Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 429: back to Beijing

"Dakui, is this your car?"

"Impossible, did you steal it from?"

"There aren\'t many of these cars in our county, right?"

"There are a dozen or so cars in our county, and none of them are as good-looking, so it\'s definitely not cheap."

The onlookers asked chatteringly, and everyone was a little confused by the sudden news.

Zheng Kui listened to everyone\'s discussion and Yuan Xiaohua\'s unfamiliar eyes, and said anxiously, "Xiaohua, listen to me explain to you."

"Okay, say it, I\'ll listen." Yuan Xiaohua said with a cold face.

Zheng Kui said with a bitter face, "I\'m not actually a homeless person. I just came out this time to relax. My family lives in the capital."

"That\'s all?" Yuan Xiaohua waited for a while, and when she saw that Zheng Kui didn\'t speak, she asked with her eyes wide open.

Zheng Kui scratched his head and said, "By the way, my parents are here, and I have two older brothers, one older sister and one younger sister."

"So you lied to me before? Why did you do this? Ah, is it fun to lie to us poor families? Isn\'t there a sense of achievement?" Yuan Xiaohua didn\'t know why she was so angry, but she felt that she was being Zheng Kui cheated very hard.

Zheng Kui lowered his head and stopped talking, but someone on the side could see it clearly, "Xiaohua, isn\'t it obvious, people must have taken a fancy to you, or else you will not enjoy the life in the city, come to our country to suffer What is this crime for?"

After this person\'s reminder, the others also reacted, as if it were indeed the case.

Yuan Xiaohua blushed all of a sudden, "Auntie, what are you talking about, I... How could a country girl like me be worthy of someone from the city."

"Our family doesn\'t choose this." Zheng Kui blurted out, this was an admission in disguise, which made Yuan Xiaohua\'s face even redder.

Yuan Xiaohua glared at Zheng Kui fiercely, and saw Zheng Kui standing there with a smirk.

"Oh, what a good thing this is. The Dakui family belongs to the capital, and it looks like they must be rich. Otherwise, why would there be a car."

"Yes, Xiaohua, this is your blessing."

Yuan Xiaohua was annoyed when she heard the words: "I don\'t want this blessing."

"Look, this kid is talking mad."

"My uncle, you persuade Xiaohua, what a good thing this is."

"Yeah, Dakui, Xiaohua is just shy, don\'t listen to her nonsense."


Zheng Kui looked at Yuan Xiaohua with a blushing face, and was stunned for a while, but at this moment, Yuan Ma suddenly said, "Dakui, do you really like our Xiaohua?"

Zheng Kui woke up like a dream, a little embarrassed, but he nodded firmly and said, "Well, Auntie, I really like Xiaohua."

"Xiaohua, do you like Dakui or not? I think Dakui is a good boy. He is very honest and treats you well." Yuan Ma had no other idea, but wanted to find a good home for her daughter.

Although she didn\'t get along much with Zheng Kui, she could also see that Zheng Kui was essentially a very simple and honest person.

If Yuan Xiaohua really married Zheng Kui, although she might be a little further away from home in the future, it would still be a very good choice.

"Mom~" Yuan Xiaohua was a little ashamed.

Zheng Kui looked at Yuan Xiaohua a little shy, and quickly said, "Auntie, we\'re not in a hurry, I\'d better take you to the capital first, and take a look at the capital."

"I don\'t care. I know my body, so I won\'t waste that money." Yuan Ma shook her head.

She doesn\'t want to be cured, not only because of family reasons, but also because she doesn\'t want to burden her daughter.

If her daughter hasn\'t married into the Zheng family, their family will spend so much money on Zheng Kui. She is afraid that Zheng Kui\'s family will have opinions, and she is even more afraid that her daughter will be bullied because of it in the future.

Zheng Kui said quickly: "It doesn\'t cost much, Auntie, you can go. If you don\'t go, Xiaohua will definitely blame me in the future."

Yuan Xiaohua also hesitated at this time, but before she could understand, the people around her began to persuade her.

For many things, the words of people around you can play a big role. For example, this time, Yuan Ma was originally determined to not want to be treated, but she was persuaded by people around her, coupled with Yuan Xiaohua and Yuan Xiaohui\'s eyes, she suddenly loosened up. .

"His aunt, think about it, how old is Xiaohui now, are you really cruel to let him lose his mother at such a young age?"

"Yeah, don\'t think about yourself, but also think about Xiaohui, how old is he."

The persuasion of a group of people made Yuan Ma hesitate.

"Auntie, listen to me. No matter what, you should go to the capital to see it. Anyway, I have a car, so it is convenient to go back and forth." At this time, Zheng Kui finally had a manly spirit.

Then, without waiting for Yuan Ma to react, she went over to pick up Yuan Ma and walked towards the car without anyone else stopping her.

"Xiaohua, pack your things, we\'ll go right away."

Looking at Zheng Kui\'s attitude as a host, Yuan Xiaohua was a little lost for a while, but a sense of security surged in his heart.

In the end, Dad Yuan just sighed and didn\'t speak, he didn\'t know what to say.

Zheng Kui brought the Yuan family with him, and even Yuan Xiaohui didn\'t leave. Fortunately, the car was not small and could seat so many people.

When Zheng Kui drove away, the village became more lively, and everyone was discussing this matter.


Zheng Kui\'s palms were sweating, and Yuan Xiaohua, who was sitting beside him, looked a little wrong.

Fortunately, Yuan Ma got rid of the siege. Now that she is in the car, she will not think about anything else.

"Dakui, tell me about your family\'s situation." Yuan Ma said.

Zheng Kui breathed a sigh of relief and began to talk about the situation of the old Zheng family.

"My family is actually quite simple. Our family used to be poor. Although we lived in the capital, we had many children and only my father was a worker, so life was difficult."

"But when my third brother comes back from the United States~www.novelhall.com~ our family\'s life will get better, and now I also rely on my brother\'s help, I open a car repair shop by myself, not a lot of a month earn."

"My two brothers are married, and my sister is also married."

After listening to Zheng Kui\'s detailed description, the Yuan family also gained some understanding of the situation of Zheng Kui\'s family. While relieved, they were also a little nervous.

I was relieved because listening to Zheng Kui\'s description, their family had just developed, and it was not a cadre family.

Nervousness is even simpler. It has been there since the beginning. No matter what, Zheng Kui is also a city person, not to mention now that he is developed, he just doesn\'t know if he can look down on their little flowers.

Not only are they nervous, Yuan Xiaohua is equally nervous.

Zheng Kui saw it, and said quickly: "Actually, our family is very talkative, so is my brother. As long as I like it, our family doesn\'t care about it."

He said this with a little guilty conscience. After all, Lin Xinxin\'s example is still ahead, but Zheng Shan has told him more than once that as long as his character is good, the rest doesn\'t matter.