Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 430: Meet

Zheng Kui told everything about his family, and the four members of the Yuan family were a little complicated.

Yuan Xiaohua didn\'t need to say more, her mood became more and more nervous.

At night, because Yuan Ma was too weak, Zheng Kui found a hotel to rest first.

When everything was done, he called back.

"Why are you calling so late?" Zheng Shan was a little angry when his mother was dragged from the bed.

Of course, it was mainly because my mother said that Zheng Kui was fine, just looking for him to do something.

"Brother, I have something to ask you to do for me." Zheng Kui was also a little guilty.

Zheng Shan said angrily: "What must be said now, can\'t it be tomorrow?"

"I\'m a little anxious, I may not have time to call tomorrow." Zheng Kui said.

Zheng Shan rubbed his forehead, suppressing the anger that was a bit irritated when he got up.

"Okay, tell me, what\'s the matter." Zheng Shan sighed, who asked this to be his own younger brother.

"It\'s like this. A friend of mine\'s mother is sick. I\'m taking them to Beijing now. Can you help arrange a good doctor?" Zheng Kui said quickly.

Medical resources are scarce resources at any time, especially good medical resources.

Zheng Kui understood that he still had to rely on his elder brother Zheng Shan for things like this.

Zheng Shan asked casually, "What\'s the disease? What kind of doctor do you need? When will you come?"

This is completely trivial to him.

Zheng Kui told Yuan Ma\'s situation, Zheng Shan said he understood, and then he came to his senses.

"Is this friend of yours male or female?" He thought of a girl\'s voice when he was on a phone call.

Zheng Kui suddenly got stuck.

"Female?" Zheng Shan guessed.

Zheng Kui thought that he would see Zheng Shan tomorrow at most, and couldn\'t hide it, so he said, "It\'s a woman."

Zheng Shan listened to Zheng Kui without explaining, and suddenly laughed, "Do you like someone?"

Zheng Kui did not speak, but the meaning was already obvious.

"Where is the girl\'s son\'s family? How does he look? What is his personality?" Zheng Shan\'s question was like a barrage of cannons.

Zheng Kui said: "Her name is Yuan Xiaohua, she has a good personality, and she took me in as a homeless person before."

Zheng Shan suddenly became more interested, and asked several questions in a row, Zheng Kui was a little impatient to be asked, and some didn\'t know what to say.

"Brother, I have to drive tomorrow, won\'t you know when you see it?" Zheng Kui said helplessly.

"Okay, okay, go to sleep, and drive slowly on the road." Zheng Shan said.

When he hung up the phone, he saw his mother looking at him with bright eyes, which startled him.

"Mom, why haven\'t you gone back to sleep yet?" Zheng Shan said with a sigh of relief.

Zhong Huixiu hummed: "The fourth brother still called back so late, don\'t you know if I dare to sleep?"

"Listen to what you said just now, the fourth child has found a target?"

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "Yes, it seems that the fourth child really likes this girl."

"Come over tomorrow?"

"Uh... But come on, it was the daughter\'s mother who was sick, and the fourth brought the capital to see a doctor." Zheng Shan said.

Zhong Huixiu didn\'t seem to hear, "I\'ll pack up tomorrow, make something delicious, and treat it."

"Mom, don\'t worry, why don\'t you wait until they are discharged from the hospital?" Zheng Shan was amused when he saw his mother\'s anxious appearance.

Zhong Huixiu said hesitantly, "Yes, it doesn\'t seem very good to be too rushed."

Zheng Shan looked at his mother like this, pushed her back to the room, and let her tangle herself. Zheng Shan still has to sleep.

"What\'s wrong?" Yan Qingqing asked aloud.

Zheng Shandao: "Are you awake?"

"Well, what happened?" Yan Qingqing\'s voice was still a little confused.

Zheng Shandao: "It\'s okay, the fourth is coming back, you go to sleep first."

"Oh." Yan Qingqing was also too sleepy, so she fell asleep again without asking more.


Early the next morning, Zheng Shan began to arrange the hospital\'s affairs, and arranged the doctor and the ward.

When the fourth child comes over, the examination and treatment can be arranged immediately.

Zheng Shan didn\'t leave either, and kept waiting at the hospital. It was almost four o\'clock in the afternoon when he saw a familiar car approaching.

Zheng Shan dropped the cigarette **** in his hand, walked over, and soon saw Zheng Kui getting out of the car.

After Zheng Kui got out of the car, he didn\'t greet Zheng Shan in a hurry, but came to the back to open the door for Yuan\'s father and Yuan\'s mother, very attentive.

"Hello, uncles and aunts, I\'m Zheng Kui\'s brother, my name is Zheng Shan, you can just call me Dashan." Zheng Shan rubbed his face before walking forward with a smile on his face.

When they heard Zheng Shan\'s self-introduction, the Yuan family was a little nervous.

Compared with Zheng Kui, Zheng Shan looks like a city person, with very fair skin, and with decent clothes, he also has a temperament of his own.

"You... hello, I... I\'m really bothering you this time." Father Yuan was not very good at speaking.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "Where is this, you took care of our family Zheng Kui for so long, and I haven\'t thanked you yet."

After a few polite words with Yuan\'s father and Yuan\'s mother, Zheng Shan immediately looked at Yuan Xiaohua. At this moment, Yuan Xiaohua was very nervous, clutching the corner of her clothes tightly.

Zheng Shan could see her nervousness, so he just said a few words.

"Brother, hurry up and see the doctor. If you have anything to say, I\'ll talk about it later." Zheng Kui became anxious when he saw Yuan Xiaohua being so nervous.

Zheng Shan rolled his eyes at him, but still said, "Everything is ready, let\'s go first."

As he spoke, he led them into the hospital and went directly to a single ward. Looking at the beds and rooms here, the Yuan family was stunned.

Is this the ward? They don\'t have such a good ward in the county.

"Auntie, take a rest first, I\'ll call the doctor now." Zheng Shan said with a smile.

"Ma... trouble." Yuan Ma said uncomfortably.

Just living in the ward that others helped to get, UU reading www.uukanshu. com She felt the gap between the families of both sides, as well as waves of pressure.

Fortunately, with Zheng Kui talking non-stop by his side, it is difficult for Zheng Kui. After so many years, perhaps this is the first time he has tried so hard to talk like this.

It didn\'t take long for Zheng Shan to bring the doctor over. The doctor looked at it first, and then asked Yuan Ma to take a few pictures.

It was not until more than seven o\'clock that the inspection here was over.

At this time, the Yuan family were all standing there stupidly, and they had never even heard of these things.

"The body is weak all the year round, and it is still old. It needs to have an operation first, and then rest for a long time." The doctor finally came to a conclusion.

"So it can be cured?" Yuan Xiaohua suddenly became excited.

The doctor said: "It can be cured. In the future, you only need to stop doing heavy work and take care of your body."

"Thank you doctor, thank you doctor." Yuan Xiaohua almost knelt down to the doctor, she didn\'t expect to come to the capital, she really had hope of survival.