Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 435: problem occurs

Zheng Shan was watching from the side, and then he saw his mother handing over a vague look, and he immediately understood.

"Uncle and aunt, since they like each other, let\'s settle the marriage while you are both here." Zheng Shan said with a smile.

This is to pre-determine the marriage.

Before waiting for Yuan\'s father and Yuan\'s mother to speak, Zheng Shan continued: "We have eight thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight for the bride price, can you two see it?"

"No, no, it\'s too much. We don\'t want dowry. You\'ve already helped our family too much. We can\'t ask for that." Yuan Ma quickly refused.

She is marrying a daughter, not selling a daughter, and how can she give so much, more than 8,000, she has never seen so much money in her life.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "Auntie, what you said is out of the question, one yardage is another, my mother just said that marriage is a matter of two people\'s willingness, not other factors.

So the betrothal gift should be given or given, as long as it is not too small. "

"This..." Yuan Ma didn\'t know what to say for a while.

Zheng Shan continued: "Also, don\'t worry that Xiaohua will be bullied in our house. We gave the betrothal gift voluntarily, and we can take it out easily without any discomfort. "

Zheng Shan said these things on the bright side, there is no way, someone must do such a thing.

Now only he can do this task.

"If the fourth and the others are not used to living in the house in the future, then there is a house outside, which has been bought long ago, and they can move there and live there." Zheng Shandao.

This time, Yuan\'s father and Yuan\'s mother are all listening in a daze, and for a while, I really don\'t know what kind of reaction I should have.

But no matter what, they still have a very good impression of the old Zheng family. From the very beginning, Zheng Shan has been respectful and has not neglected in the slightest.

After that, Zhong Huixiu and Zheng Jianguo also put on good postures, and there was no so-called domineering.

To tell the truth, Yuan\'s father and Yuan\'s mother are all sighing in their hearts, this girl is really lucky to be able to meet such a family in this life.

In the end, the matter was settled like this, but in the same way, the Yuan family also said that the more than 8,000 yuan will be brought to Yuan Xiaohua by then.

Although they do not have the ability to provide a good dowry to their daughters, they will not covet the money.

In this way, both Zheng Jianguo and Zhong Huixiu were more satisfied with the Yuan family.

It\'s not that they feel bad for the money, but what they want is the attitude of the Yuan family.

This also shows that the Yuan family will not be too much of a drag on their fourth child in the future.

The engagement was negotiated and it would be fine to just do it at that time. Yuan\'s father and Yuan\'s mother stayed here for three days, and then left.

Yuan Xiaohua was worried and followed him back. As for Zheng Kui, let alone, now that his heart is completely on Yuan Xiaohua, he naturally went back with him.

Zheng Shan was suddenly relieved when he saw that the marriage of the fourth child was finally resolved.


The time soon arrived in mid-November. The matter of Zheng Kui and Yuan Xiaohua had been settled, and the engagement was uncertain. It was really a long distance between the two.

The wedding will not be held until the spring of next year. It will be in the capital at that time, and a few relatives from the Yuan family will come over. By then, both cars will be brought here.

On Zheng Shan\'s side, there are not many things to do, especially as the secretarial department\'s business capabilities become more and more skilled, many things are handled by them, and when they arrive at Zheng Shan\'s side, they only need to sign.

This day, brother Xia came to report the work as usual. After the report was completed, brother Xia said worriedly: "Boss, there has been no news from Mr. Bai for half a month. I\'m a little worried."

Since the last time Bai Yi came back from Jinmen, he has been vigorously rectifying the internal affairs of Xishui Supermarket, especially the rectification of some other cities is more severe.

Once employees who violate company regulations are found, they are basically fired directly, and in serious cases, they will even be reported to the police.

After all, Zheng Shan gave her a time limit, and at the same time, she could see how courageous the following companies were.

She went to Jinling some time ago, and the situation in Jinling seemed to be a little serious, which caused her to be there all the time.

Zheng Shan put down the pen, rubbed his brows and said, "What\'s wrong?"

"That\'s right. I\'ve been trying to ask Mr. Bai about something these days, but I haven\'t seen anyone for several times in a row, and people from the company also said that there\'s no news from Mr. Bai." Brother Xia Lai said worriedly.

According to her understanding of Bai Yi, even if Bai Yi is out of town, he will often call to inquire about the company\'s situation, and at the same time, he will remotely control some operations of the company.

As if there is no news at all, it is basically impossible.

At first, she thought that there were too many things going on in Jinling, and Bai Yi didn\'t care about it, but now there has been no movement for many days, which makes her feel a little wrong.

Zheng Shan frowned slightly when he heard the words. Although it was not long after the severe fight, Zheng Shan also knew that the public security in the society would not be very good, but it was much better than before.

Zheng Shandao: "You call Jinling and ask."

Brother Xia Lai nodded, and immediately began to make a phone call to inquire. It is impossible for a position like her to directly interfere in the following matters without Zheng Shan\'s consent.

In that case, her rights would be too great, so even if she just called and asked, she had to get Zheng Shan\'s consent.

Although this can be cumbersome and make some things not deal with in a timely manner, once the company grows, these seemingly unnecessary processes are essential.

Before long, Brother Xia Lai walked over with a solemn expression.

"The boss~www.novelhall.com~ said that Mr. Bai was in a meeting and was dealing with some very important things. I asked Mr. Bai to answer the phone. They found a reason to refuse, and then hung up the phone." Xia Laidi said more and more. more serious.

This is clearly a problem!

When Zheng Shan heard it, his heart froze, and he immediately said, "Follow me out, and when I come back, I\'ll go to Jinling to see for myself."

Zheng Shan heard Xia Laidi\'s narration, and already realized that something was wrong. Xia Laidi called and asked in person. As long as Bai Yi heard it, he would definitely answer the phone.

Because this represents what Zheng Shan means, it is impossible for Bai Yi not to know, but now Bai Yi can\'t even make a phone call, which already shows that something is wrong with her.

Zheng Shan\'s face was a little ugly. Are people now crazy enough?

Of course, although it\'s just speculation now, Zheng Shan also knows that if it\'s true, these people are either stupid and bold, or they have enough background or cards to make them think that they will be fine.

So Zheng Shan went directly to the top and talked about the matter a little bit. After the reply was given, Zheng Shan took Xia Lai\'s brother to Jinling.