Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 432: interrogation

After eating, Zheng Shan watched Yuan Xiaohua pack up everything, and then asked, "Uncle, where are you going to live?"

"Brother, I\'ll arrange this." Zheng Kui immediately wanted to show it.

Zheng Shan glared at him vaguely. He didn\'t know how many times he glared at the fourth child today. Couldn\'t this guy be calmer?

But Zheng Shan can also understand that it is normal to want to show off in front of the girl he likes.

"Let\'s just live here. The weather is cool now, so we\'ll lay the floor here." Dad Yuan said quickly.

Zheng Shan said: "Uncle, Auntie needs to rest for a while here. You may disturb Auntie by staying here."

"Well, it happens that I have a house nearby, and you live there, not far from here."

Father Yuan said hesitantly, "Is this too troublesome?"

Essentially, he didn\'t want to trouble Zheng Shan, but what Zheng Shan said made sense. He said it just now that Yuan Ma needs to rest here.

"No trouble, and uncle, you see Xiaohui is still here, the child is still young, at least let the child eat and sleep well."

"In addition, no one lives in my house, so I put it there. If you don\'t go to live there, it will be a waste."

"There is also a kitchen in the house, and you can cook some meals for yourself at that time."

Zheng Shan\'s words all spoke to Dad Yuan\'s heart, and Zheng Shan\'s last sentence made more sense.

"What\'s more, maybe our two families will be a family in the future, why should we care so much." Zheng Shan said with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, Yuan Xiaohua, who was beside her, blushed suddenly. She couldn\'t help but secretly glanced at Zheng Kui, and found that Zheng Kui was also looking at her. She lowered her head subconsciously, not daring to look around.

Zheng Shan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this, Yuan Xiaohua\'s attitude showed that this was not Zheng Kui\'s unrequited love, that\'s fine.

In fact, this is what Zheng Shan is most afraid of. If Yuan Xiaohua doesn\'t like his fourth child, even if he ends up marrying Zheng Kui for various reasons, it is estimated that he will not be too happy after marriage. few.

Well now, there is no need for Zheng Shan to worry about this.

Dad Yuan was also startled when he heard the words, looked at his daughter\'s reaction, and then sighed: "Then I\'ll trouble you."

"No trouble, no trouble."

At first, Yuan\'s father and Yuan\'s mother were very worried, but now they are not so worried.

There is a sense of reassurance.

No way, Zheng Shan gave them a very good impression, and there was nothing wrong with dealing with people.

This is also the attitude conveyed by Zheng Shan. Their old Zheng family does not have so many bad problems. As long as the two families are suitable, then there will be no problems.

Zheng Shan chatted here for a while, and when it was almost over, he took Dad Yuan and the others to the house.

Zheng Shan started to help find a house after Zheng Kui called. There is really a house here. It is not big, but it is enough for a family of four.

It is only a ten-minute walk to the hospital, and there is no problem at all.

Zheng Shan didn\'t help clean up either. He could see that the family was tired, so it would be better for them to rest early.

Zheng Shan said hello to Dad Yuan again and left with Zheng Kui, who was reluctant to part.

When Zheng Shan and Zheng Kui left, Dad Yuan coaxed Yuan Xiaohui to sleep first, and when he fell asleep, the father and daughter went to the hospital again.

"Dakui is really a good brother. It can be seen from this that their family education must be very good, and we are not worried that you will be wronged when you marry." Yuan Ma said.

"Mom~" Yuan Xiaohua was a little shy.

Yuan Ma said with a smile: "Don\'t be shy, it would be best if you two could come together."

"I think it\'s not bad." Yuan Dad said after a long silence.

Yuan Xiaohua\'s face unconsciously showed a trace of relief and anticipation. She was a little nervous at first, but now Zheng Shan\'s performance made her feel the kindness from the old Zheng family, and the tension in her heart naturally subsided.


The Yuan family is discussing the matter of the Zheng family, and the old Zheng family is also discussing the matter of the Yuan family at this time.

Zheng Shan looked at the room full of people and glanced at Zheng Kui sympathetically.

Needless to say, my parents, Zheng Weijun\'s family and Zheng Lan\'s family also came, and none of them were pulled.

"Big brother, second sister, why are you here?" Zheng Kui\'s scalp was a little numb.

Zheng Lan\'s mouth was quick, "Mother called me in the morning to say that you had an object, and let us come and check it out. Where\'s the person? Didn\'t you come back with you?"

"The person is still in the hospital." Zheng Kui said.

Zhong Huixiu looked at Zheng Shan, "Third, have you seen their family? How\'s it going?"

The eyes of the whole family turned to Zheng Shan, and even their daughter-in-law showed curiosity and gossip.

As for Zheng Kui, it was full of pleading, hoping that his brother could say something nice for him.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "The people are good, hardworking and capable, and their family is also very good and simple."

"That\'s it?" Zhong Huixiu was a little dissatisfied.

Zheng Shan sighed: "This is the fourth son looking for his daughter-in-law, and it\'s not me. What can I say? Anyway, from my interpretation of being a big brother, the little girl is not bad and looks okay."

"The key is quick hands and feet and willingness to endure hardships. According to the fourth child, she would carry eggs for twenty or thirty miles to the city by herself at home to sell them."

Zheng Kui reacted at once, and said quickly: "Yes, yes, Xiaohua people are very good, and they are willing to endure hardships."

Zhong Huixiu said: "As long as the person is good, I still need to see it first."

"Come back when the other side is sick. After all, their mother is still sick." Zheng Shan said.

"I didn\'t say I was going to meet someone now." Zhong Huixiu was dissatisfied.

Zheng Shan shrugged and said to the fourth child that you should seek your own blessings.

Their old Zheng family has no grudges from urban and rural people~www.novelhall.com~ After all, Zheng Jianguo was a rural person from the beginning, and Zhong Huixiu didn\'t dislike it, so their family\'s genes did not have these things.

In fact, Zhong Huixiu also has her own set of selection criteria. Like Lin Meihua, Zhong Huixiu wants to be able to endure hardships, be willing to endure hardships, and have quick hands and feet.

For high-level intellectuals like Yan Qingqing, she is much more tolerant. She does not require her to be able to work more, but only requires that the family can live in harmony.

And this Yan Qingqing performed very well, anyway, there was basically no conflict between the mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law.

This also made Lin Meihua both envious and jealous, but she also admired her very much. She also liked Yan Qingqing, her sister-in-law. She was a nice person, could speak, and was a university teacher.

Zheng Shan watched the family begin to ask Zheng Kui\'s questions like an interrogation, and walked to the door silently, so he would not interfere.

The old fifth came out after listening to it for a while in the house, which surprised Zheng Shan. Why didn\'t this gossip king gossip today?

As if he understood Zheng Shan\'s eyes, the fifth elder said lazily, "It\'s boring, it\'s all trivial matters."