Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 437: Goyoko

Bai Yi\'s question made Bi Wenbin just chuckle and did not answer directly.

Bi Wenbin is not worried about Bai Yi\'s \'fraudulent surrender\'. First, this is Jinling, and Bi Wenbin has absolute confidence.

The second is that if Bai Yi agrees, Bi Wenbin will definitely ask her to hand over a \'nomination certificate\'.

Seeing that Bi Wenbin didn\'t answer and left directly, Bai Yi also understood what she meant, and became more and more resentful.

However, Bai Yi is not particularly worried. She believes that even if Zheng Shan doesn\'t notice anything now, he will be able to notice some problems in a while.

Now she just needs to be careful with Bi Wenbin and don\'t think about taking risks, killing people and so on.


After Zheng Shan communicated with the above, he brought people directly to Jinling.

Zheng Shan knew very well that if Bai Yi really had an accident, the person in charge of the Xishui Supermarket in Jinling would never be able to escape his involvement. Besides, even such a thing was definitely not something he could dare to do alone. , there must be someone behind him.

And these people, Zheng Shan, need to come forward to solve it. He only needs to take care of the people on the Xishui supermarket side.

When he came to Jinling, Zheng Shan didn\'t rush to the Xishui supermarket here to ask for someone. Everyone dared to cause an \'accident\' to Bai Yi, so he probably wasn\'t afraid of him.

Don\'t underestimate the courage of some people, especially in this age when the economy is just developing, many people will be willing to take risks for money.

Zheng Shan also brought a few people this time. Fan Da Fan Er, Li Yuan and Wei Chengjun were all called by him, all of whom were worthy of his trust.

After finding a random yard to rent, Zheng Shan said to the others, "Tomorrow Fan Da Fan Er will go to the Xishui supermarket here to see what\'s going on, don\'t ask about Bai Yi\'s specific affairs, she needs it here. Wait until the investigation team comes over, and then go there to find someone."

Zheng Shan couldn\'t blatantly search for Bai Yi without absolute certainty, otherwise he was afraid that some people would take risks.

"Da Yuan, Xiao Jun, you two are guarding the office of Xishui Supermarket. Have you recorded Bi Wenbin\'s photos?" Zheng Shan asked.

Li Yuan nodded and said, "Don\'t worry, it\'s all in your heart."

"Well, from tomorrow onwards, you will stare at him for me. There is definitely something wrong with this person." Zheng Shandao.

Wei Chengjun looked a little excited. This time Zheng Shan called him over, which completely calmed his heart.

Although Zheng Shan had said it many times before, Wei Chengjun was still a little worried. After all, what happened to Dou Wensheng was his fault.

Well now, Zheng Shan still trusts him when he calls him over for such a thing.

After arranging their own affairs, Zheng Shan asked everyone to go to bed first, and then talk about it after resting.

Early the next morning, Zheng Shan and the others did not eat breakfast, so they each set off, with Fan Da and Fan Er, Zheng Shan and Xia Lai, Li Yuan and Wei Chengjun, three teams.

Although Fan Dafan Er\'s brain is not easy to use, they are considered to have been in the society for so many years, and they still have some experience.

In addition, although it sounds bad, it is really difficult for people like them to arouse suspicion from others.

Zheng Shan and Brother Xia Lai first came to a Xishui supermarket and strolled in it.

Zheng Shan hadn\'t noticed anything yet, but Brother Xia Lai soon realized that she had managed a warehouse and knew a lot of goods in Xishui Supermarket.

She can see a lot of problems just by looking at some products.

"Boss, there is something wrong with these items." Brother Xia Lai whispered.

Zheng Shan followed her finger to see that it was the import area, and they were all more expensive goods.

After walking over and looking at it for a while, Zheng Shan can see a little bit of a problem, and it\'s more than just the packaging.

Zheng Shan motioned Brother Xia Lai not to say more, went over to have a look, and bought a radio.

"Is this from Germany?" Zheng Shan asked while holding the radio.

The salesperson said impatiently: "Of course, didn\'t you see these foreign words?"

"I don\'t know, you can tell me." Zheng Shan asked.

The salesperson said angrily, "If I knew these words, what kind of salesperson would I still be here? I like to buy or not, if I don\'t buy it, I will pull it down."

Zheng Shan: ......

Are their employees so arrogant?

Brother Xia Lai leaned into his ear and said in a low voice, "Some areas do have such a situation. After all, Xishui Supermarket is basically the largest supermarket in each area, and some salespeople have quite large shelves."

"There are also scarce items such as washrooms and supermarkets. It is difficult for some people to buy them. If the salesperson helps to pay attention, it will be easier."

Zheng Shan nodded, indicating that he understood, and this also needs to be rectified.

"Buy, buy, buy, can\'t I buy it?" Zheng Shan said to the salesman with a smile on his face.

Just after paying the money here, Zheng Shan got the radio, and immediately saw that someone was making trouble. Zheng Shan stood on the side and listened for a while to understand.

This one just bought a TV and spent a lot of money on a Japanese product, but it broke within two days.

"You are bullying people. This is not a Japanese product at all. The TV repairers have said that they will refund me the money." The middle-aged man shouted.

"God, don\'t force me to hit you, and if you want to make trouble, don\'t look at this place." A few security guards rushed over and tried to push them away.

The middle-aged man didn\'t come alone, but a whole family. After all, this was the money that the whole family praised together. Now he was cheated, and of course he was very angry.

So the scene quickly turned into a group fight, and the middle-aged man\'s family was beaten for the rest of the time except for taking advantage of it at the beginning.

"Fuck off, don\'t let me see you again, if you let me see you again, you\'ll be beaten every time you see it." The head of security kicked them all out in disdain.

The middle-aged man angrily called the police~www.novelhall.com~, but the police only came to ask about the situation, and then told them to go back and wait for news.

The final result was that the middle-aged man\'s family all left in despair, and Zheng Shan silently followed.

After walking for a while, Zheng Shan immediately stepped forward to stop them.

"Brother, please wait a moment, I have something to ask." Zheng Shan said quickly.

The middle-aged man looked at the radio in Zheng Shan\'s hand, as if he had understood something, and said with some distress, "Brother, did you also buy something from their house?"

"Yes, brother, you said just now that they are not selling imported goods, what\'s the matter?" Zheng Shan asked.

Before the middle-aged man could speak, the women beside him quickly recounted what had happened to their family.

Finally, he persuaded: "Hey, Xishui Supermarket is too powerful, brother, you recognize it, you have seen it, our final result."