any hope.

"Hey, in fact, I have long heard that Xishui Supermarket has a bad attitude, great energy and power, so I shouldn\'t be greedy for petty and cheap." The middle-aged man said with a sigh.

Zheng Shan couldn\'t help but ask: "Brother, I heard that Xishui Supermarket is a pretty big brand, and it has branches in many places. How could this be?"

"Is your brother a foreigner?" the middle-aged man asked.

Zheng Shan nodded and said, "Come here to visit relatives, and by the way, I was thinking of buying an electronic product as a gift."

"I don\'t know about other places, but in our Jinling, Xishui Supermarket is famous." The middle-aged man sighed.

"It\'s not that you like to be greedy for a little cheap, so I will give you a hundred dollars cheaper, and you will buy it. If you go to the Huawen supermarket to buy it, the price is higher, but at least they are The real thing." The wife of the middle-aged man next to him couldn\'t help complaining.

The middle-aged man just smiled bitterly and did not speak, while Zheng Shan heard something.

"What\'s the situation in this Chinese supermarket?" Zheng Shan asked as he handed a cigarette.

The middle-aged man took it over and let the people in his family go back first. He talked to Zheng Shan, but in fact he wanted to be quiet.

"This Chinese supermarket is a supermarket owned by us Jinling people. Don\'t look at it too much. It is a lot worse than Xishui Supermarket, but the items in it are genuine, and the other thing is that it is more expensive."

"If you go to buy these electronic products or imported goods, it is best to go to their house. Although it is more expensive, it is also worth it." The middle-aged man advised.

Zheng Shandao: "Who is their boss? The energy is quite large. I heard that these imported goods are not easy to deal with."

"It\'s not easy to deal with, but there is a lot of energy behind them. Although they are not as good as Xishui Supermarket, they are also capable people."

After some understanding, Zheng Shan already had some conjectures in his heart.

"Brother, in this way, after half a month, you can take this TV and try it again. When the time comes, you should be able to change it for you with the receipt from Xishui Supermarket." Zheng Shan finally said seriously.

The middle-aged man looked at Zheng Shan with a wry smile, but seeing that Zheng Shan\'s expression was very serious, he couldn\'t help but startled.

"Brother, who are you...?" Logically speaking, he has already said so much, and the person in front of him should understand, how could he still say such a thing.

Zheng Shan didn\'t explain too much, just said: "It will take half a month at most. Big brother will know when he goes there. Anyway, it will be a waste of time at most."

After speaking, Zheng Shan gave this man a pack of cigarettes, and then left with younger brother Xia Lai.

Looking at the backs of Zheng Shan and the others, the middle-aged man was a little confused, but just like what Zheng Shan said, it\'s okay to go and have a look when the time comes, anyway, it\'s just a few steps.

"Boss, these goods are not the goods we sent to the following, they have been packaged." Brother Xia Lai couldn\'t help saying.

Zheng Shan nodded, "Of course I can see it, and if nothing else, the imported goods from Xishui Supermarket should all be in this so-called Chinese Supermarket."

How could it be such a coincidence that all the imported goods in Xishui Supermarket have been repackaged, and then there is a supermarket with real imported goods?

Zheng Shan believes in coincidences, but does not believe in such coincidences.

"Let\'s go, let\'s go to this Chinese supermarket." Zheng Shan said.

Immediately, the two of them inquired about this Chinese supermarket all the way. On the surface, this Chinese supermarket is indeed far inferior to Xishui Supermarket.

After all, Zheng Shanguang spent a lot of thought on the decoration of Xishui Supermarket, which is based on Europe and the United States, and even said that it is the best and most glamorous decoration in the European and American supermarket industry.

It is really difficult to want to be better than Xishui Supermarket.

However, the customer flow here is not much worse than that of Xishui Supermarket. Zheng Shan can see how lively it is just by looking at it.

Go in and take a look, it is full of various commodities, the prices of these commodities are generally more expensive than Xishui Supermarket, after all, many things in Xishui Supermarket are purchased in large quantities, and the price will definitely be much lower.

In particular, Xishui Supermarket has already started to set up its own product line, and some products are produced by its own company.

Brother Xia Lai found Zheng Shan after walking around, but nodded solemnly and didn\'t say much.

Zheng Shan looked at the people coming and going in the supermarket, and couldn\'t help sneering in his heart, it was really good to play!

Swap the imported goods from Xishui Supermarket with inferior products, and then sell them by yourself. This is not an ordinary shrewd abacus!

This is not only scouring the wool, but directly drawing blood and eating meat!

For three days in a row, Zheng Shan\'s side was just observing and didn\'t take any action, but the more he observed, the more frightened he felt.

These people have been blatantly for this sake, and many things do not avoid people, and this can also see the rampant of these people.

"Every night, this Bi Wenbin would go to that hotel. I quietly followed him, but I just watched him go to the third floor, and then I saw someone blocking the entrance of the building and not letting others go up." Li Yuan said .

"I\'m guessing that Mr. Bai may be here, and it is estimated that he was placed under house arrest." Wei Chengjun also said.

Fan Dafan Er said, "We have found their factory."

Zheng Shan and Li Yuan were stunned, "You found their factory? Didn\'t you find it?"

Zheng Shan really did not expect that they would be able to find this place. Zheng Shan also tried to find it, but he was almost discovered every time, and the factory was still quite hidden.

"Yes~www.novelhall.com~ My eldest brother and I pretended to be fools and followed behind them, and they didn\'t even care about us, hehe." Fan Da said proudly.

Zheng Shan looked at their tattered clothes, and was a little surprised. He just wondered how the clothes of the two became like this.

"You guys are so similar!" Wei Chengjun couldn\'t help saying.

Zheng Shan glared at him, "I\'m sorry." Wei Chengjun apologized decisively, he didn\'t mean anything else, but his mouth was quicker.

Wei Chengjun\'s mood has been very good these past few days, so he didn\'t have a door on his mouth for a while.

Fan Da Fan Er didn\'t really catch the meaning in his words, but said proudly: "Of course, but why are you apologizing?"

In the face of the two people\'s questions, Wei Chengjun was a little hesitant to say, and Zheng Shan said at this time: "Thanks to you this time, by the way, the investigation team above also arrived today, and tomorrow morning, we will Go to the hotel first to have a look.

In addition, Fan Da Fan Er, you two can just stare at that factory. "