Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 431: flattered

In this era, medical resources are very scarce, and many of the diseases are not particularly serious. There is no way to get good treatment in the county, and there is no cure at all, which is directly terminal illness.

But in the capital, many diseases appear very simple.

However, the vast majority of families cannot afford the cost of treatment, or even the travel expenses.

This is the case with the Yuan family. If Zheng Kui hadn\'t forcibly brought them here, they probably wouldn\'t have come to the capital for treatment.

Even Yuan Xiaohua gave up when she heard from the doctor that there might be hope in the capital. It wasn\'t that she didn\'t love her mother, but that there was nothing she could do at home.

After Yuan Xiaohua was excited, she thought about money, and asked nervously, "Doctor, how much will the treatment cost?"

The doctor looked at Zheng Shan, and Zheng Shan said with a smile: "This time, the hospital has reduced the aunt\'s expenses, so you don\'t have to worry about it."

The doctor didn\'t say much after hearing the words. Although he didn\'t know who Zheng Shan was, the person who could be received by the dean in person was definitely not bad for this amount of money.

Zheng Shan glanced at the fourth child who was a little frizzy at the moment, and then continued to explain with a smile: "The hospital has some reductions and exemptions every year, just to reduce the burden of some poor families, your family is just right."

"Thank you, thank you." Yuan\'s father and Yuan\'s mother burst into tears when she heard this. Of course, it is best not to spend money.

Of course, they also understand very well that even if it is reduced, it must be because Zheng Shan has found a relationship, otherwise who knows them.

Zheng Shan quickly waved his hand and said, "You don\'t need to thank me, these are what I should do. By the way, uncles and aunts, and Xiaohua, do you have any taboos? I ordered some dishes to deliver."

"After all, my aunt\'s health is inconvenient. I can only take care of it here today. When my aunt is discharged from the hospital, I will make it up again for my uncle and aunt."

Listening to Zheng Shan\'s polite words, Yuan\'s father and Yuan\'s mother felt a little flattered, and said quickly, "No, no, we brought some food here."

"That won\'t work, uncles and aunts, it\'s the first time for you to come to the capital. Why should I wait for our fourth child to entertain you, and thank you for taking care of our fourth child for so long," Zheng Shan said.

After Zheng Shan finished speaking, he took the fourth child and went out, "Uncle and auntie, let\'s leave for a while, you can rest for a while, and when the dishes are ready, we will bring them directly."

Before Dad Yuan and the others refused, Zheng Shan forced the fourth child to leave.

Seeing how reluctant the fourth child was, Zheng Shan gave him an angry look, "Promising, can you not be so shameful?"

"Why am I ashamed." The fourth man muttered.

Zheng Shan sneered: "You almost put your eyeballs on someone else\'s girl, and you can\'t stand it if you leave for such a short time?"

"No way." The fourth child was a little shy.

Zheng Shan sighed helplessly, first came to the nearest Mingfeng Building with the fourth child, and ordered some dishes here, but he asked about the fourth child\'s specific situation.

Zheng Kui didn\'t hide it, and told everything.

"So you still fell in love at first sight?" Zheng Shan said with some humor.

The fourth scratched his hair and said, "Forget it, anyway, when I first saw Xiaohua, it was like I recognized her, and I couldn\'t tell how I felt."

After finishing speaking, the fourth child asked nervously, "Brother, how do you feel about Xiao Hua?"

Zheng Shan looked at him and said, "What do I feel? This is your own wife, as long as you like it."

Looking at Zheng Kui\'s eyes full of disbelief, Zheng Shan felt helpless, "Okay, I feel very good for the time being, at least I have filial piety."

"So you agree?" Zheng Kui said excitedly.

Zheng Shandao: "Well, I have no opinion, but you still have to ask your parents for their opinion."

"I\'ll talk to my parents." Zheng Kui became more and more excited.

In fact, what he is most worried about is Zheng Shan. Now, although Zheng Jianguo is still in charge of the old Zheng family, in fact, Zheng Kui understands that it is his elder brother who can really make the decision.

Zheng Kui also has no rebellious mentality, because he is very clear that what Zheng Shan does is for his own good.

Facts have proved the same, and Lin Xinxin\'s incident has also completely proved this, and Zheng Shan\'s vision is much, much better than his.

"Don\'t be too happy, you are willing, will the girl be willing?" Zheng Shan couldn\'t help but hit.

Originally, he just said this casually, but Zheng Kui was really a little nervous.

Seeing this, Zheng Shan couldn\'t help but help his forehead, this guy......

The food here was ready soon. Zheng Shan came to the hospital again with the food box. When he entered the ward, he saw Yuan Xiaohua kept packing things and cleaned the ward here again.

"Uncle and auntie, do you think these dishes suit your taste? I made another pot of old hen soup for me to cook, and it will be delivered in a few hours." Zheng Shan always had a smile on his face.

Father Yuan and Mother Yuan felt a little nervous when they saw such a sumptuous dish. They had never eaten so many dishes in their lives, such a good dish.

On the contrary, Yuan Xiaohui is very happy, as a child, he doesn\'t think so much.

At the dinner table, Zheng Shan took the initiative to stir up the topic, saying that some parents were short-sighted, so that Dad Yuan and the others were less stressed.

Slowly, Dad Yuan and the others felt more and more that Zheng Shan was a good person, and his attitude also made them lose that sense of inferiority.

In fact, when they came, Dad Yuan and the others had already made up their minds. It would be a big deal if they were wronged, even if they were laughed at by Zheng Kui\'s family or looked down upon.

As long as my daughter likes it~www.novelhall.com~ As long as Zheng Kui can love her daughter, what is this grievance?

After all, when they go to the county, they are sometimes despised and ridiculed by the people in the city, not to mention this is the capital, and after hearing what Zheng Kui said, their old Zheng family is not an ordinary family.

Especially the third brother in Zheng Kui\'s mouth, that is, Zheng Shan in front of him, Zheng Kui said a lot along the way, and they could hear that Zheng Kui admired his third brother very much.

They still came back from abroad, and Zheng Kui said that they were still in the United States, which made them even more stressed.

But Dad Yuan and the others never expected Zheng Shan\'s attitude to be so good. It made them feel like they were dreaming, and they felt flattered.

Not only did they not laugh at them and look down on them, they were even very respectful, and they really treated them like their elders.

At this moment, they had a good impression of the old Zheng family.

And these are also what Zheng Shan needs. Isn\'t that what his purpose is? Since his fourth child has a crush on other people\'s daughters, shouldn\'t he make a good impression on behalf of Lao Zheng\'s family.