Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 439: find people

The matter here is not as complicated as Zheng Shan imagined. With a clear goal, a few people checked the matter in a few days.

There is also a clue to everything, and even the factory where they dropped the package has been found.

And this made Zheng Shan even more angry, which undoubtedly revealed to him the fact that Bi Wenbin was too wild.

If Bi Wenbin had some fear, he would not be so blatant at all, not even as long as he had some caution.

All of this shows that Bi Wenbin is daring, and he doesn\'t take Xishui Supermarket in his eyes at all.

In the same way, Zheng Shan became more and more sure that Bi Wenbin must have absolute certainty that nothing would happen to him in Jinling.

So the next morning, Zheng Shan met with Chen Ming from the investigation team.

"Leader Chen, let me briefly talk about the matter. First of all, I can confirm that Bai Yi, the general manager of our Xishui Supermarket, has disappeared in Jinling, and I have already found out some details these days. If nothing else, Mr. Bai It\'s under house arrest." Zheng Shan said with a serious look.

Chen Ming\'s attitude was also very serious. When Zheng Shan found it directly, it caused a stir.

In three days, they formed an investigation team, which is already very fast. They just want the right to cooperate with Zheng Shan and resolve the matter here.

Zheng Shan continued: "The other thing is that I also found out that the goods imported by our Xishui supermarket have been replaced with inferior products. Although these are internal affairs of our company, I have reason to doubt that Bi Wenbin dares to If you do this, someone must be covering you."

"And these are things that I can\'t get involved in, so I need Team Leader Chen."

Chen Ming took a deep breath and assured: "Please don\'t worry, Mr. Zheng, I have been instructed before coming here to handle this matter fairly and impartially. No matter who it is, it will be punished, and I will never cover up anyone."

This is the order given to him above, and it also gives him the corresponding rights, which have exceeded the level of their investigation team, so Chen Ming understands the seriousness of this matter.

Zheng Shan sighed and said, "Excuse me. In fact, the sooner such things are dealt with, the better. This is not only for me, but also for the business environment."

"If you want to develop the economy quickly, a good business environment is indispensable, and the most important thing in a good business environment is safety."

"If it\'s like our Xishui Supermarket, we work hard to expand our business, but in the end, people are directly deceived and steal our results, I believe no one will be willing."

Chen Ming said seriously: "Mr. Zheng, please rest assured, and let me tell you a sentence above. We must have many problems now, but we will work hard and actively rectify the domestic business environment, so that our business environment will become better and better. OK."

"Of course I believe it, this is something I firmly believe!" Zheng Shan said simply.

Chen Ming\'s expression softened a little. His main purpose this time was not only to help Zheng Shan solve this trouble, but also to make Zheng Shan not have any emotions because of it.

Chen Ming finally understands why the above attaches so much importance to Zheng Shan. Such a patriotic and firm supporter of the country\'s businessman is really worthy of respect.

The key is that Zheng Shan also has the corresponding ability!

After talking about these things, Zheng Shan also directly said: "Now I have found a place where Bai Yi may be under house arrest. I hope that Team Leader Chen will send some people to come with me. The rest doesn\'t matter, the most important thing is to put Bai Yi under house arrest. People are rescued safely."

Chen Ming was also very happy, "I went with Mr. Zheng. We have already transferred some people from other places, no problem at all."

Speaking of this, Chen Ming was also a little shocked. In just three days, the above quickly fixed all these things.

You must know that these procedures are very troublesome, and it is not a matter of one person saying a word, and it involves a lot of things.

But even so, it was all completed in such a short period of time, which shows how much attention is paid to Zheng Shan.

Zheng Shan nodded. In this case, he had nothing to worry about.

With Chen Ming and some of the people Chen Ming brought, they went directly to Li Yuan where they said.

At this time, Wei Chengjun was squatting and guarding here, while Li Yuan was still following Bi Wenbin.

"Brother Shan." Seeing Zheng Shan coming, Wei Chengjun hurriedly walked out from the side.

Zheng Shan asked, "Is there nothing wrong?"

"No, it\'s always been normal," Wei Chengjun said.

Zheng Shandao: "Then let\'s go in."

After speaking, a group of people poured into the hotel, and soon someone came to ask.

"You all want accommodation?" the little girl at the front desk asked.

Zheng Shandao: "Let\'s come to find someone."

"Sorry, we..." The little girl was about to refuse immediately, but Zheng Shan didn\'t give her a chance to continue talking.

"We\'re looking for her, I believe you should have seen her." Zheng Shan took out a photo of Bai Yi.

The little girl just glanced at it, and then said loudly: "I think you are here to make trouble? Do you know whose place this is? I don\'t want to live anymore!"

Before Zheng Shan could speak, some people heard the movement and surrounded him. If they hadn\'t seen a lot of Zheng Shan, they would probably have come up at this time and pushed them away.

"Brother, don\'t look for trouble for yourself, otherwise don\'t blame the brothers for hacking." Someone threatened coldly.

Zheng Shan laughed, and didn\'t bother to stand still with these people, so he walked straight inside. The others wanted to stop them, but they were all stopped by the people brought by Chen Ming, and the scene was very lively for a while.

On the third floor, there were still people blocking it, but they were quickly subdued.

Zheng Shan stood in the corridor and shouted, "Bai Yi, I heard a reply."

At this time, Bai Yi was thinking about the problem, and Bi Wenbin was pushing harder and harder these two days~www.novelhall.com~ She had noticed something was wrong.

At this time, she was thinking about how to escape when she heard Zheng Shan\'s words and was a little excited for a while.

"Boss, I\'m here!" Bai Yi shouted loudly, rushing to the door at the same time, knocking hard.

Hearing the movement, Zheng Shan quickly found the position, tried it, but couldn\'t open the door, and then motioned to Wei Chengjun next to him to kick the door.

"You go inside, and I\'ll let someone kick the door open." Zheng Shan said.

Wei Chengjun kicked, but the door didn\'t move at all, his face suddenly became a little unnatural, and his foot was stabbed!

It was Chen Ming\'s people who kicked the door open. As soon as the door opened, Zheng Shan saw Bai Yi standing at the door intact. He was relieved at this time, and he was fine.

"Boss, I\'m sorry!" Bai Yi\'s first sentence when he saw Zheng Shan was actually an apology.

"It\'s fine if you\'re okay, the rest will take your time." Zheng Shan comforted.