Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 433: too expensive!

Hearing the dissatisfied words of the fifth child, Zheng Shan patted her head amusedly, "Go back to sleep, we have to go to school tomorrow morning."

The old fifth shook off his big hand dissatisfied, and then asked curiously, "Brother, how is my little sister-in-law?"

"How should I put it, it\'s not bad, you should be able to get along happily in the future." Zheng Shan thought for a while and said.

"But if you don\'t get along well," the old fifth said.

Zheng Shan looked at her with a smile, "If it\'s bad, get along less. When the fourth child gets married, he will move out."

"Hey, it would be nice if it was easy to get along with sister-in-law Qingqing." The fifth sighed like a little adult.

Zheng Shan laughed and said, "Your sister-in-law is no longer here, so don\'t flatter me."

"I came from the bottom of my heart."


It was almost eleven o\'clock in the evening when Yan Qingqing returned to the bedroom.

"You guys are really good, such a little thing has been discussed for so long." Zheng Shan said speechlessly.

Yan Qingqing said, "We are kind enough to help you out. It\'s not like you. As a brother, I don\'t care at all."

"Hehe, you are just satisfying your curiosity, don\'t say it so nicely." Zheng Shan complained.

Yan Qingqing glared at him, packed her things and went to take a bath. The others are staying on Zhengshan\'s side tonight, so it\'s better to have as many rooms as possible.

For the next few days, Zheng Shan would basically go over to chat with Yuan\'s father and Yuan\'s mother, but he did not continue to talk about the fourth and Yuan Xiaohua.

Now Yuan Ma is still ill, no matter how anxious she is, she needs to wait until she is cured.

"Dashan, you tell them not to send these supplements, it\'s too expensive." Yuan Ma couldn\'t help saying that day.

Basically every day these days people come over to deliver some supplements, like hen soup or something.

One time, Yuan Ma also saw ginseng chicken soup. When she knew it, she didn\'t dare to say anything. She felt that she was wasting her drinking.

These were all sent by Zheng Shan\'s orders.

That time, Yuan Ma asked about the price, and the person who came to deliver the food said it casually, and Yuan Ma was so frightened on the spot that she shivered.

Just this pot of ginseng chicken soup, the price is more than three hundred.

Thinking about what they have eaten and drank these days, the money makes them a little scared. They can\'t wait to spit out these things, it is too expensive!

Although Zheng Kui said it before and met Zheng Shan, but after all, there is no real concept.

It\'s like a house. They don\'t know how much the house is worth, but they know it must be worth more than the one in their county.

But no matter what, a house is a house, and most people don\'t have too many concepts these days.

And when the price of what they ate is calculated, they have a real concept. A pot of chicken soup is more than 300. Although there is ginseng in it, it is still an astronomical sum for the Yuan family.

Their family can\'t earn more than 300 yuan a year.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "Is Auntie not used to drinking it? Or should I let them replace it with something else?"

"No, no, it\'s a pity for me to drink these things." Yuan Ma said quickly.

Zheng Shandao: "It\'s all a small amount of money, you don\'t need to care about it, as long as your aunt\'s health is better, that\'s more important than anything else."

What Zheng Shan said was nice, but Yuan Ma still smiled bitterly and said, "But I feel that my old life is not worth the money."

"Dashan, we know your kindness, but there\'s really no need to waste the money." Dad Yuan couldn\'t help but say.

Zheng Shan pointed to Zheng Kui behind him, and said with a smile: "This was not prepared by me, but prepared by the fourth of our family, and it was all his money that was spent.

Don\'t be polite to him, the two of you. He is a rich man. This amount of money is nothing, and this is what he should honor you. "

These words made Yuan\'s father and Yuan\'s mother do not know what to say. You must know that Yuan Xiaohua and Zheng Kui are not married yet.

It\'s even just opened up just now.

Zheng Kui also said quickly: "Yes, Auntie, your health is important, these are small things, don\'t take them to heart."

Yuan Xiaohua hesitated, but in the end she didn\'t say anything.

With her own mother on the one hand, and Zheng Kui spending so much money on the other, she was also a little embarrassed. Of course, she wanted her mother\'s body to get better soon.

But the money is too much.

Zheng Shan comforted him, and then said, "I\'m going to have an operation soon, how are you feeling, auntie?"

"I don\'t feel much, my body feels much better now, why don\'t we stop the operation?" Yuan Ma said.

She still has a trace of fear about surgery.

Zheng Shan said: "Auntie, let\'s do it. The doctor said that after the operation, you will get better soon, and this will cure your condition."

Yuan Xiaohua also persuaded: "Mom, don\'t worry, the doctor said it\'s fine."

Listening to the persuasion, Yuan Ma slowly let go of some nervousness, but when she entered the operating room, she still couldn\'t help but talk a lot to Yuan Xiaohua, and she felt a little bit about the funeral.

On this day, Zheng Jianguo and Zhong Huixiu also came over. It was fine that they hadn\'t come to have a look before. But today, Yuan Ma had to come over for an operation. At the same time, they couldn\'t help but want to see Yuan Xiaohua in the end. How about it.

The ward suddenly became lively, and Zheng Kui\'s nervous face couldn\'t say anything.

Not only was he nervous, everyone in the Yuan family was nervous, only Yuan Xiaohui looked confused.

Fortunately, Zheng Shan helped to talk back and forth in the middle, which made the atmosphere a little better.

"Sister, don\'t be nervous, this operation will definitely be a success, and we\'ll celebrate when you get better." Zhong Huixiu had a good attitude.

Although I look at Yuan Xiaohua from time to time, most of my eyes are on Yuan Ma, comforting this person who may be the future mother.

Even though Yuan Xiaohua was nervous~www.novelhall.com~, Zhong Huixiu was very satisfied with her performance, especially since they came over, Yuan Xiaohua didn\'t stop at all, helping to bring tea and water, running back and forth.

"Thank you, thank you, this time we really bothered your family too much." Yuan Ma said with shame.

Zhong Huixiu said with a smile: "No trouble, no trouble. From now on, we are a family, and these are all things that should be done."

Her words were more direct. In fact, Zhong Huixiu had always been anxious, and the fourth child had never been looking for a partner. The matter of Lin Xinxin before had made Zhong Huixiu a little worried.

Now the fourth one has taken a fancy to one, and it looks pretty good, looks okay, and looks more diligent, so Zhong Huixiu thought that it would be better to settle down early.

After chatting for a while, the doctor came over to chase the person, and immediately sent Ma Yuan into the operating room.

Zheng Jianguo and Zhong Huixiu had been waiting here. At this time, Zhong Huixiu finally had time to have a good chat with Yuan Xiaohua.

Yuan Xiaohua was a little absent-minded at this time, but Zhong Huixiu was not angry at all, after all, her own mother was still in the operating room.