Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 436: daring

Jinling Hotel.

Bai Yi was here at this time, looking at the lights outside, Bai Yi\'s mood was extremely bad.

She never thought that these people were so courageous that they dared to put her under house arrest.

Yes, now Bai Yi has been placed under house arrest, she can only stay in this room, can\'t go anywhere, and the telephone line in the room has also been cut.

At first she was fine when she came, and Jinling\'s city manager Bi Wenbin looked respectful.

But when she found out some problems, Bi Wenbin\'s attitude changed a bit, but it was okay at that time, at least Bi Wenbin was always carrying out on the surface.

However, when Bai Yi found out bigger and more problems, someone even tipped her off secretly, letting her know more inside information.

And just when she was just looking at the investigation department, Bi Wenbin led someone to put her under house arrest.

Bai Yi knew that there was a problem in Jinling, and the problem was not small, but because of various reasons, she did not intend to deal with it so quickly.

This time, Zheng Shan gave a death order, so she wanted to cut the mess with a quick knife.

But Bai Yi still underestimated Bi Wenbin\'s arrogance and dared to put her under house arrest!

Just when she was thinking about how to get out, she heard a knock on the door, and after a few rings, the door was opened.

Bi Wenbin walked in with a smile on his face, looking polite and harmless.

"Mr. Bai, I don\'t know how you are thinking?" Bi Wenbin walked in and asked with a smile.

Bai Yi said coldly, "Bi Wenbin, do you think that if you put me under house arrest, nothing will happen? Can you still put me under house arrest for the rest of your life?"

"Haha, Mr. Bai is joking. How can this be called house arrest? This is because Mr. Bai who is our subordinates is too tired. Let Mr. Bai have a good rest." Bi Wenbin smiled.

Bai Yi didn\'t speak with a cold face, and Bi Wenbin didn\'t care, and continued: "Mr. Bai, in fact, I\'ve always been a good talker. How are you all and I\'m okay? We have to make this situation happen. "

"Do you have any reason? Do you really think Jinling\'s Xishui Supermarket is yours? I really didn\'t expect you to be so courageous." Bai Yi said angrily.

After her verification and someone secretly reported the letter, these Xishui supermarkets in Jinling have been completely regarded by Bi Wenbin as his own.

Let\'s put it this way, most of the profits of Jinling\'s Xishui Supermarket were put into his pocket by Bi Wenbin.

To say that this is only corruption in her position, then the fact that someone secretly tipped off the news made her even more shocked and angry.

Many goods in Xishui Supermarket come from brand-name merchants and have undergone strict inspections. Especially in big cities like Jinling, there are many imported goods, all of which are of great value and are relatively scarce in China today.

And these products, as long as they enter the Xishui supermarket warehouse, will soon be picked up by Bi Wenbin in private, and will not be sold on the shelves at all.

In addition, Bi Wenbin will also make some inferior products through some factories under his control to replace these things.

That is to say, Bi Wenbin directly replaced the original imported products with some inferior products.

This not only damages the company\'s interests, but also damages the company\'s reputation. It also makes Bai Yi the most angry and even frightened.

She could imagine how angry Zheng Shan would be if he knew about this!

Zheng Shan has always emphasized safety and quality issues. Once there is a problem in this area, there is no need for any reason at all.

Bi Wenbin still said with a smile: "Mr. Bai, what you said is a bit too much. How can it be my own? It\'s obviously the company\'s."

Bai Yi looked at his face, a little disgusted, "You are not afraid of being exposed, do you really think that you have done a perfect job? Aren\'t you afraid that we will call the police?"

"Mr. Bai, I thought you were just looking young, but I didn\'t expect people to be so innocent." Bi Wenbin\'s face gradually revealed a mocking smile.

"I really never thought that I could hide it from everyone, for a lifetime, but you have to remember that I, Bi Wenbin, have never been a person who likes to eat alone, and a person who eats alone will not be as big as me!"

Saying that, a smug smile appeared on Bi Wenbin\'s face, "Now there are not just one or two people tied to my boat, believe it or not, even if you call the police, you will only find out some irrelevant things in the end, or just find them casually. One person can take the blame."

"This is Jinling, my chassis, now Mr. Bai should be able to understand this truth!"

Bai Yi took a deep breath and stopped talking. She was too lazy to talk to people like Bi Wenbin anymore.

Seeing this, Bi Wenbin was not annoyed, and instead said: "Actually, Mr. Bai and I can work together, Mr. Bai is just a part-time worker, how much salary can I get a year?

And as long as Mr. Bai speaks, how much money is a matter of Mr. Bai\'s words. "

Bai Yi looked at Bi Wenbin mockingly, he still wanted to pull himself into the water now.

"You don\'t even know what you\'re doing, let alone who you\'ve provoked." Bai Yi mocked.

Bi Wenbin said: "I know, isn\'t it an American businessman, I have heard a little about this, and I also know that our Xishui supermarket is also very good abroad."

"But isn\'t this better? I believe that Bai always has the ability to contact other Xishui supermarkets, and he only needs to send our products to them, then Bai can imagine how much it will cost, and it\'s all foreign exchange. !"

As he spoke, Bi Wenbin\'s tone became excited.

This is his biggest purpose. At the beginning, Bi Wenbin also didn\'t know how to deal with Bai Yi.

If you really want to kill Bai Yi, then it will definitely cause a lot of trouble.

But when he figured it out, ~www.novelhall.com~ is all about pulling Bai Yi into the water. Once he succeeds, the benefits will be enormous.

It is so huge that everyone is moved by it, and they are more willing to take huge risks for it.

It wasn\'t that no one warned him before, but when he said these thoughts, those warnings disappeared naturally. At the same time, they also withstood all kinds of pressure for him, just urging him to hurry up.

"Mr. Bai, there is a saying that the person who knows the current affairs is Junjie, you and us are the best way, you can not only make more money, but also have our friendship.

Even if Mr. Bai was found out by the American boss later, he would come to our Jinling if it was a big deal, and I promise you nothing will happen. "Bi Wenbin promised.

Bai Yi closed his eyes and didn\'t speak, as if he hadn\'t heard.

"Mr. Bai, think about it, I won\'t disturb Mr. Bai." Bi Wenbin said and was about to leave.

"Aren\'t you afraid that I will pretend to agree and then report on you?" Bai Yi asked suddenly, opening his eyes.